Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Lag BaOmer May 26 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 80° Partly cloudy. A stray afternoon thunderstorm is possible. 

- Outrage against Israeli police after viral video of older yid with white beard is thrown to the ground on his face in Miron. Frum journalists and MK Porush issued statements calling for a inquiry and calling out Ben gevir for allowing the brutality against charedim.
Ben Gevir released a statement condemning the police brutally against harmless elderly women and children and called for a full investigation 

- Thousands headed to Deans,NJ Floral Park cemetery onag Baomer to daven at the kever of previous Bobover Rebbe Reb Naftoli Halberstam, who said “Rabi Shimon ben Yochai will be by me on Lag BaOmer”. There's tents with food for all those coming.

- Adirei Hatorah Tickets go on sale Here prices go up from previous years.  A standard ticket is $360, a subsidized ticket is $150 and discounted ticket for Adireinu members at $100 (Adirienu/Adirei member is entitled to one discounted ticket) there will be discounted busing for $36.
The event will take place in Wells Fargo, organizers are working on a eaelierand shorter program which will include less speeches.

- List of Hadlokas Lag Baomer day Lakewood area

-Bais medrash Erech Shai 1st & Madison 6:30
- Minyan Shelanu  at Blueclaws stadium 5:30pm
Royal Grove Jackson 5:00pm
Mordys Shtiebel  15 Delaware trail Lakewood 5:30 pm Siyum with Rav Yeruchom Olshin
- Ziditchov 1385 Vicenzo Toms River 1pm
1180 Church st Toms River 1:30pm
- Khal S Whitseville  162 Steven's Toms River 4:30
- Shedlitz  1151 Somerset Ave Lakewood 6pm
- B"M Shvilei Dovid Broadway Oak N Vine 6pm
- Breslov  944 E. County Line 7pm
- Arlington shul Lakewood 5:30 
-  Seret Vizhnitz  284 Chestnut Lakewood 7pm
See more at LakewoodLuach

- Thousands participated last night at the Hadlaka of the Skulener rebbe in Lakewood at Kikar Shabbos square. Probably the largest lag Baomer hadlaka held in Lakewood.  Over 10,000 came throughout the night. The rebbe spoke to be mechazek in yiddishkeit, to stay away from the technology devices and for the moshim to keep the tznius standards of the previous generation. He concluded by asking everyone to daven for the Skulen rebbe of BP and Kossover rebbe that all cholim in general,everyone should have parnassah and find Zivugim.

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah
Shinny ct and New Central Ave 2pm

- Hanochas even hapina for Khal Puriz on Toms River today 3pm Church rd corner St Regis 

- Robo call to Lakewood area in the name of Roshei yeshiva and Rabbonim about not attending Chabad event in Pine Park

- Chai Rotel Mashka and hit kugel at Satmar BM in Lakewood on Forest ave all day

- Lag Baomer party at Evergreen sunday 12-4 pm
-Free hot dogs and Ice cream giveaway at Gourmet Glatt Madison Lag Baomer day 2-6 

- Nostalgia ofering 50% off on Pastrami sandwiches starting today

- There will be buses from Lakewood going to Monroe today Lag baomer  for the grand Hadlaka by the Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron expected to draw over 50,000. There will be a separate mens bus and  ladies bus leaving from the Satmar shul on E Kennedy Blvd at 4:45 pm returning at 10:30 round trip $55

Skulen video courtesy of Belaaz

Photos: Chai Rottel At Satmar Lakewood 


  1. Satmar, hot pickles, hot soft drinks, go great on a hot day

  2. At a time when all of klal yisroel needs a tremendous yeshuah and rachmei shomayim. Lakewood decide (if true) to alienate another group of Yiden. Right now we should be buachdus against the Antisemitic hatred against all of us, no difference who we are as a group.

    1. People who care about achdus don't go making events where they are unwanted. I NEVER say anything against any other frum groups but if my children wanted to go to an event made by a cpntroverail frum group coming from OOT to make it, that group would be putting me in the position of having to do so

    2. That is NOT Achdus when people come into your city and try to snatch your children away from how you raised them. This is about a sakama ruchniyis to our children and we must stand up and call it out. This is how chabad operate by pretending to have an innocent event hiding behind it in a attempt to lure innocent children and then work on indoctrination them into their cult and beliefs. Chabad believes you are either with them or they will get you to join them. Their biggest prize is by converting someone be it a litvak or a chosid from another sect.
      The Lakewood roshei yeshiva have already spoken out against these deceptive ways of snatching our youth.
      Lubavitch, Stay away from us and our cbildren

    3. You need serious help. Please reach out to Chemed. You can relax as Chabad will not be snatching any children away. They will get a big prize from HKBH for being misamaach ( try to find out what that is) klal yisroel.

    4. Chabad will not be snatching any children away. They try to lure and groom them slowly.

    5. You are actually Very naive Not just from understanding their philosophy but historically they consider you and me or anyone not like them as being substandard jews and of need of help. They are trying to save your soul!

    6. There is no need to insult Chabad. They do more for yidiskeit around the world than any other frum group. If you don’t like their events, just ignore them and don’t go.

    7. There is a major need to insult Chabad. They do more to promote a mosiach sheker around the world than any other frum group. Even so, If they would stay in their own place I would just ignore them .

  3. A Special La"g Ba'Omer Shiur about the Restructuring of Torah by R' Shimon Bar Yochai given by Rav Michoel Sorotzkin

  4. Boruch Hashem!
    There is lots of traffic on County Line Road, with hundreds of cars celebrating with Rabbi Shimon in Pine Park.

    אימתי קאתי מר? לכשיפוצו מעיונתיך חוצה

  5. Please don't make a promotion and run out an hour before the promo is supposed to end. It is not fair - forcing parents to go and purchase a treat for their disappointed kids! It is not the first time you ran out way before the promotion was supposed to end! At the very least offer a discount or a substitute etc. Misleading people is Gneiva.

  6. If you lived in eq veld you would appreciate anything Lubavitch .
    I'm not a Lubavitcher , just a 62 year old man with a lot of life experiences. I'm flabbergasted to read your comment about acheinu bnei yisroel.

    1. Very well. Let them continue doing whatever you appreciate them doing eq veld. No one needs them in Lakewood. There are very few frum groups who proselytize to other frum groups and none as aggressively as Lubavitch. But every single group that does proselytize to other frum groups is very controversial. Not only because they proselytize but for other reasons as well.

  7. I have a phone number that used to be based in B.P., so it gets robocalls targeting the area even though I am not there now. I got two very strong robocalls in Yiddish at it last week against the Lubavitch Sunday Lag Baomer event there on 13th ave., calling the Lubavitchers missionaries, Tzionim, with a Moshiach sheker, etc., warning people that it is not a neutral innocent event, and that beshum oifen, people should not let their kids go to it. In past years such calls have gone out as well. The point is that the recognition of the agenda of Lubavitch and opposition to it, even when it is presented in a way that may seem innocent to some, is known to mevinim, who take measures to warn and protect against it, even beyond the Lkwd area.

    1. Also the rhyming חב"ד-שמד.

  8. Lubavitch had their main parade in Crown Heights Sunday morning, photos can be seen online. A big float with Yechi adoneinu...was part of it. So don't delude yourself that that issue is gone either.

  9. I would guess that people that go to such Chabbad events are usually looking for some free entertainment for their kids who are off from school. But Chabbad uses them to spread their propaganda, playing video of their late Rebbeh, etc.

  10. Some of us keep our conversations with them brief even in eq veld

  11. After the recent elections we learned that the views / comments on this site are not popular so no need to worry 99 percent of people do not contain this hatered towards Lubavitch.

  12. We the vanguard for all these topics will keep on treading fwd ahead, till the heimishe masses who generally "can be counted on to do the right thing after they exhausted all other possibilities" will come join us aboard
