Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sunday May 12 News Updates Lakewood

-Weather: 54° Overcast with rain showers at times. High 54F Chance of rain 60%.

BD"E: Reb Zalman Yutkin zatzal was niftar on Friday. He was 99 and lived in Crown Heights for the last few years. He would come collecting for the Mosdos in Kiryat Malachi. He was moser nefesh for Yiddishkeit under the communists.
zechuso yagen aleinu COL

-  Girls high school acceptance letters arrived over shabbos in 1st round. There's still 200 girls waiting to hear back. Schools gave parents until the 15th to respond.

- Moving sale at Toys for Thought 30% off all items in store this whole week. Located at 3rd st and Clifton Ave in Lakewood 

- Hakomas Matzeiva for Rav Yisroel Moshe Fried ZTL Maras Dasra Khal Neishtat Lakewood today at the Vizhnitz Bais Hachaim in Monsey 1:30pm

- New take out coming at the former Falafel & Chipsl at 5th st and Clifton Ave in Lakewood Stage Coach Bistro.

- Melava Malka took place last night for Adirei Hatorah for Lakewood area rabbonim and roshei chabura at BMG Ateres Eather hall ahead of the event on June 16.

- Job fair in Lakewood today at Eagle Ridge by Candibots ladies 12-3 men 3-6

- Zichron Esther Shaindel annual Chometz  sale today at Shagas Aryeh hall from 2:30pm - 7:30pm one flat rate per oversized bag. 975 Cross st Lakewood 

Yeshiva Bais Meir Rabbi Shlomo Friedmans yeshiva moving in to new building for summer zman corner Hope and Miller

- Parental alienation cases are unfortunately common in the frum community. They are heart breaking, both to the children and to the alienated parent. Courts are often slow to take action, and Bais Din is often slower - if at all. 
In an extremely positive development, the New Jersey Appellate Division just took drastic action in a case of parental alienation, giving dad sole legal and residential custody and limiting mom to alternate weekends. Faanews 

- Several local restaurants adverting mothers  day specials today



    1. Love that comic relief! We need these kinds of jokes at this serious time. Bring us more.


    Special Feature Shiur for the new zman by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin about: "Names in Tanach- Yehoshua bin Nun or Yehoshua bin Non, Bat-Sheva ( 2 words) or Batsheva" ( one word)?

    The shiur is based on the gvaldike maa'se of the Vilna Gaon and Reb Chaim Voloz'iner.

    1. You should really be paying for advertising. This is not news! Or the innocent comment.....

  3. BD"E
    Reb Zalman Yutkin zatzal was niftar on Friday. He was 99 and lived in Crown Heights for the last few years.
    He would come collecting for the Mosdos in Kiryat Malachi. He was moser nefesh for Yiddishkeit under the communists.
    zechuso yagen aleinu

    1. Zechuso yagen aleichem

    2. Why do we care about Lubavitchers?

      Oh, he was born into a Yekkishe family, so it is ok.

  4. Where is toys for thought moving to?

  5. Organization and control only serve the powerful so they can coordinate between themselves it just makes a united front against us the simple people. If every school would be in the dark on what the other school had up its sleeve They would need to accept a lot more people faster. It was a tremendous mistake to bring them all together and demand that they work together. This concept is not new, It It is the reason why cartels and trusts are anti-competitive and illegal, And it is why Central planning soviet style,failed.

  6. i have less of a problem with stores advertising Mother Days specials than Super bowl parties.
