Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Video: Toys For Thought

Video: Discussing why Toys for Thought is moving out of Lakewood downtown.
Entire store is 30 percent off all week
Come early for best selection. 
310 3rd street 11 am to 6pm
Fri. 10 am to 2 pm

Additional Video on local politics


  1. Sour grapes? Do you enjoy living in a small town with people urinating in public, doing drug deals etc? Are you that apathetic? Just unbelievable how we don’t/won’t do what it takes to make Lakewood what it should be - clean, inviting, law abiding.

  2. Feel bad for u but years ago most businesses packed out as downtown morfed unti a little Mexico. No big secret here! Duh

  3. Herschel I respect you and agree it’s high time to apply term limits to Lkwd township the cronyism nepotism and under the table deal’s can make one puke with disgust but it seems you hold something personal against Avi schnall this shouldn’t be personal

  4. It went both ways,till the other guy won & mock
