Friday, May 10, 2024

Israel At War Friday May 10

 Israel at war day 217

- The Biden administration on Friday said it was reasonable to assess that Israel has used US-supplied weapons in instances that are "inconsistent" with its international humanitarian law obligations.*

-  The U.N. General Assembly just voted by a wide margin to grant new rights to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas and called on the Security Council to revive its membership bid. Israel, USA, Argentina, Papua, New guinea, Micronesia, Hungary, czheck republic, Nauru, Palau were the states that opposed the resolution. The resolution does not give them full UN membership, but recognises them as qualified to join and extends their rights and privileges.

-Shrapnel from an intercepted rocket falls on playground in Beer Sheva no injuries reported

- 4 more IDF soldiers killed in North Gaza Zeitoun area by a explosive device, bringing death toll to 271
Itay Livny, 19, from Ramat Hasharon.
Yosef Dassa, 19, from Kiryat Bialik.
Ermiyas Mekuriyaw, 19, from Beer Sheva
Daniel Levy, 19, from Kiryat Motzkin

- Sirens sounding in the south after Hamas launches rockets toward Beer Sheva

- Arab media reports of heavy fighting in Gaza with injuries to IDF soldiers

- Hamas claims the rescued an Israeli hostages from a suicide attempt 

- Security cabinet said to approve measured expansion of Rafah operations

- Israeli tanks advanced on a main road dividing the eastern and western halves of southern Gaza’s Rafah today, Reuters reports. The IDF had said that it captured part of the Salah a-Din road when it launched its operation on eastern Rafah late Monday

-Soldiers destroyed terror infrastructure and eliminated terrorists in areas of Gaza. In addition to the ground activities, the military stated fighter jets had struck terrorists and Hamas terror targets. Of particular note was a booby-trapped building in which many weapons. 

- US Secretary of State Antony Blinken is reportedly expected to submit a report to Congress as early as Friday on Israel’s conduct in Gaza that criticizes the IDF’s conduct but stops short of concluding it has violated international law,  the submission will include cases in which international humanitarian law was suspected of being broken, describing them using “very critical terms.”

- Twelve soldiers were wounded after being stung by wasps in the southern Gaza Strip earlier today. A tank had driven over a large wasp nest, leading the insects to sting the troops. One of the soldiers is listed in moderate condition, and the other 11 are lightly hurt, the IDF says. They were taken to a hospital in Israel for treatment.

- Police have dismantled an anti-Israel tent encampment at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and moved to clear protesters from the University of Pennsylvania’s campus in Philadelphia, just hours after police tear-gassed protesters and took down an encampment at the University of Arizona.

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