Monday, May 27, 2024

Monday May 27 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 75° Mostly cloudy this morning with thunderstorms developing this afternoon. A few storms may be severe. Chance of rain 70%.
There is a possible risk of severe weather today.

- Describing the images from Rafah as "devastating," New Jersey Senator Cory Booker is calling for an "immediate bilateral ceasefire that includes the immediate release of hostages" so there can be a "path to lasting and just peace."(Shlomo Schorr)

-Shloshim hespedim for Rav Yitzchock Notis ZtL R;M Telz Cleveland will take place today at Lutzk in the simcha hall 7:30 pm concluding with Maariv at 9 pm Divrei zikaron will be said by Rav Yiitzchock Sorotzkin shlita Rav Moshe Weinberger slita Rav Avrohom notis shlita 

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Nesanel Kasnett of Boro Park   רב נתנא-ל חונא בן ר' שמוא-ל משה הכהן ז"ל at the age of 78. He was an editor for the Artscroll Shas. The levaye will take place at Shomrei Hadas Chapel at 3803 - 14th Av. Brooklyn, NY, 11218 at 5:00 pm .Kevurah in Eretz Yisroel. See more

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Leah Reichman the almana of Torah philanthropist Reb Moshe Reichman Ztl of Toronto at the age of 86. She was an aishes chayil who stood by her husband  until his passing 10 years ago. T She's Survived by  a family of marbitzei Torah, her sons R' Berry and R' Yechezkel Shraga Reichman 
And daughters Miller,Hauer,Brachfeld. Kevura will be in Eretz Yisroel on Tuesday.

-Lakewood Twp.'s Memorial Day Parade today Monday, May 27⋅11:00am – 12:00pm at 
Lakewood Town Square

- Memorial Day is an American federal holiday that honors the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. giot offices and banks are closed today, Costco is closed, other stores have limited hours Aldi: Stores vary by location.'

- Traffic alert For those heading back from the Jersey Shore on Monday, the worst time to travel is between 3 and 7 p.m., the transportation research firm INRIX. The best time would be after 7 p.m.

- The 80-year-old man who was seen in a viral video beaten by Israeli police in Miron has been identified as Rabbi Avraham Kreuzer, a resident of Botei ungarin in Yerushalayim, in his first interview with bhol: he said "I will forgive the policeman if he repents does teshuva and does not repeat these things"

- Prime Minister Netanyahu: Last night I watched the difficult photos from Mount Meron that shocked us all. I expect the police to investigate the case to prevent unnecessary harm to civilians and call on all citizens of Israel to uphold the law and act according to the instructions of the security forces:

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Mordechai Brody ZTKL rosh yeshiva of Bais Eliyouhu in Elad at the age of 83 after he was injured in a car accident 2 weeks ago. He was married to the grandaughter of Rav Elya Lopian ztl. he was a talmid of Rav Sach ztl, He was marbitz Torah for over 50 years in Elad and prior to that he taught a Schneiders yeshiva in England. The levaya took place today in Bnei Brak

- Record amount of Lag Baomer events took place in the greater Lakewood area as many chasidishe courts have moved in and opened shuls

- A lawsuit against a Jackson daycare seeking to vacate an approval for a child care center on Bennetts Mills Road at Johnson Lane may continue, a judge has just ruled. faanews 

- Memorial day weekend in NJ: State of Emergency within the City of Wildwood has been rescinded. Through the enactment of a state of emergency during the early morning hours of May 27th, which included the closure of the boardwalk, the City of Wildwood was able to effectively address numerous incidents of civil unrest and ensure the safety and welfare of our residents and visitors. 

- Agra Dpirka memorial day learning program at Kol Chaim 618 Caranetta Lakewood from 10:30  am

- Adirei hatorah tickets go on sale  here 


  1. Why are they having another adirei hatorah event this year?

    1. Because every year they again need money. Crazy idea I know.

    2. Because people want to go, and support Torah.

  2. Aliyas in the 10 am Mordys shteibel minyan went for over $200

  3. ברוך דיין אמת
    It is with great sadness we inform of the peturoh of our Chaver רב נתנא-ל חונא בן ר' שמוא-ל משה הכהן ז"ל
    Rav Kasnett .
    The levaye will take place at Shomrei Hadas Chapel at 3803 - 14th Av. Brooklyn, NY, 11218 at 5:00 pm .
    Kevurah in Eretz Yisroel.

  4. People that could afford to daven at 10 am could afford such Aliy

  5. Why do the yungeleit need more and more money? They already get a nice kollel check, hud, wic, food stamps, Jersey care, free vacations, discounted clothing and food before yt etc. and they could tutor kids at night which pays very well. Most of my friends who are working live paycheck to paycheck and don’t get programs or any of these perks.

    1. Who mentioned more and more money? This is the 'nice Kollel check' that you kindly fargin them.

      Btw, you too could tutor kids. Or you could drive for Uber/Amazon/Walmart. You won't have any more time to whine on Hefkervelt.

    2. Your comment is in the category of what chazal say if someone that says מאי אהני לן רבנן

    3. I have an idea for you. Go sit & learn! Your whole excuse not to learn is for "parnassah"

    4. The same tipesh keeps on writing the same comment, trying to get a rise out of people. He looks to me like he doesn't work or learn.

  6. What world do you live in. In the last 10 years there have been very few Hud slots. The yungeleit that I know are living in total dachkus with their wife earning 40,000 plus 13,000 kollel check with most of that going to tuition. There is almost nothing left to pay for food ,utilities ,rent or mortgage or clothes. They go on no vacations. Somebody with 5 or 6 kids needs a house either to buy or to rent and that costs him at least 30 to 40,000 a year. So all the little perks don't add up to let him live normally unless his wife really is high up in the workforce and earning 6 figures plus

  7. Wow, yesterday I witnessed and saw proof of the concept of Reincarnation.On a day which is the epitome of Ahavas Yisroel,I saw and heard Senseless Hatred ,The senseless horrific Strife from R Akivas students has clearly been reincarnated in a select few in our little town.Do these folks absorb what they learn and pray for everyday?????

    1. anyone who can malign the great, holy talmidim of Rav Akiva obviously should not be lecturing others about senseless hatred or ahavas yisroel. halevai we should come close to their greatness.

  8. Instead of Bashing other Yidden,that your Holy children should stay away from ,Focus on the Massive Drug problem that can and will destroy the next generation. There are drugs on Every block in Lakewood. Our police are way to busy with a 100 plus accidents a week to be bothered with All the drug dealers in Town

    1. A spiritual danger masked as a family friendly event is much worse and we will scream loud warming everyone to stay far away from the messianic missionaries

  9. I can feel the Warmth (Not) from the Robocall and comments promoting HATE,what exactly are you teaching your children,To HATE another Yid cause they have a different DERECH

    1. Nobody hates Chabad, and the hisnagdus isn't for having a different derech.
      It's for trying to shlep others to their derech.
      By trying to shlep our children they are announcing that our derech is lacking, they are announcing their disrespect of everyone else, as though they are the only ones who have seen the truth, all others are less than.

      They pretend to have ahavas yisroel, but they don't really know what the concept is.

  10. 1)They need to collect money in order to pay the kollel pay check, not for more money.

    2) if you truly feel you or others can be better financially off by learning than working, then by all means join a kollel!

    1. I wouldn’t suggest someone join the kollel who doesn’t want to be there other than the money..
      it is questionable if it’s a good thing today that yungelite lack the mesiras nefesh that the yungelite had 30 years ago.

    2. Questionable?It is tragic.It calls this whole way of life into question

  11. I’m not in yeshiva so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please fill me in, where are there drugs on every block?

  12. Lubavitch today is not just another derech, R' Aaron held back then that their wine is yayen nesach, how much more do would he say so today!

  13. As per R Kalman Krohn, Rav Shach said Lubavitch should stay OUT of Lakewood

  14. There is a horrific (old) plague,that still to this day festers in Lakewood.Its worse than COVID. Its called Chabad Derangement syndrome,coupled with the HUGE Gaiivah of being the BIGGEST of the Big,I don' know if there is a cure and the Hate and Gaiivah will just gow worse

    1. You don't seem to understand the opposition to chabad. Maybe this site will help

  15. Yes we HATE those that curropt our Helege Torah

  16. There really is a Chabad Derangement Syndrome, suffered unfortunately by those infected by the virus of contemporary chabad. The fact that the rest of the world, (us "snags", to use the language of those famous ohavei Yisroel) sees them for what they are only serves to aggravate their symptoms, vd"l.

    1. Thumbs up.& their defenders.

    2. See here

  17. We need to vote for Albert Harshaw for US Senate!!
