Friday, May 31, 2024

Friday May 31 News Updates Lakewood

Friday, May 31, 2024 / כ״ג אייר תשפ״ד
ערב שבת פרשת בחקתי
Candle lighting 8:01pm
Shkiah/Sunset 8:19pm
Mevorchim chodesh Sivan
Rosh chodesh Sivan is Friday 
Weather: 78° Sunny to partly cloudy.
Shabbos day 85 and sunny 

- Shmuels Torah Sefer Torah campaign Lilly nishmas Hayeled shmuel Brog A"h Here

- Vizhnitz rebbe from Bnei Brak spending shabbos with supporters at a hotel in New Jersey

Biden: "It's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it is literally the cornerstone of America. Our justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It's as simple as that."

-Biden smiles when asked whether Trump is now a "political prisoner" in the United States.

- Donald Trump: "I'm the leading person for president and I am under a gag order by a man that can't put two sentences together given by a court and they are in total conjunction with the White House and the DOJ." 
"A lot of people have predicted it because the public understands what's going on.
Donald Trump vowed Friday to appeal his conviction on all counts in his New York City hush money trial. He denounced the guilty verdict as a "scam" and insisted that his team would appeal "on several things," including allegations that the court blocked the Trump camp's most crucial witnesses.

"We have a president and a group of fascists that don’t want to do anything about [illegal immigration]," he told the crowd of about 50 supporters at Trump Tower.

-Trump press conference today at 11am. Campaign raised $34.8 million in 24 hours

- Admor  Mvakshe Emunah will spend shabbos in Lakewood at the Oak and Vine neighborhood

- Updated: The Levaya of Hayeled Shmuel Z'L Ben Reb Avrohom  Brog shlita  will be at 1:45pm at the Lakewood bais olam off E 7th street opposite the shul.

-Putin says prosecution of Trump shows US political system is ‘rotten it shows the rottenness of the American political system, which cannot pretend to teach others democracy,”“Everything that is happening with Trump is the persecution of a political rival for political reasons. 

-  Lakewood Officials say the $2.5 million purchase of wells Fargo building and property will add 20 parking spaces to the parking l;ots extending from 5th street to Main street. as for the building app reports  The former Wells Fargo building could be torn down to allow for more parking or used as a township office or for a non-profit entity, officials said. “Town Hall is kind of crowded,” Coles said. “We could put a department over there or make it available through non-profit use.”

- R' Naftoli Kletzkin a mashpia ay Khal Ohr Shefa of jackson, is back home after the Israeli Police tried tried arrersting him on false charges as he left Miton after lag baomer .

- Bill Barr: “I read through the court records & there is no proof that Trump isn’t guilty!”

- Alan Dershowitz: “Don’t know what the impact will be on Trump. Don’t know what it’ll be on his electoral prospects, he’s probably not going to get jail time, and if he does, it would be stayed pending appeal.” doubts conviction will be overturned because judges are ‘terrified’ to help Trump
“This is still the weakest case I’ve ever seen in 60 years. The fact that the jury convicted based on false instructions, wrong instructions, based on the jurors having been between 85 and 90 percent picked from a veneer that hates Trump and doesn’t want him to be president, the fact that the jury convicted doesn’t make this case any stronger or any better,” Dershowitz said. “I was recently just 15 minutes ago on with The Times of London and they were saying, ‘Well, doesn’t the fact that the jury convicted prove it was a strong case?’ No, no! It proves that it was of a case that was brought in a jurisdiction where a conviction was almost assuredly guaranteed.”


  1. Early voting has begun! Vote for Republican Albert Harshaw for US Senate!!

  2. People believe what they want to believe

    Any other defendant would have been jailed for contempt of court, but Trump was let off easily.

    The whole idea of 'picked jurors' is absolute nonsense. If you don't want NY people deciding your fate, don't commit crimes in NY. The jury was picked by both sides, and the claims against them are ludicrous and undemocratic. If someone doesn't like the idea of jury trials, let them take it up with the Magna Carta. Trump is judged under the same rules as everyone else.

    1. Anon: 11:18
      While I don't necessarily disagree with the general idea of what you said; you wrote "If you don't want NY people deciding your fate, don't commit crimes in NY."
      Sorry to break it to you but the point of a jury is to decide whether or not a person committed the crime he was accused of. A person who has in fact NOT committed any crimes in NY, with a minimal amount of circumstantial "evidence" would end up with "NY people" deciding his fate, whether he likes it or not.

  3. Isn't it funny?
    Many people used the tweet of Ayatollah Khomeini in support of the university protestors as proof to how terrible they are.
    By that logic, Putin's weighing in on Trump's side says what?

  4. Biden had a border bill ready, but Trump warned his acolytes not to vote for it.
    Trump wants to talk about the border, he doesn't want to do anything about it. He stopped the law from passing, and if you care about the border (personally, I think it is a minor issue compared to the more important ones), don't vote Trump.

  5. No body seems to mention the possibility of threats made to the jury, if they don't tow the line.
    Just saying they will give out their name etc. it will leak, they may have felt compelld for their safety. who knows?
    BTW did DJT turn up for Rubushkins Bitachon shiur last night?

  6. Ridiculous hypocrisy of people like Biden and his liberal friends who spent decades blasting the court system anytime the minority community claimed a verdict they didn't like was because of discrimination now telling us to have such trust in the court system.
