Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Wednesday May 8 Rosh Chodesh Iyar News Updates

 Weather: 88° A shower or two possible this morning with partly cloudy skies for the afternoon. Warm. High 88F Chance of rain 30%.
There is a marginal risk of severe weather today.

- Tax Dollars: Lakewood officials yesterday voted to go ahead with the purchase of the wells Fargo building on Main St for $2.5 Million. At the LDC meeting members did not ask any questions nor was there any discussion about what the plans are after the purchase. See more at FAA.

- The LDC also approved spending $635k for a new program that will assist seniors divorcees and widows in finding jobs as Lakewood is experiencing a new phenomenon where seniors are moving in and divorce rates and widow-ship has seen an uptick in the past decade.

- Agudah chairman: Erev Pesach, the governor of New York called me, in my capacity as chairman of Agudath Israel, to wish a happy holiday. I could hear the trepidation in her voice as she assured me that the state would invest every resource at their disposal in keeping our community safe. She also realizes that the threat is very real. We are grateful for the support we received from government officials and from law enforcement. We appreciate every voice of friendship.

- Summer zman begins today at Bais Medrash Govoha in Lakewood with the Chavrusa Tumult taking place at the various Botei Medrashim

- Girls high school acceptance letters coming in the mail while some were verbaly notified of where they got accepted to.

- Continued tefilos for רפאל יהושוע בן ציון בן זיסל נעכא in need of rachmei Shamayim

-Can't make it to Reb Shayala in Kerestir? the Baron HIrsch cemetery in Staten Island, NY will be open from friday through Sunday evening were people can daven at the Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner Memorial at the society grounds of Hungarian Brotherly Love Yehuda Yorkville, in section F8 at the kever of the brother R' Moshe Steiner. No Vehicular Traffic will be permitted – Street Parking Only, Car Pools are encouraged due to limited parking availability.

-BDE: Petrah of Rav Menachem Haber Zt''l Rav of Tiferes Shaul of Flatbush  and leader of sefardi communities in Deal,NJ. Levaya at Magen David, 67th Street in Brooklyn 10:00am 

-Misameach founder the chosson Lipa Schwartz invites the community to partake in his wedding taking place tonight at Fountain Ballroom 

-President Donald Trump to Hold a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey this shabbos afternoon at 5pm

-Georgia appeals court grants Trump's request to consider whether Fani Willis should be disqualified in his criminal case

-In his first public comments on the demonstrations at Rutgers university
Gov Murphy criticized the school for not treating the Jewish students fairly and said he’s particularly upset that entire groups are being harassed or held accountable for a long list of perceived grievances.(Onejerseyschorr)

- Howell township takes a stand Anti-Semitisim Ignoring strong opposition to the matter, the Howell Township Council tonight unanimously took a vocal stand Against anti-semitism.
The move came in the aftermath of an anti-semitic billboard having been placed on Route 9. The billboard stated: Stand with Humanity. Stand with Palestine. Paid for by Voice for Humanity Project.
Faanews reports It was a noisy meeting with numerous members of the public speaking up, both in strong support, and in fierce opposition to, the adoption of the resolution. "We have no authority to restrict constitutionally protected speech which is on any billboard. However we are voicing our condemnation of the hateful message on the billboard," the Council added.

- Update on Lakewood shidduch meeting yesterday with some Roshei yeshiva: It was discussed that the burden of resolving the shidduch crisis is not to be borne solely by the bochurim. Young women are also called upon to make significant adjustments, delaying the commencement of their dating by a year subsequent to their return from seminary.
The roshei yeshiva underscored the need for collaboration among both young women and their families, recognizing that shidduch solutions focusing solely on the bochurim will prove inadequate in addressing the overarching issue. A comprehensive outreach campaign is on the horizon, aimed at persuading and incentivizing young women and their families to embrace this adjusted timeline for entering the shidduch scenae.(Matzav)

- Rosh chodesh Iyar Shachris woth Musical Hallel by Yossi Lebowitz at Babad shul  in Toms River 9am


  1. Problems of Delaying Girls:
    1. They become more picky with age (Rav Avigdor Miller). This is perhaps the greatest cause of the shidduch crisis.
    2. It will cause less children being born in klal yisrael. Many future Roshei Yeshiva are not going to be born because women will be delayed from starting to have babies.
    3. Oftentimes, they put on weight.
    4. Sometimes, they develop diseases which hurt their chances in the shidduch market.
    5. It can lead to women doing serious aveiros.
    6. A woman should be married before twenty, just as men (Chazon Ish, et. al.). The Shulchan Aruch paskins that a woman is forbidden from being single (Even Haezer 1:13).
    7. Although a woman is not obligated to have children, if she does she fulfills the mitzvah of pru urvu. Who gave us the right to stop a woman from fulfilling the great mitzvah of pru urvu?
    8. Sometimes, during this extra waiting time, they lost a parent. It is difficult to navigate the shidduch scene without a parent.
    9. The later a woman starts having babies, the more likely she is to develop yener machlah later in the chest area (Google it).
    10. The longer girls are single, the more likely they are to start going off the derech.
    11. This is only the start. Once they convince the girls to delay, Yeshivas till say, "Let's go to FIFTH year Pesach! And we will ask the girls to delay another year!"

    The boys must start two years earlier (even more than that, but let's start with two years). Rav Chaim Kanievsky said that we won't lose any Torah if we get married younger.

    1. Actually, most of your problems are a reason TO delay the girls. If you close the gap more girls will get married
      1) A girl is not becoming picky for the first few years - so closing the gap and not having older singles in the first place will have a much bigger effect eliminating picky girls.
      2) Missing a year of giving birth vs. hundreds of girls never getting married - I believe you'll have more future Roshei Yeshiva born.
      3)More likely to have Weight/Diseases/cancer if they sit around 5/10 years vs. a one year delay
      Get the drift? You are better off with a a one year delay and getting hundreds of more girls married..

    2. Exactly! So why shouldn't the BOYS start younger?

    3. Boys should start younger and girls should start older - Just pointing out you'll end up with more of your halacha and medical etc. benefits, having the girls wait a year

  2. Since when have we cared what happens on college campuses??

  3. I didn't know the Babad Shule in Toms River was Reform

    1. They also have Lubavitch Farbrengens there sometimes.

  4. The R Shia concept is so laim

  5. Which Rosh Yeshiva or Gevir will not listen to a shidduch for their daughter if it's redd a when she's back from seminary.?
    There's no way to enforce this and a gezaira that the girls can't take.

    How far do we go with shifting the blame of the real problems with shidduchim.

  6. we are very lucky to have the Aguda fighting for us yomam vlayla and i feel reassured by the message of governor hochul to the esteemed chairman

  7. Delaying girls shidduchim will be a churban for klal yisroel oy lanu that we have such leaders

  8. Asking girls to push off shidduchim is wild
    Has this ever been done before

  9. I have yet to see any rav with a signature on these new proposals, so let's wait and see. They seem unbelievable.

  10. Aguda slobbering over leftist politicians who Have been silent while antisemitic mobs March across the country threatening Jewish students.
    But Agudah went after Trump the friendliest president to frum Jewish community and Ohev Yisrael.

    1. Leftists give out government grants
      President Trump was more realistic.

  11. Anon 11:44 just like when they made the rule that no ry will be mesader kiddushin if (I forget what the takana was) . As soon as the next givir made a wedding the ry was there and the takana went down the tubes.

  12. Let the township buy it , they also own the corner of Main/Clifton property where the dinner used to be. Hopefully the township does something smart with this. (they dont have a good track record taking care of us the taxpayer as they gave away the chamerbridge taxpayer owned property to BMG and then used fed and state funds to pave the streets there. build office buildings that are tax free. taxpayer gets nothing out of it. Lose, lose, lose for us taxpayers. Gotta hand it to the township they know how to really stiff us.

  13. Do as I say not as I do the hypocrisy from leadership is the biggest churban today making takanos on the pshutei am while the high society sits in the ivory tower fressing and doing whatever is best for themselves

  14. Woe you guys are mad! Where is Mr cohen today?

    1. do you mean mad as in angry or mad as in crazy?

  15. The word is ‘widowhood’.
