Sunday, January 1, 2023

Sunday January 1 2023 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 58° A good deal of sunshine. High 58F. By Wednesday temps will hit a high of 64

- High cases of Strep & Flu Going around 

- Govt offices and banks will be closed tomorrow however most local box stores will be open with later opening times

- Missionaries preaching on Clifton Avenue & 4th street. Yeshiva boys drowning them out with loud music playing from speakers.

- BDE: Petirah of Rav Boruch Harar ZTL at the age of 85. He was from the original talmidim of the Mirrer Yeshiva in Flatbush after coming over from Morocco. He moved to Lakewood a number of years ago the Levaya is today at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street with kevurah ot the local Bais olam. Shiva is at 480 Manetta Avenue Lakewood.

-On his first day on the job Newly appointed finance minister Betzalel Smotritz has instructed the finance ministry to abolish the previous government taxes on disposable paper goods and soft drinks which was targeted to dinancialy hurt the frum community.

- Yarchei Kallah Bnei Torah (formerly shivty) gets underway today in Princeton NJ.

- Starting today As many as 1.2 million New Jersey drivers will begin paying more for their auto insurance beginning in the new year after Murphy signed a law that increased the minimum amount of liability insurance drivers need to have.

 - Minimum wage increases by $1.13 to $14.13 per hour in New Jersey

Photo: At the Breslov Melava Malka last night in Lakewood 

Levaya of Rav Boruch Harar ZTL

1 comment:

  1. Chap arein kiddush levana, cloudy conditions predicted for rest of week
