Monday, January 2, 2023

Oif Simchas Monday Night

- Fast of עשרה בטבת  begins tomorrow at 5:52 am and ends at 5:29 pm

Strauss - Glatzer Kesser Moshe Yehuda 
Weinstock - Celnik Fountain Ballroom 

- Yartzeit Seuda of Rav Nosson of Breslov at B"M Breslov Lakewood 944 E. County line Rd starting with Maariv 7:45pm

May one schedule a wedding or other festive event for the night of Asarah B’Teves, since the fast only begins in the morning? Some poskim prohibit this since the entire day is a day of mourning (see Shu"t Chaim She’ol #24; also see Eliyahu Rabbah, Pri Megadim, and Biyur Halacha to 551:2). However other poskim are lenient, at least under extenuating circumstances (see Shu’t Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:168).(Rabbi Kaganoff)