Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday January 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Periods of rain. High 43F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 90%.

- Beginning today Sunday, the price of Forever stamps from the U.S. Postal Service will increase from 60 cents to 63 cents. 

- Kol Mevaser interview with Rabbi Yisroel Brog in Cleveland after Levaya of  R' Boruch Taub Z"L. Not a dry eye as Cleveland has not seen such a levaya in a long time. The niftar had plans to fly his mishpacha next week and went to excersize the plane or do a practice run. It was at the airport he met another yid R' Ben who was arranging a flight to NY to a levaye when R' Boruch offered him a ride on the plain. He did a chesed at the end of his life said the Rav

-Sunday off shabbos for bochurim 

- Continued tefillos for the mashgiach shlita who is still hospitalized in Philadelphia and under observation, Mattisyahu Chaim ben Ettil

-A new Keren is being set up for talmidei Chachomim muflagim of Lakewood to fully support them so they can be fully engrossed without any financial worries on their heads. details to come it will be under the guidance of the R"Y Rav Yisroel Neuman shlita

- Lakewood police officers were called to the Exxon station on Rt 9 and county line rd for a car that had been sitting for a while and the driver has not moved. Police determined the individual had died of natural causes or drugs overdose.

-LPD searching for part time crossing guards in Lakewood as several intersections have been without a guard in recent weeks.

- NTSB and FAA continue to investigate the tragic plane crash near Westchester county airport on Thursday night. Media reports officials were able to locate the bodies of the niftarim after the FBI was asked to ping their cell phones.

- Israeli PM Netanyahu has formally fired Shas leader Aryeh Deri after he was disqualified by the Supreme court for serving as a minister in the current knesset. There are reports that attorney-General Gali Baharav-Miara was considering declaring Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu unfit to serve in office due to conflicts of interest stemming from his corruption trial in the proposed judicial reforms. But according to a legal expert, such an outcome is highly unlikely due to both legal and political limitations.

- Israel’s chief rabbi has given a kosher stamp of approval this week to a company looking to sell steak grown from cow cells. The meat is to be considered as  "Parve" which is cultivated meat, grown from animal cells in a lab or manufacturing plant, Aleph Farms says it collects sample cells from a living animal and then grows more in a cultivator that mimics conditions in the animal’s body. This is different from popular plant-based alternatives that do not have animal origins. (Algemeiner)

- Ten people were killed and “at least” ten others were wounded when a gunman opened fire as revelers celebrated the Lunar New Year outside Los Angeles Saturday night at a ballroom dance studio in Monterey Park a city home to a predominantly Asian-American population the gunman had fled the scene and yet to be caught.

- FAAnews: BMG submits plans for 600 apartments on the Georgian Court property recently purchased. The project includes 6 multi-family buildings with 100 residential apartments in each, playgrounds, and a child care center. There will be new driveways off Carey Street, Cedarview Avenue / Fourteenth Street and Ninth Street. BMG has received $7 million in federal grants for this project. Full story at FAAnews 

Badatz calls for tefillos due to lack of rain


  1. Why only 600 apartments when current zoning laws allow for almost double that?

  2. What kind of comprehensive test, if any, does one need to pass to become a certified ‘muflag’?

    1. It sounds like you are jealous.

    2. Being genetically related to choshuva people

  3. Bh we were zoche to live in a city of yungerleit who learn behasmodo atzumo with mesirus nefesh and are truthfully talmidei chachomim muflugim.

  4. How do I sign up for full support?

  5. What’s the litmus test for this?

    1. First question is if you browse and comment on Hefkervelt in your spare time.

    2. If you're on this forum, you're not eligible. Simple.

  6. I am a Talmid chochom muflag and wouldn’t mind full support.

    1. See above comments

    2. It's safe to assume that anyone who goes online to see the news will NOT qualify for this keren

  7. which committee determines which chevra are eligible and what are the criteria

  8. I don't understand this. If you would like to support Rav Yisroel's keren, then please do so. A bit of הצנע לכת wouldn't hurt either. Otherwise, how is this my business? How is this your business? If you would like full support, then please beseech Hashem for that. He can surely provide us all with all of our needs.

    Does anyone really need to be that לצנות אחת דוחה מאה different תוכחות/proofs. I'm greatfull to live in a generation of so many talmidei chachomim. It's amazing how many people who are נהנה מיגיע כפם are bnei Torah, yorei Shomayim and even talmidei Chachomim. This does not diminish the great value of those who merit being תורתם אומנתם

  9. How do I hear rabbi brog interview?

    1. Call kol mevaser 2124441100

    2. I know that but then what? Which numbers do I push?

  10. If it’s not an objective standard it’s gonna create a lotta jealousy

  11. Muflagim in this context means you don't have the ratzon or skill to teach's a way out of the shtella crisis, unless it means ..kollel for serious poskim

    1. אפיקורוס כגון מאן. אמר רב יוסף כגון הני דאמרי "מאי אהנו לן רבנן", לדידהו קרו, לדידהו תנו. אמר ליה אביי האי מגלה פנים בתורה נמי הוא
