Sunday, January 8, 2023

Sunday January 8 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 44° Sunshine and a few clouds. High 44F. Winds light and variable. Showers after midnight other parts

- BDE: Petirah of Mrs. Leah Shoshana Reiss A"H a mother of 5 children following an illness. Wife of ybl"c R' Shea from Bais Shabsi Pawnee area. Levaya is tonight 10:45 pm at the Lakewood chapel on 7th street kevurah in Deans, NJ floral Park Stolin Chelka.

- Flu, Strep and other viruses going around.

- Hasc concert taking place tonight at NJ pac in Newark, NJ sponsored in part by Eretz Hakodesh of World Zionist Organization 

- Skver rebbe visiting Lakewood today for the Hanochas Even Hapina groundbreaking event for the new school building on Squamkum rd at the Lakewood/Howell border expect traffic in the area this afternoon 

- Lottery fever as maga millions jackpot hits $ 1.1 BILLION cash option is $ 568.7 Million. Drawing is Tuesday night. In New Jersey Winners can choose to remain anonymous.

- BDE: Petira of R' Yisroel Ahron Lebovics Z"L. who went into cardiac attest this morning he was in his 60's and lived on Lawrence ave in Lakewood near Kol shomshon. The levaya will take place today  2:00 pm at BMG Bais Aaron BM 10th and Clifton kevura in EY.

- Chanukas Habayis event today for yeshiva Bais Hachinuch R"Y Rav Shalom Grey shlita starting  5:30 pm at 1732 W. County Line rd Lakewood 

- Israeli media report The Lebanese chosson gave a get to his wife at a Bais Din in Tel Aviv. She was in the US and the get was accepted on her behalf bringing an end to the saga. 

- On Friday night chasidim in Williamsburg kiryas Yoel recited kiddush Levana with a bracha as it was the last available night after a cloudy week. Rabbonim hung signs before shabbos notifying it would be permissible to say kiddush levana with a bracha if there's a visible moon. They also said there's no issue with mitten that some observe on the night of January 6. For those who don't carry in the eruv huge kiddush levana signs were hung before shabbos hoping there would be a levana. See photos below.

Update: In New Square they said kiddush Levana with a bracha on Motzei shabbos before maariv at 7pm. Based on a chasam sofer that you can say it a day later. 

  - BDE: petirah of Rav Yosef Lieberman zt”l, rosh kollel of Kollel Shomrei Hachomos and the rov of the Sadigura Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim, on Shabbos morning. He was 95. Rav Lieberman, a renowned gaon and talmid chochom, was the author of Sefer Mishnas Yosef.(Matzav)

- A meeting with a few hundred people took place last night at a convention in Parsippany NJ to address the issue of estrangment child and parental alienation. The consensus among the professionals were that therapists are to blame for it and guidelines with accountability must be put in place with establishing botei din that therepaists must adhere to.

- A Lubavitcher man was struck in a hit-and-run while walking to Shul on Friday night at the intersection of Albany Ave and Union Street in Crown Heights. Police are investigating it as a possibly biased crime. He was transported to Hospital by Hatzolah

- Photo Kidsush Levana signs on Wrev shabbos in Williamsburg 


  1. Would you be able to provide a little bit more info on this gathering in new jersey? Who was behind it etc it's nogea to a lot of ppl

  2. It was a room full of mothers and fathers bubbies and zaidies. You were able to feel the pain of hundreds of individuals who were looking for guidance support and advice how to deal and cope with their misfortune.
    There were professionals in the field who spoke about the many studies and statistics that were conducted about alienation.

    For more information or if you know anyone who is suffering from children that were turned against there parents, you may reach out to Broken Ties at or call (518) 941-3616
    This was a project of Nefesh, Toldos, and Broken Ties.

  3. There were a bunch of familiar faces plus many new faces. This silent pandemic is unfortunately spreading. These people are your relatives, neighbors, daveners in your shul and your equatance.
    It's unbelievable who this can happen to.

  4. "A Lubavitcher man was struck in a hit-and-run while walking to Shul on Friday night at the intersection of Albany Ave and Union Street. Police are investigating it as a possibly biased crime. He was transported to Hospital by Hatzola."
    I wonder why the publishers felt a need to point out that is was a Lubavitcher. Would it not suffice to say it was a frum man? The implication is that being a Lubavitcher would make a difference in how you might feel when reading it.

    1. I gave the same question whenever they say that misaskim services weren't needed. Who cares? A person is a person!

  5. For those who don't carry? Does anyone reputable hold that you can carry in Williamsburg?!

  6. Mazel tov to Ray Coles on becoming a zaidy!

    1. If he's not giving kiddush, who cares?,

    2. He's giving out l'chaims at the next Township Committee meeting... on ZOOM.

  7. Who ever said eretz hakodesh doesn't do good things? How about sponsoring a beautiful concert?

    1. Hasc ripoff to charge $72 for online viewing limited to 1 device.

    2. Nobody forced anybody to watch a mixed concert

    3. Eretz hakodesh has clout and gets money due to my unfortunate vote. They hoodwinked me into voting for them,the least they can do is give me a free concert.

  8. That is correct. Rav Aaron held lemayseh that if a Lubavecher touches wine it has the din of yayin nesach

    1. Why take the bait???

      They make sure to refer to themselves that way. They make sure to categorize the rest of Klall Yisroel.

      They complain that the "Nesi Doireinu's" picture is not posted in classrooms of schools. Yet, they don't find it odd, nor hypocritical, that the "Nesi Doireinu's" schools have no room for the pictures of any Talmidei Chachomim in Klall Yisroel who are not "Anash". Moshiach should have enough room to recognize the greatness in all of Klall Yisroel.

    2. Where could you find this ruling? Mishnas RA on rambam Yayin nesech?

    3. Rav Schach said it publicly. Unlikely that Rav Ahron ever said it, He was known to oppose Chabad but he was niftar before the Mosiach campaigns and atmius u'mehus talk.

    4. Those campaigns Egan way back. Moshiach was a continuation of his father-in-law who came to believe that he was moshiach. His younger son-in-law was his successor. The atzmus stuff was already in 1959! Rav Aaron was well aware....

    5. At the levaya of Rav Schnuer Kotler the older son in law Rabbi Gurary was in attendance (at the one in Boro Park I'm not sure about the one in Lakewood) No one acted hostile to him. If it were really true that Rav Ahron had said that about Chabad he wouldn't have come and he wouldn't have stood comfortably among various Roshey Yeshiva who were known for their hostility to Chabad.

    6. Rav Gurary was not a believer that they were moshiach - not of his brother-in-law and not of his father-in-law.

      (It is claimed that this is what lost him being the rebbe. It had been accepted for many years that he was the next rebbe, which is why his BIL was permitted to go to college, as he wasn't going to be rebbe. But, it is claimed that when he didn't wholeheartedly go for the moshiach campaign, his FIL chose his BIL to succeed him and his campaign. The rebbitzi - his mother-in-law - never agreed and tried to prevent this. She hid the spodik, which the way the hachtora worked was by wearing the previous rebbe's spodik. So, when the BIL declared himself rebbe, he said that he can be a rebbe in his own hat.)

      In fact, how was his rebbetzin Chana Gurary injured, which led to her death?

      Suffice it to say that he was not a believer of atzmus, or the sort. What was said is only about believers of .... Rav Schach explicitly wrote that they were ueraim ushleimim before....

    7. There were issues going
      back TO
      the Rashab And more problems during
      the Vaad Hatzala era

      Though since they were sacrificing themselves admirably in Russia it tempered the opposition for a generation or so

    8. I’m anti-Chabad but among the other dubious claims of yours it is ridiculous to claim that the Rayatz chose his younger SIL to be Rebbe over the mosiach issue. Firstly, in Chabad it was never widely thought that the Rayatz was Mosiach. Secondly, he never indicated who his successor should be. The issue wasn’t settled until over a year after his death.

    9. Apparently there were also false claims being made about Chabad even in the 1930s because in the recently newly published letters of Rav Ozer Chaim Ozer there is a least one letter strongly supporting and defending the manner the Rayatz was distributing money collected for the Rabbonim in Russia and his complete impartial distribution regardless of whether the person was affiliated with Chabad or not. Rav Chaim Ozer even vouches for Rabbi Gourary in that letter. This has nothing to do with the situation in Chabad today

  9. Replies
    1. Breslover chasidim don't wait until 7 days for kidush levana

  10. Because most Breslover today are depressed litvaks who became Breslov
