Saturday, January 7, 2023

Choosing A Mesivta

Updates with lists courtesy of the Lakewood shopper
Mesivta Application season has begun for this year for 8th grade boys going to local mesivtos. This year there are s few  new mesivtos opening to accommodate the growth. The farhers will begin after Rosh chodesh shevat. Article below repost from last year.
There are   approx 1600 boys graduating 8th grade this year and going locally to the 50 plus mesivtos in Lakewood or out of town. On average most bar mitzva boys apply to 3-4 mesivtos due to the high demand to get in. 
The Lakewood shopper featured an article in this past weeks issue interviewing rebbeim and menahalim on what mesivta to choose. see article below or read it at
hatzlacha to all the bochurim.




  1. Is there a way you can post this so that my filter doesn't block it?

  2. Amazing Article. Thank you whoever put this together! Very informative!

  3. If you filter is blocking it then the article is not for you. Duh.

  4. Thank you Lakewood Shopper. Please do a article on girls high schools too.

  5. This article is so much more informative than the pap in the voice. In the voice it's all 'Mesivtos are great, Menahalim are great, Melamdim are great, pity that the kids aren't all great. But that is their fault and their parents' fault'.

  6. If there are 1600 boys and 50 mesivtas how does the math work? Some boys dont get into any yeshiva???

    1. Many go to out of town mesivtas.

    2. 50 x 25 per class is 1250.
      Quite a few mesivtos have over 30 per class and many boys go out of town

  7. Does any local mesivta offer basic math/science etc?

    1. After school English is an option bec boys are serious, behave and learn.

  8. I cant read the article and the link doesn't show tye article. Can you post clearer picture?

  9. What page is the article? I'm not finding it.

  10. Why the obsession with taivos?

  11. Addressing anonymous who is blaming the parents and kids for not being "great". Number one not all menahelim and rebbes/ morah are"great" that's a blanket statement and I can attest to that fact as many of our kids who are "not great" (according to your definition) even though they are wonderful neshamos who are suffering and have been the victim of " not great" menahalim and teachers. I feel you are very misinformed by blaming parents and kids .May you never have to be on the other side to find out first hand!

    1. You misread my comment. The interviews with the Menahalim have the attitude that the only ones who need to be fixed are the children, not the Yeshivos. Which is ridiculous. You can't control what kind of children you have. You can adjust your Chinuch for them. And if you don't, you are not a Mechanech, you are an anti-mechanech.

    2. Thank you for clarifying. I agree 100%. If only these menahalim knew the damage that is done by their lack of being in touch with what kids are all about today and try to run schools in the best interest of the kids rather than their own negiyos. Not all are like this but those who are in the position for the right reason will do what's right for their students.

  12. There are 1600 8th grade girls and about 14 high schools. It's much easier and cheaper to make a mesivta than a girls high school. Mesivtas Rebeim ,even if very qualified , are willing to work for cheap. Very qualified and experienced high school teachers are not willing as they can get other better paying jobs.

  13. Some Mesivtas have English but it's optionary!

    1. "optionary?" is that a word? seems like you didn't go to a mesivta that has english.

    2. Oy 10:29, sorry you missed the joke.

  14. I know a boy who is a metsuyan. Both his grandfathrs are Gedolai Yisroel. He farhered at a mesivta in Lakewood the mesivtaand was not accepted. His grandfather called the Mesivta and was told that his grandson had the best farher gall the boys tested. so why wasn't he accepted because they do not like metsuyanim they chap right away and then disturb the class. This boy is not the type to disturb the class if this was a concern why did they not broach the subject with his 8th grade rebbe? Maybe is his grandfathers had money......

    1. Possibly the winner of the dumbest comment ever award. Congratulations

  15. Which yeshivos , if any, have math/science etc

  16. English is treif in Lakewood. It is what it is, can’t beat the system. There are a few that have English but if your son is a good yeshivish boy those are not viable options.

    1. The Knocker- crats are afraid of of even a little minority of educated youth, though that would give them direction, purpose, and an outlet which would help them go places in life- besides being in employee
      for some developer or institution

      As just about all of those
      Themselves did poorly, and it would show to the world. How uneducated they are.

      While much of the curriculum nowadays is so far left and 'woke' as to be unhealthy, there are parts that are beneficial.

    2. Well said.

  17. No it’s good they don’t have English. This is the way it should be for bnei Torah.

  18. Best option for a good english program in a mesivta that has a high level of learning is to go out of town.

  19. Out of town shouldn’t either have English. You can’t lig in learning and have English, it’s a stira.

    1. I assume all the bnei torah that have come out from Philly, Scranton, Long Beach, Riverdale, Telshe and others would disagree with this statement.

  20. Why is it that there’s no yeshiva with a decent secular studies program? Why is handicapping our kids economically ok? Why are we all following the chasidim like sheep? Who is everyone so afraid of? If we wanna follow the chasidim then we need to stop with the elitism and bring up kids that are ok with blue collar work like they are - can’t have it both ways without doing even more damage than not giving basic tools to survive. At least teach typing, word/excel and basic computer literacy that’s like learning how to write nowadays

    1. Reb Aharon kotler didn’t allow highschool. Historically boys high schools have kept to this out of respect that he started lakewood. In the past families that wanted English sent out of town or after school.

    2. How come nobody cares about all the other things he didn't allow or want?
      How come only for this? hmmm

    3. “ Reb Aharon kotler didn’t allow highschool”
      That’s a myth.

    4. Correct. It is total revisionist history. Oh Rav Ahron didn’t let…. Yeh right. guess which high school had the most difficult English department.
      A groiser Talmid of Reb Ahron ZTZ’L
      This thing that “Reb Ahron didn’t let” is just a myth. Plain and pushut. Who heard it?
      When was it said?
      Rav Elya would not have gone against Reb Ahron sorry.

    5. You are correct. It’s a myth.
      How did one of his illustrious Talmid have the most difficult secular studies departments?
      Would Reb Elya go against his groiseh Rebbe Reb Ahron?
      No way!!
      Elah mai “Reb Aharon kotler didn’t allow highschool” is a made up bubbeh maaseh.
      Who heard it from Reb Ahron?
      Nobody. Therefore you are correct. It’s a myth. A lie.

  21. Why don’t you open a school and follow your own recommendations?

  22. Chofetz Chaim,system is well rounded and Top of the Line,Cherry Hill,WITs, Florida....

  23. So no local options at all?!

    I’m not really keen on sending my young teenage son away from home and can’t envision myself depriving him of basic high school math, science, computer literacy etc

    Not that I’m holding by opening such a place but it is an absolute shanda that lakewoods options are still so limited

    Tutoring him privately after a long day or on weekends doesn’t seem fair or practical

    Where did all the well rounded litvishe oilam disappear to? There’s gotta be a silent majority if not minority that also feels this way

    We’ve gotta do something about this

    Anyone else out there that seconds this?

    1. Why don't you get together with all the well rounded litvushe oilam who feel it's a shande and hire somebody to open such a mesivta. There is tremendous talent in Lakewood and you will have no problem finding talented Rebbeim, assuming you have the demand of your silent majority of well rounded litvishe olom. Nothing more needed than writing a check. Others will do all the week for you.

    2. Guess you didn't do the right due diligence before coming to toms river from Flatbush. You were only interested in the cheap housing. Forgetting about your kids education

  24. Correction: silent minority if not majority

  25. quite a few mesivtas have English. Weinbergers,Witty’s, Gray. Steins and Brus have GED program in ninth and tenth grade. Long Beach’s English is the same as any of these yeshivas I have sent to both.

    1. I think Treff does too, and I’m sure there are more. But the fact is that many boys do not take English seriously already in the upper elementary school grades, so for Mesivtas to hire English teachers for boys who won’t care at best and disturb at worse is not always worth it. If it’s something that you feel strongly about send to one of the schools that offer English, there are quite a few.

  26. Reb Ahron Zatzal did not want a high School with English in LAKEWOOD. no issue with doing it anywhere else.
    When Rabbi Heineman started MKT with English in Belmar, there were some talmidim of R Ahron that were very upset about it. But you moved here from Brooklyn and never heard such a thing so it must be a myth.

    1. He also didn't want Anything Else In town. Period
      He was against getting
      semicha while a yungerman in town

      He was unhappy with the Verrazano Bridge being built because he felt it would bring the town too close too close to to the New York metro area.
      Once everything else exists ,to extrapolate what he would say now is Useless

      Once his grandson AK could revise and claim ridiculously that he would be happy with the way things have now become, it is therefore completely irrelevant, and he probably would by that conclusion agree
      with a decent degree secular education as well

  27. All those “quite a few” you mention are a certain type and many good boys don’t fit in there. Fact is There are very limited options for a good yeshivish boy in Lakewood.
