Sunday, January 1, 2023

More of the Same

 There's a saying attributed to Albert Einstein “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” It is business as usual in Lakewood township reappointing the mayor for a 7th term and not keeping a rotation as has been done previously. The mayor is from the democrat minority as the republicans have a 3-2 majority. Committeeman Issac Akerman has not been reappointed as mayor since he served in 2013 why has this not happened? The traffic and quality of life issues just keep getting worse yet nothing is done besides lip service and some talking points released to friendly media. Blame is always placed on the state and county while deflecting any responsibility. Just last week residents sat in weekly Cedarbridge Ave morning traffic for over 45 minutes due to scheduled construction that was not supposed to happen. These hard working Lakewood taxpayers who live paycheck to paycheck come late to work and begin their day with frustration losing money having to work extra and easing hours daily in their cars. The politicians and leaders ignore it and laugh off those who complain about traffic. 

The committee also makes it hard for the public to speak by using the covid excuse to keep meetings remotely while the town is fully back to normal. The public is restricted in reaching out to the committee as they enact rules for public comments by having to email 7 hours before the meeting and don't have an opportunity to ask follow up questions as they continue to play shtick with it. The meetings are also scheduled at an inconvenient time at 5:30 pm when most people are busy. Despite the talk of being transparent, the public is restricted and left out of voicing its concerns. Some members of the public have commented on media reports of a committeeman who can't physically make it to the meetings for the reason they keep it remote. "Why do they continue on their own merry way without informing the public about what is going on? What would they have done with an unwell member before COVID forced them to have virtual meetings? why cant they have a hybrid system allowing both in person and remote participation? Is this all about not being open to criticism from the public? 

  People keep calling for the Faulkner act which changes the form of government in NJ municipalities with direct elections for mayor, Yet none of that  has taken place yet, in the meantime there will be two open seats on the township as Coles and Delia are up for reelection. Maybe new candidates will run for township but change is not expected to happen anytime soon, unless new blood is voted in.


  1. So, who's going to run? The only way change will happen is with solid, qualified candidates.

  2. Voting out the committee won't do anything they are puppets the power lies with those who are pulling the string$ The swamp has to be drained first

  3. I hope satmer and belz will run candidates to replace the current committee men.

    1. Fool.
      They will bulldoze the rest of us faster than you could say boo

      And when it serves them they will be happy working with the the old kleptocrat corruption, who will be happy working with them

  4. Why do you think Satmar and belz will be any better? They will do what’s best for them which will also be more development..

  5. Belz is beholden to the current committee. Satmar some don't have the numbers to make a change, and unlikely anyone affiliated with bmg will cast a vote for them.
