Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Wednesday January 4 News Updates Lakewood

 - Weather: A beautiful 67° Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to cloudy skies and rain during the afternoon. High 67F  Chance of rain 90%.

- A new report finds New Jersey has the worst fiscal health of any state in the nation.  Money that is needed by the state to pay outstanding bills has increased by more than $12.5 billion. It translates to an individual taxpayer burden in New Jersey of $58,700, the highest total for any state in America.

- NJ continues to lead the nation as the most moved out states with residents fleeing. United Van Lines has released its Annual National movers study and For the fifth consecutive year, more residents moved out of New Jersey than any other state, as 67% of New Jersey moves were outbound, which is down from the five-year trend of 70%.

- A new released letter from Harav Aaron Feldman shlita R"Y of Ner Yisrael Baltimore written yesterday asara B'teves on the chumash פשוטו של מקרא see copy below. English translation:  Without Going into details and explanations I hereby publicly declare that since the  chumash Peshuto Shel Mikra is damaging to learn from It should not be kept at home and one should not do business with it as i have originally signed on the first letter that was published and not as the other letter that was recently said in my name. The Lakewood roshei yeshiva Rav Yeruchom Olshin, Rav Dovid Schustal and Rav Yisrael Neuman have signed on to the letter.

- No winner last night for  the Mega Millions lottery; the  jackpot for Friday's drawing will be $940 million.

- Trump urges all House Republicans to back Kevin McCarthy for House speaker.

- Lakewood frum media by and large ignored the letter from roshei yeshiva and mechanchim about a kosher Entertainment device but did post the satire spoof about meat boards 

- At Jackson Township Council's Reorganization meeting last night, re-elected Jackson Township Mayor Mike Reina and his new supporters on the Township Council returned the favor to those who previously went out of their way to provide additional support to their election efforts. ful report on Faanews 

- Deadline approaches to send in applications  for Lakewood mesivtas, the fathers will take place starting from Tu B'shvat

- Masa Umatan weekly rental list Here 

- GoMurphy announces New Jersey will now offer 0% interest, forgivable loans to Abortion clinics calling it "reproductive health care providers" to upgrade their facilities and deliver care more securely.

New Letter from Rav Aaron Feldman on Peshuto Shel Mikra חומש פשוטו של מקרא


  1. New letter from Harav Ahron Feldman reiterating his position that it's assur to have peshuto shel mikra chumash, and not like the falsehoods that was spread saying that he has no problem with it. Also signed are rav yeruchom and others.

  2. its so ironic - during covid if you wanted to daven with a minya you were screamed at by folks .... the rabbonim how could you not listen ....

  3. it is utterly disgusting for a local "so called media group" to make fun of rabbinim and gedolim, to the point of publishing on a twitter account a spoof of a letter assuring meat boards. I am not fafrumt and my opinion on 24*6 is irrelevant, but when my children's mechanchem and rabbanim send out a letter like this, i will follow it. How far has the local media group fallen? to make fun of rabbanim? of the yeshivas? total disgust.

    1. The meat board letter was nothing short of bizue talmidie chachamim, which is dvar hashem bazah, ein lo chelek liolam habaah

      It's also letzanus achas doche meah tochachos, which was likely the real intention of the meat board letter, and not simply to be a funny satire. This true whether you agree or disagree with the contents of the 24six letter.

  4. WOW, shocking how low the promoters of "peshuto" will go, with the letter they published last week lying and completely distorting what Harav Feldman said.

  5. The Lakewood media is filth just looking for clickbate by publishing letters about womens tznius issues non stop from all different angles focusing on them to get more hits. as is known by the secular media shmutz sells.. but they won't report about adirei hatorah. Disgusting.

    1. Adirei Hatorah is also nonsense. Clickbait and rabble rousing. Torah comes bitznius לא ברוח הוי"ה ולא ברעש הוי"ה

  6. As I always teach my children - Street signs are for street people.

    So far, not one Adam gadol has published a Teshuva why we shouldn't use Peshuto shel Mikra. Kuntreisim from leidigeyers are not a Teshuva from an Adam Gadol. That is why there is no problem using it.

    When people start with street signs, they get dizzy from the chazaros and chazaros from the chazaros.

    1. Don't teach your children to ignore gedolei yisroel. The gedolim DID explain it who are YOU to tell THEM what and how to do. If they said it is not good so be it. You simply chose to pick what suits your needs and hashkafa.

    2. Well Said - enough with these kol korei - If a gadol had an issue with something they would publish a Teshuvah they shoul clearly show their stance explain it and thats it - we wouldn't end up with all these back and forth kol koreis!

  7. It's a simple business decision the 24six app advertised in Lakewood media and billboards they won't go against the advertisers but to be relevant they posted the spoof meaning going there but not going there

    1. simply disgusting. being silent is one thing. making fun is another.

    2. They posted the spoof because it in the interests of their advertisers to bash the rabbonim's letter. It's also in the media's interest because they took are trief and don't have any rabinical support. The less people respect rabonim, the better off the "Jewish" media is.

    3. Rav shach ztl started Yated neeman because the kosher media wouldn't publish a kol korei

  8. Peshuteo shel Mikrah is a masterpiece of a chumash, saturated with the Torah of Rishonim and Gedolei Achronim. Those who have used this chumash know how good, accurate and reliable it is; those who banned it were shown little snippets here and there that were twisted and misconstrued to fit the crooked agenda of those who have a vested political interest of removing it from the shelves. This is an absolute travesty and chilul Shel Shamayim of the highest order, which is why R' Shlomo Miller, R' Shmuel Kamenetzki and many others refused to join in this disgrace.

    1. I'm glad our gedolim exposed this chumash, otherwise the world would be fooled by ameratzim like you who can't see past the external and the superficial, and can't see the danger that lurks beneath the surface.

      So many lies have been spread by your ilk, until we see a letter by rav shmuel and rav miller, the chazakah is this is just another pack of lies.

    2. Many have tried to convince Rav Feldman to retract, he has fully seen the entire chumash. He remained steadfast that the chumash is assur.

    3. "vested political interest" Lol. How desperate are you

    4. anyone who has read the eye of the storm should not be remotely surprised by this stance. Id be really curious to hear what he has to say about artscroll.

    5. To Anonymous at 5:47PM: The true ameratzim and those who cannot see beneath the surface are people like you who know nothing of how the Ramban, Radak, Ibn Ezra and most other Rishonim learn chumash and feel threatened by it, to the extent that you need to resort to personal attacks and character assassination of people you don't even know (who judging from your bitter comment, are a lot greater lamdanim than you are). The whole world is laughing at the sheer ignorance inherent in every aspect of this ban. And speaking of chazakah, the one who wrote it has a chezkas chaver, and slandering him is pure motzee shem ra to the highest degree.

    6. Wrong. keep trying. They all agreed rashi comes first with his mesora - which they felt on occasion to challenge afterwards only

    7. No one is threatened by learning our gedolay meforshim. No one ever said not to learn them. It's a fake strawman argument, and deliberate lie. The threat is how they are presented in this chumash, specifically in the extremely abridged mikra malay section. Take mikra malay out, and it's a it's a nice but very basic likut, and there would be much of an issue. That's what rabbi feldman wrote.

      The real question is why do you feel threatened by rashi? No need to answer as we all know the answer

    8. What a misinformed, ignoramous you are. The chumash under discussion has Rashi printed alongside it with the most popular contemporary explanation of it. Obviously, even the publishers know to give primacy to Rashi, which is why only Rashi was included and beautifully explained. There is no problem adding other meforshim or having mikrah malei that gives the simple pshat based on the Rishonim. The fact that this needs to be explained to you just demonstrates your ignorance. And I can almost guarantee that unlike myself, you have never sudied the entire perush of Rashi, including the dikduk Rashis, which parochial-minded people like you stay far away from. Somehow, one part of Rashi is not part of the mesorah.

  9. What’s wrong with ArtScroll? It’s meant to be used as a reference for a teitch word here and there not as a Sefer like many seem to think it is. That’s not ameilus btorah.

    1. Posting on hefkervelt is definitely ameilus batorah

  10. The Gedolim I grew up with, R' Moshe Feinstein and R' Yaakov Kaminetzky, who were many times greater in all respects than anyone who signed on the ban, would never have banned this excellent chumash. Period. As many people know, the roots of this ban is the frings Eitz faction in Eretz Yisrael. Tragic to say the least

    1. הרוצה לשקר ירחיק עדותו
      You quote Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov, but no one can ask them. But, thankfully, their students can be asked. And their students have set clear the problems with this 'pirush'.

      PS can you please stop your red herring about trees and respond to the actual issue at hand. How entertaining you find anything is irrelevant to the discussion.

    2. That's opinion. A very biased opinion. Based on modox blogs you get your information

      Actually based on the former's style it is quite possible he would have, especially as they once forced someone to remove his haskama

    3. How do you know what R' Moshe Feinstein and R' Yaakov Kaminetzky would or would not have signed? R' Moshe Feinstein got a lot of flack from a certain crowd - the same type of people who would knee jerk support any sefer that has a ban on it- when he (as did Rav Shlomo Zalman Aurbach) wrote a teshuva on one of the then "new recently discovered" rishonim on Chumash saying that it may not be learned because it contains kefira in it.

    4. How are you so sure they would not have banned it??

  11. Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov never saw or said anything about this Chumash. You are not in the position to speak for them and say they never would have banned it. That is the same making up things in other peoples names that is being claimed here about Rabbi Feldman

    1. Careful, while the previous comments were well said yeah now the MO of MO(modus operandi of Modern Orthodox) will be to destroy the credibility of the illustrious named for for these discussions

    2. there any modern Orthodox males left below the age of 65?only Online Orthodox

  12. There were many issues then, too, but people were more mature and there were no bans, certainly not by the gedolim. They certainly would not have banned a chumash which tens of thousands of talmidei chachamim have used and derived great benefit from -- until the Eitz fanatics got involved and now deprived the Klal of this wonderful chumash, which has no equal (the Oz Vehadar equivalent -- Safah Berurah -- is not even close).

  13. It was definitely demanded that choshuve remove haskomos
