Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Tuesday עשרה בטבת News Updates Lakewood

 Fast ends 5:29 pm 
Weather 60° Cloudy with periods of rain. High around 60F.Chance of rain 90%.
Tomorrow in Lakewood a high of 67

- Republican leader Kevin McCarthy failed in two rounds of voting to become House speaker today after Nineteen Republican  dissent and instead threw their weight behind GOP Rep. Jim Jordan in the second ballot of the process that is leaving the start of Congress in limbo.

- Mega Millions lottery drawing tonight jackpot is $785M

- Auction celebrating 32 years of Lakewood BIkur Cholim  enter LRBC auction Here drawing January 7.

- Ponovezh roshei yeshiva designates this Thursday as a day of teshuva & tefila for the fall of the sefer torah last shabbos. Since fasting will make it hard for the bochurim tol learn the psak is all those who were in the bais medrash at the time of the fall should only it plain bread without anything smeared on it and only drink water on thursday, They yeshiva will recite tehillim after MIncha 

- Mayor of  Jersey City Steven Fulop announced this will be his last term as mayor and despite no term limits in Jersey City.

- Today Asifas chizuk on Tzipisa Lyeshua at Ateres Esther hall downstairs of the Bais Yitzchok B"M 7th and Privateway. Divrei hisoirerus by the R"Y harav Yisroel neuman shlita and Rav Yehoshua Abba Busel shlita. 4:15 pm followed by Maariv

- Tonight Yeshiva Bais Hatalmud annual parlor meeting Motzei Asara B'teves Mussar shmuz 4;55 by Rav Feivesheuvitz followed by maariv at 5:30 pm with a milchig Buffet. Guest speaker Harav Gershon Ribner shlita  at Yeshiva Ohr Torah 780 Vasser lakewood 

- Yartzeit Seuda of the ערך שי tonight at the B"M 114 Madison Avenue 6:40 pm Guest speaker Rav Shlomo Zalman Friedman shlita Santav Rav.

- South Hope Chapel road closures starting today at Linda Drive in Jackson 

1 comment:

  1. Check this out and the comments https://lakewoodalerts.com/watch-lakewood-residents-confronts-twp-committee-with-lakewood-alerts-report/
