Monday, January 2, 2023

Letter By Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva & Roahei Mosdos on Kosher Entertainment Device

 Kol Kore by Lakewood Menahalim of  mesivtas and elementary  schools with backing of the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva on a device that provides kosher entertainment.


  1. The truth is, this device is problematic for most of our children.
    But the last line of this letter undermines the whole thing. They have a problem with 'anarchy', meaning 'loss of control'.

    1. Sheer stupidity. Harping on one word (which was obviously an afterthought) to spill cold water on such an important issue.

    2. Sheer stupidity. Harping on one word (which was clearly an afterthought) to throw cold water on this important issue.

    3. Only stupidity was the Freudian slip in the letter. What do you think the common denominator is the recent kol koreis? Spoiler, it has nothing to do with the severity of the issues. There are for more important issues that could be worked on. Anything that remotely threatens the safety of institutions is looked at as an existential danger.

  2. Will there ever be a letter of encouragement for something that kids can do??????????????
    Its always against something.
    I'm not saying this device is good. I'm just wondering how do they expect our children to grow up normal if all they do is scream about every outlet?
    Its because of that that lakewood nebach has so many otd problems.

    1. Kids can play basketball, baseball, soccer, hockey, pickle ball etc
      They can ride bikes, scooters, hoverboards, rollerblades etc
      They can play boardgames, kugelach, Lego etc
      They can read kosher books and magazines
      Do you need a Kol Koreh to tell you that these activities are OK?
      The fact is that digital media has a tremendous attraction to kids and adults, and it seriously affects to their cognitive development, let alone their ruchniyus.
      Lakewood can be proud of the way we have kept (the vast majority of) our kids and adults from falling into the black hole, which has educators from the secular world baffled at how to deal with.
      We should thank our Rabonim and mechanchim for the efforts at keeping our community free of this and the tzibur deserves much credit for it's adherence

    2. How about parenting??? Why do you need things for kids 'to do'? Parent them, and your 'need' will have disappeared.

      Lakewood doesn't have a fraction of the problems that some other places have.

    3. Serious question. Do you ever walk out of your house at all and/or are you too frum to look past your 4 amos and notice all of the suffering kids in lakewood. Would advise you spend your time learning chovos hatalmidim or reading Rabbi Shimon Russell's new book and really learn how to parent. Will do a lot more than posting on hefkervelt.

  3. Tysm to all the menhalaim and rabbinic leaders that Now have made me aware of this great entertainer

  4. Why is it a problem? Nothing wrong with it

  5. Then we wonder why our kids go off when everything is ossur and u can’t even listen to Jewish music of course they rebel and want to break out

    1. Why did you rebel? Why are you rebelling? Who's stopping you from 'enjoying' all the gangsta rap you feel like? Go ahead, listen to those who want to murder you (ye, hah)

    2. Nobody said you can't listen to Jewish music

      Maybe the reason children go off the derech is because they are not allowed to lie about Kol Kores

    3. Kids go off the derech because of foolish parents like yourself. Here, good people have taken time to make us aware of something that presents as kosher and likely is nothing of the sort. The average yenta won't pick up on the dangers so they're making you and others like you, aware of it.
      Instead of appreciating it, you sit and talk like a fool. Has anyone forbidden your children from engaging in normal activities? My kids don't have this device and don't feel deprived.
      אל תוכח לץ פן ישנאך - you are a fulfillment of this pasuk
      for shame!

    4. They could still listen to the same music from the same device they listened 2 weeks ago or the same device your deprived neighbor that can't afford to buy a 246 for his 6 brats listen to

  6. where is the signatures

  7. there is no written daas torah backing this letter either. putting this out without any signatures is a farce

  8. letter after letter re important things. Pishuto shel rashi, this device, etc. All imposing requirements on other people.

    Meanwhile changing something to deal with hundreds of older girls that are in danger of never getting married (such as having boys date before EY as Reb Elya Ber suggested) is a non-issue. To me hundreds of bnos yisrael never getting married is a more serious issue than any of this stuff.

    1. "Hundreds of bnos yisroel never getting married..." LOL

    2. So go deal with them. Who's stopping you?
      The only thing stopping you is that you don't give a flip about any problem. The only thing you care to do is to poke fun at people who actually do care and try to make a difference.

  9. How is it that all the Roshei Yeshiva suddenly have the ability to join together to address an issue? There are many issues that they can address that make them uncomfortable that will continue to be ignored.

  10. Signed are so many of the same rosh mosdos we saw footage of taking selfies and clips with their iPhone at a mixed event in a luxury resort in Florida 2 weeks ago.
    "Do as I say not as I do"

    1. If all you coffee room hockers would ignore the Rosh mosdos and stop cursing them out behind their backs, you would stop giving them all the attention they thrive on...

  11. I got so turned off from the disengenuous clamour against Peshuto shel Mikrah, a wonderful Chumash written by yera'im ushleimim that has enhanced the learning of tens of thousands, that all these bans are now meaningless to me, as they are I'm sure to many others.

    1. The signatories here did not sign on the pashkevill against learning Chumash. It was a different group

    2. Every yeshiva should have a shredder near the door for peshuto shel mikra ( and kol korehs)

    3. @ anonymous 4:19 bmg roshei yeshivos signed on to both kol koreis. Let's be honest here - those are presumably the only signatures most people here care about.

    4. You mean like for the Ramban, Ibn Ezra, Radak, Malbim, etc. who learned chumash that way ....

    5. Anon 9:12 - most people here, and everywhere else, do not care in the slightest about those chasimos.

    6. @anon 4:46 AM The amount of comments here would suggest to the contrary....

  12. yera'im ushleimim?proof?
    And even if, "the path to hell is paved by good Intentions"

    1. Yes you need proof to ruin another Jew's parnassah. That is how this works.

  13. Why is nobody complaining how expensive these devices are
