Monday, January 9, 2023

Monday January 9th News Updates

 Weather: 47°  sunny skies for the afternoon. High 47F. Winds 10 to 15 mph.

- Chayeinu 360k Matching Campaign ends Text "donate" to 7323014043 or call 7323147866 or donate here

-  New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin and Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer were in Beth Medrash Govoha this afternoon for a meeting with community leaders focused on combating hate and bias crimes. the AG tweeted "Today, I met with Orthodox Jewish leaders in Lakewood. Working together with New Jersey's faith and community leaders is vital to upholding our shared commitment to protect all communities from hate and bias".

- Multi family owners summit underway in Florida for the frum real estate industry at JW Marriott Turnberry Resort & Spa Aventura, FL

- Lakewood Zoning board meeting tonight January 9th 7:00 pm reorganization watch live stream Here 7:00 pm see Agenda Here  Mosdos sanz for a 3 story school building at Oak and Vine

- Local pediatric doctor offices overwhelmed people cant get appointments due to Flu strep and other viruses 

-A federal judge approves a temporary restraining order blocking part of NJ’s new concealed carry law from being enforced, specifically the prohibition of guns being carried in some “sensitive places.

-Car thefts continue in Toms River with thieves stealing luxury cars 

- More than 7,000 nurses at two NYC hospitals, Mount Sinai in Manhattan and Montefiore in the Bronx, went on strike this morning after talks broke down between the union and hospital leaders overnight.

-Satmar Rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum begins his mid winter vacation in Palm Springs, CA the rebbe will be there for a month.

-Former president Trump congratulates McCarthy, encourages fight to ditch Mitch McConnell he wrote on  TRUTH Social “Great job Kevin! We must now stop Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow. It’s as though he just doesn’t care anymore, he pushes through anything the Democrats want. The $1.7 TRILLION quickly approved Bill of the week before was HORRIBLE. Zero for USA Border Security. If he waited just ten days, the now “United Republican Congress” could have made it MUCH BETTER, or KILLED IT. Something is wrong with McConnell, and those Republican Senators that Vote with him. PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!”

- Levaya in E"Y for  R' Yisroel Aharon Lebovics Ztl is today 1:00 pm watch on Zoom ID  9871623725 Shiva  at 339 Lawrence Avenue Lakewood Shachris 7am, Mincha 1:30 pm Maariv 7:00 pm

-  More than 110 Pesach Programs Slated for 2023 in Rebound from Covid (Kosher today)

- LDC  Lakewood Development Corporation continues to hold meetings remotely for 2023 because of the covid19 pandemic. meeting scheduled for tomorrow 4:30 pm see agenda  The public is restricted and  can only send email to comment  up 8 hours prior to the meeting to: 

NJ AG meeting at Lakewood Yeshiva BMG


  1. What’s the obsession with guns?? Is it ok for the main stream frum
    media in lakewood to push the NRA agenda? Is that less deserving of a Kol koreh than the 24/6 app?

    1. I don't see an NRA agenda anywhere. The constitution grants certain rights. The Supreme Court recently clarified some of those rights. NJ and NY are both trying to enact laws to argue with the supreme court. I think it's interesting news to hear what your elected officials are doing. On whichever side of the NRA you stand.
      And the 24/6 comment is way off base. That is directed for children in school.

    2. The lesson of chanukah is about the importance of the frum yidden using weapons to fight the yevanim. Every yid a 22 against today's misyavnim- the lefties (talmidim of Marx the quintessential misyavni)

    3. Anon 3:49 - Are you for real? Maybe the misyavnim are the right wing, who believe in a getchke called 'constitution'?

      You should be institutionalized, for your own as well as other people's benefit

    4. Anon 6:49 the way you talk, you sound like you're already institutionalized.
      I do agree though that Chanukah taught frum yidden the importance of having weapons to fight the misyavnim, whoever they may be. Every yid a 22.

  2. Time to get rid of this blatant corruption of Lakewood government why do they keep hiding from the public using the covid excuse while they keep on voting themselves higher salaries and more pay off the taxpayer dime.
    They least they can do is hold public meetings so the taxpayers can question them face to face. These remote meetings is a farce and a abuse of power to hide themselves from criticism
    shame on our elected officials who are acting like cowards

  3. Eh.. "PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!” Badly backfired this past election cycle.
    Perhaps working all streams together in tandem will go better

  4. Noticed my rich neighbor coming home with a Cadillac instead of his BMW. Was getting scarred things are going down and now I read about theft in TR

  5. A month vacation is called a winter vacation not a mid winter. The main thing is let's hope he gets enough energy to be able to carry a nice tu beshvat tish

    1. Whats the litvish way of pronouncing "tish"?
