Sunday, December 4, 2022

Replay: Asking For a Friend

Asking for a friend segment at the Agudah convention questions posed to Rav Aaron Lopiansky shlita R"Y Silver Spring and Rav Uri Deutsch shlita Mara dasra of the Foret Park community shul in Lakewood moderated by R' Sruly Besser (See timeline of questions below)

-4:20 How do we transmit the message that Hashem rewards us for doing good while not forging about schar V'Onesh
-11:45 what is daas torah about happy ending stories a lot of leaflets and books with emunah have happy endings stories
-22:00 how to give chizuk to older singles women in shidduchim
-39:18 should money be invested to move Lakewood youngeleit to out of town communities instead of keeping them local with Adirei Hatorah funding
-45:45 The daf yomi apps are they better than going to hear a live shiur from a daf yomi magid shiur
-51:20 learning torah of people who said they will be meilitz yosher for you such as the Bas Ayin Zera shimshon what is the approach 
-56:00 what's the balance between laying low in Golus and fighting for our rights
-102:45 Trump meeting with Kanye
-109:00 Anxiety about davening for mashiach feeling the yearning



  2. I am not sugarcoating. The questions here are so unimportant. Really.

    The only question that is important is the singles question and even that was asked in such a weird way. Whay can't Rabbi Besser just ask that if the system remains the same, that if 23-24 year olds marry 19-20 year olds mathematically you will cause a significant amount of frum girls to remain unmarried. Rabbi Deutch did elude to it when he says there is a contradiction between the needs of the boys and the needs of the girls that the Gedolim need to address. Given the deafening silence up until now, I am not holding my breath.

    1. this is precisely why it is called "asking for a friend". it is designed for questions that people may have, but realize it might normally be a waste of a gadols time but they are a question nonetheless and deserve to hear daas torah on them.

    2. Some questions are reasonable. The answers are however predictable platitudes

    3. I am not sugarcoating. The questions here are so unimportant to YOU. But you don't speak for those who sent them in. Or anyone else. And no one who does have important questions is addressing them to you.

  3. Anonymous December 5, 2022 at 7:56 AM - if you listen to RAL he said that 1. we do not have data to prove there is a shidduch crisis. before we declare one we should do research. 2 even if there are more single girls than boys thinking you can solve it by closing the age gap is the shetetl mindset 3. there is a study by someone credentials who did research that there are not single girls than boys


      Hashem already setup your sons and everyone else’s son/daughter zivug 40 days before they were even born. Forget about the fact that now they are holding at around 20 or so years later since they were born. Hashem has their zivug waiting for them and can send it to your son/daughter immediately but is just waiting for each person involved in shidduchim to do their RUCHNIUS hishtadlus of Bitachon and Emunah(faith and trust in Hashem) together with Tefillos/Prayers.

      Are YOU doing your RUCHNIUS hishtadlus? Not just your gashmius hishtadlus of dating and speaking to shadchanim etc….?

      Start turning directly to Hashem for help in all your needs, especially shidduchim that they say is a bigger miracle than the splitting of the Yam suf.

    2. I did. My
      Wife does.
      My daughter does.

      And we heard nothing.

  4. Should money be invested in affordable out of town communities?
    Answer: it doesn't make a difference because unlike chassidim, there is no power that be that has an agenda to build any solution that would take away from Lakewood so you have Louie Scheiner sponsering a 10k a year raise or yungerleit that is going straight into Lakewood landlords and developers pockets to cover "part" of the increase in Lakewood cost of real estate.

  5. So what should all those who listen to a shiur on an app so now? Stop learning?

    1. Did anyone suggest that? It would be better if the person if the person had a real shiur with a real connection to a Rav but if they can't find that they should continue with their app. I've heard one of the most popular online Maggidey Shiur say that it worries and bothers him that he may be the cause of people losing connections with Rabbonim...but he only increased his online presence afterwards.

  6. Why such weird questions? Are people not bothered by anything real?

    1. Maybe because people like you who believe they are worried about the "real issues" didn't send in their questions.

  7. Yes the aguda has become relevant only to a few idiots, who have such questions. While they may be important, they are definitely not pressing issues facing klal yisroel, and not worthy a shaalos chacham.

  8. I'm 100% confident that the whining comments above were not made by people who actually sent it questions or are seriously looking for hadracha anyway. It's true that some of questions weren't really answered but if they would have been people would then be whining about the simplistic answers that they don't agree with.

  9. Someone who says there is no shidduch crisis clearly doesn’t have a sister or daughter close to marriageable age and has no sensitivity to all those suffering from it.

  10. There is a crisis, putting it all on shidduchim as opposed to all other aspects of society's Darwinian attitude is making it way too narrow

  11. What crisis are you referring to? I don’t think the shidduch crisis is connected to anything else.
