Thursday, December 1, 2022

Agudah Criticizes Trump ahead of Annual Convention

 On the eve of the National Agudath Israel convention they joined the chorus in attacking President Donald Trump for the meeting in Mar-A-Lago hosting a antisemite. This comes after president Trump explained himself 4 times on his truth social account what took place and called it fake news and a democratic smear campaign.  The former president has  very high support among frum yidden and is known as a ohev yisrael one whose policies and actions were favorable to yidden in the US and Eretz Yisrael. This chanukah is also 7 years since he freed Rubashkin.This is not thr first time Agudah has attacked President Trump. They did so in 2017 during the Charlottesville riots. At that time it was shocking they would do so to a sitting president not to mention a ohev yisrael. No such statements were made for other politicians on the left who met with antisemites. See statement below


  1. This wokeness and left pandering by agudah is putting klal yisrael in a major Sakana and danger. Not only are we hated by the black Muslims (Jersey city) daily attacks on Jews in NYC but now agudah is raitzing uhn 70 million Maga crowd against us. This is very dangerous where is their achrayus for our safely and for toshvei eretz yisrael.

  2. ToevaNick Fuentes is not your regular right-wing commenter unfairly tarred by the media as an antisemite because he criticized Soros or something. Trump hosted a person who mocked the Nazis burning your zeidy in the crematoriums, gave a speech saying he wanted to be "Hitler 2, 3, and 4", and called Matt Walsh a "Shabbos goy race traitor" because he works for Ben Shapiro. Trump's previous actions, while very admirable, don't grant him immunity from criticism for every stupid decision he takes. Agudah's statement was very restrained and completely justified. They said that they are disappointed he met with him - no more, no less. The seething hatred of Agudah and vague, unnamed "askanim" is causing people to defend indefensible things.

  3. Interesting, but I remember a time when a sitting president, not an ex-president, honored, not merely hosted, a group of, not merely Nazi sympathizers, but actual bono fide Nazi murderers. Who? When? Where?

    President Ronald Reagan when attending a G7 economic summit in Bonn, West Germany in May 1985 visited Bitburg military cemetery where among 2,000 Wehrmacht (regular army) soldiers interred there were 49 Waffen SS. During the visit President Reagan laid a ceremonial wreath at the cemetery,

    Despite advance written protests by 53 U.S. Senators and 257 Congressmen, President Reagan urging him to cancel the proposed stopover, he declined to do so. He told an aide that he felt that he owed it to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl who despite considerable public and political opposition had stood steadfast with Reagan on the deployment of Pershing II missiles in West Germany.

    So, for political capital, a sitting U.S, President risked offending many Holocaust survivors who were still alive at the time and who had personally suffered at the hand of those he was to honor. This was not an error in hindsight, but rather something that was well calculated in advance and with callous disregard to Jewish sensitivities.

    I don't recall any statement made by Agudath Israel at that time.

    In contrast, President Trump consistently showed himself to be a friend of the Jewish people and a supporter of Jewish causes, even at considerable cost to his political career. Should we not overlook this misstep, considering all he has done for us?

    I guess the distinction is that President Reagan was such a charismatic figure that it was difficult to criticize him no matter the issue. Indeed, he is sometimes referred to as the "Teflon" President; nothing stuck to him.

    President Trump, in the other hand is woefully inadequate in social skills, and he manages to offend many, friend and foe alike. In a way he is reminiscent of the hapless President Nixon, who despite many of his accomplishments as Chief Executive, was grossly unpopular partly due to the fact he was unable to conquer his untamable facial fair leaving him with a lamentable five o'clock shadow and the appearance of a perpetual scowl, even when smiling.

    Appearances matter. Substance? Not so much.

    1. Do you truly not understand the difference? Does it have to be spelled out for you?
      1. Forty years later, we are not talking about the same people. גברא אגברא קא רמית?!
      2. Raegan made a political cheshbon to do something, against people's feelings. He did something he felt was positive for the country, and he ignored people's feelings about the matter. The Agudah has no business running this country, and they should not weigh in on such matters. (BTW, the same is true with the Iran deal. Obama did what he felt was best, how can ignorant people criticize him?) Here, Trump just did something nasty.
      3. Raegan met dead anti-semites, the best kind there are. Trump is giving chizuk to people who are actually current and present dangers. That must be stopped.

    2. Here is the difference between then and now. Back then, the Agudah was being run by the Gedolei Hador, today it's run by the "executive board."

    3. I don't think Agudah should have said anything but there is a big difference between then when making a statement required a while press release and today when all Agudah did was make a tweet. Also there is a big difference between not cancelling a trip to avoid jeopardizing international relations (Reagan's excuse for not doing so after it was discovered that 49 SS men were also buried in the cemetery ) and just having over two anti-Semites. And Reagan made it clear that his visit was not to the SS men in the cemetery.

      On another note one of Reagans comments about that visit was... "All of those in that cemetery have long since met the supreme judge of right and wrong. And whatever punishment or justice was needed has been rendered by one who is above us all..." Can anyone imagine an American president talking that way today?

  4. The mainstreaming of antisemites should be loudly condemned, especially when it's being done by someone with so much popularity amongst the fringes. If he knew or didn't know may speak to his intelligence, organizational abilities or whatever but is really not the point. This should be a דבר פשוט to any בר דעת

  5. סייג לחכמה שתיקה
    Agudah should Shut up!.
    We are on galus and there's no need for these statements it is only for Agudah to score brownie points with the left. Shame on them.
    They should not have said anything and kept out of it. Trump made a mistake,ok is he not allowed to make a mistake?
    Did agudah ever call out Obama or Biden who met with Farakan and Jeremiah right.
    We are our own worst enemy
    מההרסייך ומחרבייך

    1. Obama condemned Wrights statements many times.
      Obama never met with Wright (as far as is known) while or after he was president.
      Obama gave up his membership in Wrights church over what he called "divisive statements that sharply conflict with my views".

      I am no lover of Obama and have no doubt whatsoever that Trump personally has no hatered to Jews and I would never say that about Obama but facts are facts and the blind allegiance to one man, regardless of anything that he does or says is not a yiddishe midday in my humble opinion.

    2. Obama condemned Wrights statements and gave up his membership in Wrights church because it was politicly beneficial for him. He spent twenty years in the guys church beforehand and didn't just wake one around the same time he decided to run to for president and start condemning him.

  6. The Trump worship in this comment section and in the yeshivah velt at large is astonishing and embarrassing to behold.

    1. We should tell them Trump is a property developer; then they'll start foaming at the mouth.

    2. So says the elitist who thinks he is smarter than 90% of frum jews who voted for Trump. It is YOU who sees it as worship instead of polices. GO EMBRACE THE LEFT

    3. Anon 11:09 - you actually prove his point. You are so enmeshed with Trump that you cannot see how embarrassing it is.

  7. I am scratching my head reading this article (typing with only one hand).

    Trump said it's fake news, so therefore it goes away.
    Oh, he said it's a smear tactic, they invented a story from thin air. That settles it, doesn't it?

    Trump smears himself, he is the smear tactic, not the Democrats.

    1. I was confused about that too. We know the dinner happened - since he says it's fake and a smear, therefore what? It didn't happen? Can't believe Yidden think and talk like this.

    2. Keep scratching your head it's very simple. Trump didn't deny it he explained what happened. What the media and democrats did was use it to smear a political opponent your a fool to think that the same could be done to Biden if the media was against him.
      Nebaach your hatred is blinding you from thinking

    3. This article tells us how he defended himself. By calling it fake news. And a smear campaign.

      If Biden did this, the reaction would be precisely the same. The 'media' did not deny Obama's meetings with Farrakhan, it reported on them. But Obama did not 'defend' himself like Trump does.

  8. The Agudah is full of anti trumpists acting on their own behalf
    The moetzes was very adamant against the Trump attacks but they are ignored and only used when needed.
    The baalei batim run the show with the disguise of days Torah

    1. I'm pretty sure it's the opposite - it seems like there are very many baalei batim populating hefkervelt that are projecting their own political views onto the moetzes.

  9. This was a meeting with an anti Semite that brought along another anti Semite that in turn brought another anti Semite. But Lakewood hockers will be fine with all of it as long as his name is trump. and they Will not even let anybody condemn it. How spineless could a community be

    1. Well said!
      Unfortunately, the Trump chassidim in Lakewood are so loud, that the few measured voices of those who did not lose their heads over a couple of pardons are hardly heard. People start to live in an echo chamber, and they think that anyone who disagrees with them must be completely left and completely crazy.
      These comments remind me that there are still are sane people out there. Some may vote Trump but are still cognizant of his failings. Others don't vote Trump and even voted Biden, but are not leftists, they merely think that Trump as a person is a greater danger than a leftist. Some may even think that a moderate like Biden is not a real leftist (check the policies that he implemented, how far left are they really? Virtually nothing out of the realm of centrism). Others might even be leftists, but not radical ones.
      The frothing at the mouth on the internet by some Lakewood people about Trump would hide the existence of these people, but there are plenty of us.

    2. Those who think Biden isn't a leftist shouldn't count themselves among the sane people. He himself did not deny being one when meeting with progressives. As he put it "I USED to be a moderate" . There is another group of sane people who despise Trump but still think that this issue is being blown out of proportion for the political benefit of bad people and don't want to get aboard. Last summer Biden sat on the same stage and praised Jesse Jackson who in the 1980s said "Hitler was a great man" among many anti-Semitic comments. Just imagine had Trump done a thing like that.

    3. Moving the foul lines by a mile. Joe Biden's policies are centrist ?! Center of what? Etch 'n sketch? Defining deviancy down every few months?
      The only aspect that has been centrist was a piece of legislation he failed to pass previously and needed the compromise on the second try.
      Check out his executive orders from the first couple months in office!
      Similar to how the media and financial powers used to compare Bulganin, Malenkov, Khrushchev,as being more left, center, and right?

    4. People are mixing up issues.
      What did President Biden do to 'redefine deviancy'? The correct answer is 'nothing at all'.
      He is not responsible for the culture.

      The laws he did push and pass are common sense laws that have nothing to do with right or left. Climate change isn't 'left', even if the super-rich are trying to convince the super-stupid that it is.

      His approach to immigration has not been far left at all. He did not open the borders, he did not push any legislation that relaxes the regulations any more than it was before Trump.

      The far left, as modeled by Bernie Sanders and AOC, has not made any gains under President Biden. They have not been empowered and they do not have a friend in the White House.

    5. The biggest rayah that the olam lost their heads with trump is that if anyone criticizes him they are immediately denounced as "leftist" complicit with "the media," or whatever other narishkeit

    6. The biggest rayah that the olam lost their heads with being ANTI trump is that anytime anyone disagrees him they are immediately denounced as people who lost their heads among other insults without any comments of substance. And to be clear I despise Trump. But I've seen too many people go nuts by aligning themselves too strongly with the anti- (or pro) Trump crowd

  10. So you live under a rock?
    There are a few factors responsible for culture. And one major part is the president. Even when he is clueless as Joe
    Executive orders for trans. Pushing the whole military left and woke
    Nominating Lefty radicals as judges
    Those very things that when it's way too late people blame in retrospect 10 or 20 years down the line

  11. How has Joe Biden been different than a Bernie Sanders administration the exception of economics

  12. I think the issue a lot of people have with Agudas condemnation of Trump is that Agudah, in theory should be pragmatic about there statements and only issue statements that benefit Klal Yisroel.
    it so hard to believe that Trump
    There are many actual policies of the left that Agudah should be opposed to. Yet they say nothing because it will have no practical benefit for the Klal.

    On the other hand, Trumps policies were highly beneficial for Klal Yisroel, he is clearly not antisemitic, yet Agudah condemns him for meeting an antisemite that Trump claims to have known nothing about.

    It is highly likely Trump did not know Fuentes, many people never heard of him.

    What was the practical benefit in Agudah denouncing Trump? A man who despite his good policies is known to bear grudges..

    Why attack a man who not only may become President again, but has 70 million supporters?

    I honestly do not see what the upside of this was.
