Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday December 9 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, December 9, 2022 / ט״ו כסלו תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת וישלח
Candle lighting 4:13 pm
Shliah 4:31 pm
Weather today 47° Sunny, Shabbos day sunny hi of 42.

- New York City issues COVID-19 advisory urging everyone to wear a mask

-  Trump Bashes Jewish Leaders for Not Being ‘Loyal’ after they bashed him for  the dinner at Mar - A -Lago “Jewish Leaders forgot that I was the best, by far, President for Israel,” Trump wrote on Truth Social Friday. “They should be ashamed of themselves. This lack of loyalty to their greatest friends and allies is why large numbers in Congress, and so many others, have stopped giving support to Israel.” 

-- Earliest Shabbos of the year

- Daf Yomi fun fact today's daf is the Shortest Daf in shas. The Shortest Daf in shas that has words on both pages is Nedarim 45a-b which has 69 words (not including Hadran Alach).

- Lang Lawsuit: Aron Lang update "The Appellate Division finally set a date for oral argument. January 17, 2023. The solvency and future of Lakewood, and ultimately Toms River and Jackson, and the provision of a thorough and efficient education to all the children in northern Ocean County,  will soon be decided"

- Sen. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona said in remarks that she's leaving the Democratic Party and registering as an independent this comes 2 days after the democrats thought they had a 51-49 majority.

- LAKEWOOD - School district officials are set to meet with parents in person for the first time in over two years at 6 p.m. Tuesday, Dec 13. The meeting is set to take place at Lakewood High School auditorium, where parents expect to hear the district proposals to address the rise in substance abuse and bullying affecting middle and high school students. Lakewood remains the only district in Monmouth and Ocean counties that has not returned to in-person board meetings since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. (APP)

- BDE: Petirah of Rabbi Moshe Yanofsky z”l of Flatbush, Brooklyn. Rabbi Yanofsky was the founder and longtime beloved principal at Machon Bais Yaakov in Boro Park. Reb Moshe was also the long-time principal of Bais Yaakov of Boro Park, serving alongside Rav Boruch and Rebbetzin Vichna Kaplan for over 20 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Sharon Yanofsky, and his children raising a choshuva mishpacha. He was predeceased by his son, Rav Eliyahu Yanofsky z”l of Lakewood. The levayah will take place Friday morning, at 10 a.m., at Shomrei Hadas Chapels in Boro Park. (Matzav)

- This Motzei Shabbos asifas Zikaron and hespedim for the yartzeit of Rav Avrohom Chaim Levin ZTL R"Y Telshe Chicago, at Khal Zichron Chaim 901 E. Kennedy Blvd Lakewood at 9:15pm divrei zikaron by R' Eliyohu Meir Keller shlita

- Meon Bais Yaakov high school will celebrate a chanukas habayis on completion of their new building located at 550 James street behind Bnos Melech

- Satmar B"M in Lakewood under the leadership of the rebbe Rav Aaron Teitelbaum will host a Melava Malka this Motzei shabbos to celebrate the Yom Hatzalah of Kuf aleph Kislev at the B"M located at 608 E. County Line Blvd guest speaker: the rebbes  son from Williamsburg,.

- Chabad will be hosting a Yat Kislev  meleva Malka this week at Bnos Devorah this Motzei shabbos guest speaker Rav Ben Zion Twerski from Milwaukee 


  1. Rav Shach said Lakt yungerlite should NOT ATTEND LUBAVICH doings in Lakewood

    1. That’s boloneyy! Most of these people need chabad

    2. "That’s boloneyy!"
      Whats boloneyy?
      Rav Shach didnt say that?? you obviously have zero knowledge of recent history..
      BTW no one needs Chabad. But Chabad needs some serious help over the last 35 years. CPR, first aid..

  2. R' Scahch Zatzal (please say ZATZAL after a tzadik's name) hasn't been living for a long time, and wasn't active for some time before his passing. Since then the Lakewood Yungerleit have changed so much, that if people weren' t constantly here, they wouldn't recognize them. So too has Lubuvitch changed, so much so that their guest speaker although an Einikel of the Mittle Rebbe Zatzal, is not a Lubuvitcher , but a Son pof The Milwakee Rebbe, who is a a talmid of Reb Ahron Zatzal.

    1. It's so weird how ppl can't see missionaries for what they are. This is what cha bad has been doing for the longest time.

  3. You mean according to your nevuah of Rav Shach zt'l if we attend we might effect our yiras shomayim? ahavas yisroel? Please expound on your nevuah.

    1. It may affect your Emuna, as you are taught things that do not fit with our Mesora
      It may affect your Ahavas Yisroel, as you get suckered into a party mindset that says that we only have to care about ANASH.

      This isn't Nevuah, this is Sechel. Nevuah is for........................

    2. What emunah will be differnet by this chabad farbringin? You seem to know vast knowledge of yiras shamoayim and emuna. Please expuind exactly on the differences that will effect me.

    3. Impurity and lack of klahrkeit

  4. I'd he going to tell them to go to college?

  5. The Lang hearing is scheduled for 1/17/23.

  6. What timeline of the Yat Kislev Melave Malka at Bnos Devora?
