Friday, December 16, 2022

Full Speech: Donald Trump at Torah Umesorah Presidents Conference

Former president Donald J. Trump Speaking at Torah Umesorah Presidents Convention in Miami at the Trump National Doral 


  1. Not Torah or Mesorah, yes some mixed entertainment, that is what it looks like anyway. You can't even make a brocho on him, anymore.

  2. I'm in shock. I see here so many Lakewood Rosh mosdos in this video pulling out their smart phones taking videos, taking selfies.
    I'm so confused...

  3. I'm willing to bet that the vast, vast majority of Roshei Mosdos were not there and that many if not most of them don't even know that this convention exists.

    1. Your obviously not to smart

    2. i don't know if he's smart or not or how you can tell that from his comment but what he wrote is probably true

    3. I definitely spotted in the limited view of the video 4 Lakewood school owners

    4. Wow. There are probably 150 or more Mosdos in Lakewood between boys and girls . The ones I know have no idea what this convention is about . So maybe there are 4 or 6 or 8 that went. Big deal.

    5. there were over 60 lakewood rosh mosdos there.
