Saturday, December 17, 2022

Motzei Shabbos. Vayeshev Erev Chanuka News Updates

- Erev Chanuka zman hadlaka in Lakewood kminhag hayeahiva 4:56 pm candles should burn untill 6:15 pm.

- Bde. Petirqh of Mr. Bookman owner and founder of Bookman meat In his 90s

- Gourmet glatt South open tonight until 11pm with a melava Malka spread. Bingo open, NPGS open

- Extra virgin cold pressed olive oil with OU available at Trader Joe's $6.99 for 33.8 floz bottle (make sure to get the one with a hechsher on it) see list of recommended oils for Chanukah here 

- Long lines at local urgent cares due to Flu and other viruses.

- BDE petirah of Reb Yissochar Dov (Albert) Reichman ZL Albert of Toronto at age of 93. Supporter of Torah institutions. R' Beri was one of five brothers who led the Reichmann empire, an empire not of business, but of hachzokas haTorah and chesed on a historic level more at matzav 

- Bde petirah of Mrs. Rochel Zlatowitz a"h wife of Reb Meir zlotowitz ztl she was 81. She was niftar of shabbos in Lakewood after an illness Levaya in Brooklyn tomorrow morning  10:30 am at Shomrei Hadas 3803 14th Ave, in Boro Park. Kevura in E"Y Beit Shemesh

- 5th yartzeit of Tav Shteinman zatzal

-  Torah Umesorah presidents conference live stream of sessions HERE

- Trump remarked upon seeing Rav Shmuel Kamenetzky at TU conference that one Rabbi "Is slightly over seventy years old, but looks much younger than that" and that another "Still looks like a young man...there’s something nice about being a rabbi, I think. You look beautiful."

- TAG international pit out a alert about a new APP and media device to stream kosher entertainment that one should consult with their own daas Torah before purchasing them. A letter hanging in shuls over shabbos in Hebrew and English warns of the potential danger fron the kosher entertainment devices and that the ones making decisions should be rabbonim not the entrepreneurs.


  1. can someone post the letter from TAG?

    1. Please post the actual letter, something doesn't sound right

  2. בר בי רב דחד יומי their own day's Torah

  3. I just received a check from the Agudah Lakewood Education Assistance program

    1. How did you work out your income numbers?

    2. are they giving the full $2500 that they are required to disperse?
