Sunday, December 4, 2022

Sunday December 4th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 46° Sun and clouds mixed. High 46F. Winds  5 to 10 mph.

- Hachnosas Sefer Torah 3pm at B"M Kehilas Howell 372 Alexander Ave, Howell, Nj

- Expect more traffic on James Street in Lakewood starting tomorrow as crew begin the installation of a traffic signal by the intersection of James and Williams.

- Rav Gershon Ribner shlita will deliver Q&A today about learning Mussar with a chabuta at 645 7th street 10:00 pm

- Agudah convention keynote Rabbi Zweibel calls out Trump for not denouncing the antisemitism he invited to his home and says not only was he a former president but a candidate for the presidency again "Yesterday’s friend can be tomorrow’s greatest enemy.”

- Begin saying ותן טל ומטר in  shmone Esrei tonight by Maariv (If one became aware after completing the bracha of Mevareich Hashanim that one omitted Vesein Tal Umatar, one should wait to insert it right before “Ki atah shomeiah” in Shema Koleinu. If one has already completed the bracha of Shomeiah Tefillah, one may insert Vesein Tal Umatar before saying Retzei. If one has already started Retzei, one must return to the bracha of Boreich Aleinu, which is the proper place for Vesein Tal Umatar. If one already completed the Shemonah Esrei and stepped backward, one must repeat the entire Shemonah Esrei (Shulchan Aruch with Mishna Berurah 117:5. See also Bi’ur Halacha).Matzav.

- Stores with full chanukah displays and sales

- NPGS now selling pride of the farm milk at the Jackson location

-Rav Reuvein Leuchter will speak tonight at Lutzk B"M after 10pm maariv 

- Despite high crash rate Lakewood will not receive state grant for annual traffic safety  enforcement.More at 

- Rav Dovid Schustal shlita Lakewood Rosh Yeshiva giving shiur at Yeahiva Bais Medrash Elyon in Bnei Brak


  1. A yungerman thinking about entering the workforce. What’s a good career? Is it kedai?

    1. If your way of getting info is posting questions on Hefkervelt then no, it's not kedai.

  2. This is why Agudah is irrelevant by publicly bashing Trump for a mistake or a set up calling him tomorrows enemy they are out of their minds.
    The Agudah is looking to be accepted by the woke crowd and ignoring and spitting in the face of 90% of frum jews who voted for Trump and will do so again. They failed pushing Lee Zeldin and tasted uhn the NY politicians against us now they are playing with fire attacking the Ohev yisrael Trump who never said or did anything bad to frum yidden.
    The same Agudah has been silent on Antifa and black Muslim terror who killed orthodox Jews in jersey city and constantly attacking chasidim on the streets of Brooklyn. The very politicians who are responsible for the moral decay and rise of crime making it unsafe are honored and given high support by agudah.
    Our brothers are our worst enemies

    1. There is so much nonsense to unpack there.
      1. Calling out antisemitism is not woke. It is the simple job of the Agudah to look out for Jewish interests, and staying quiet when such a prominent American grants legitimacy to degenerates like that is not in our interests. Nothing to do with wokeism.
      2. The 90% of frum Jews who voted for Trump should not be telling the Agudah how to act. Agudah should lead, not follow.
      3. Even those who voted for Trump, and will do so again, can call out this meeting with antisemites. It does not mean that their vote was wrong or worthless, just that this meeting is wrong.
      4. It is not the AGuda's place to deal with Antifa, they aren't a national party, they represent Orthodox Jews only.
      5. They did speak out about the Jersey City story. Check your facts first.
      6. They did speak out about the constant attacks on Chassidim in Brooklyn

      Basically, you are living in an alternate reality, and you should seek help.

    2. Your points are moot since Agudah has hated Trump even before this they used every opportunity to attack him as they did in 2017, but lets see
      1 Did Agudah call out all anti-Semitism from the left, Obama and Clinton met with notorious anti-Semites not a word from Agudah only crickets
      2. The 90% who voted for Trump have every right to vote as they wish ,they did not appoint the Agudah elitist balei batim to lead them
      3. Trump explained what this meeting was about there was no public statement or anything anti-Semitic that was said at this meeting Trump said he didnt know who the other guy was its not like this meeting was the worst thing that happened to Jews in America
      4. fact antifa is no friend of the Jews or Israel Antifa have also been involved in targeting people who show up to show support for Israel at demonstrations in the US.”
      5, 6 Agudah is obsessed with attacking right wing supremacy while the latest crimes against frum Jews almost all came from the radical left black muslim whose leaders meet occasionally with democrats yet Agudah keeps mostly silent about that and focuses on the radical right to kiss up to the left democrats. When Yidden are hurt physically agudah will put out a a statement after the fact but in general they are looking to appease the degenerate democrats all for gelt
      Shame on them for the statement against Trump it was uncalled for
      and now klal yisrael may be in a bigger Sakana now turning our friends against us, than the reason agudah used to attack Trump because of a meeting they know nothing about.

  3. When buying Gift Cards for your morahs / babysitters etc.for Chanukah. Besides the regular downsides of gift cards - getting lost etc. - which gift card companies bank on, you may want to find out the stores gift card policy. From excluding their regular sales (which is the reason the store is popular in the first place) to illegally putting an expiration on the funds etc. You may end up causing lots of heartache and expense to your gift card recipient when they find out at the register they have to use their credit card for their purchase...

    1. Just give a check
      Let the teachers decide what they need.

  4. Fake Frum organization's (Corporation$) that advertise on highway billboard's in Lakewood cause the anti-Semitism that they condemn.

    1. What do they do besides for putting out statements and doing nonstop advertising (including in blogs that they forbade) about themselves?

  5. What's up with the tznius oriented letters on the poop it seems they like discussing nashim's dress and clothing it must bring in the clicks are they even real

  6. what changed with Pride of the farm milk that the co op is carrying it again did the kashrus get better

    1. Yes. The CoOp upgraded their Kashrus standards and started carrying POF milk.

  7. It was never a kashrus issue. It was machlokes/stupid politics and I guess they saw making peace would be good for business.

  8. The Trump attack had nothing to do with the safety of Khal Yisroel or calling out anti semitisim it was all about Agudah it was about keeping up with the OU and ADL it was about major infighting among agudah brass the old guard who are vehemently anti Trump who have high positions within.
    Don't fool yourself for a second that it was for your best interest it was a calculated move that may come back to bite everyone.
