Friday, December 30, 2022

Friday December 30 News Updates Lakewood

 Friday, December 30, 2022 / ו׳ טבת תשפ״ג ערב שבת פרשת ויגש

Candle lighting 4:22
Shkia/Sunset 4:40 pm
Weather today high of 60° Sunny to partly cloudy. Shabbos day rain showers hi of 56.

- Long lines at MVC inspection station on rt 70 as motorists renew car inspection before end of year

- Adirei Hatorah 2.0 second large event scheduled for this coming year on Sunday 15 Sivan  June,4 2023 at a unaamed venue.

-Mega Millions lottery drawing tonight jackpot is $640 million.

-Harav Aaron Feldman shlita clarifies his stance on the פשוטו של מקרא  chumash in a letter below that he never said to have it removed from one's home or to there is haskallah involved rather was written by Ehrlich people but that some changes are in order.

- Stutchiner Rebba Rav Mottel Zilber shlita will spend shabbos on Lakewoods Tefilos will take place at yeshiva ktana hall 110 2nd street Friday night tish same location 9:30pm

- Flu & Covid going around

- Paterson, NJ public school district announced that face masks must be worn by students and staff indoors starting Jan. 3. Camden City School District, will start a two-week mask mandate January 3rd.

- New years holiday is on Sunday many banks and govt offices  will be closed on Monday January 2 2023
Letter by badatz and Rav Aaron Feldman on the peahuto shel Mikra chumash.
New York Deli style restaurant in Lakewood 


  1. The letter from the badat"z in eretz yisrael is from last year, this wasn't their only letter, but in this letter they demand that the publisher revise the entire edition. The issue is, that this was brought up quite a while back, and as much as they reluctantly agreed they have been dragging their feet. However the market pressure of the rabbonim not allowing to buy it, is forcing them to redo it.
    Of course it won't be easy to kasher this work, as Rabbi Feldman points out some of the issues, and there was a lot discovered about their entire approach to chumash, which won't just do with a few corrections, rather a total revamp and maybe some new editors.

    1. The Sefer is fine as is. There is nothing wrong with it, and anyone who learns from it finds their Torah learning enhanced.

      There is nothing with their 'whole approach' to Chumash. It is the Peshuto shel Mikra, not Derash. And Peshuto shel Mikra has no nissim or mofsim. Stop reading pashkevilln and learn the Ramban on this week's Parsha.

    2. what do you mean peshuto shel mikra has no nissim or mofsim. there are many mofsim that are in the plain pashut pshat of pesukim such as Moshe turning a stick into a nachash so what do you mean?

    3. Here we a classical example of a modern day apikorslos. Congratulations.

    4. To Anonymous December 30, 2022 at 8:06 AM,
      You are arguing with Reb Aron Feldman shlita straight out. Afar L'pimeich!!

      This new letter is obviously put out by the publisher themselves, which is obvious from the way they make tiny the words they dont want you to read.

      As mentioned already, this letter from the Eidah is the old letter. After PSM reprinted without making the promised changes, the Eidah out out a second letter which was written much more harsh banning the chumash altogether.

      It is well know that in Eretz Yisroel, many Gedolim were goinez this sefer and said some very harsh words about the authors. (i.e. Rav Desller and others)

    5. Rav Dessler died about 70 years ago. How did his name enter? Suddenly we have a new cohort of Gedolim?

      The authors are Talmidei Chachamim Yerei Elokim. Resha'im are sullying their names in Chutz La'aretz, where they cannot defend themselves. ארור מכה רעהו בסתר

    6. To anonymous at 8:06 AM. Stop throwing around names. Names mean nothing! The chumash itself is excellent in every way, as any person who actually uses it knows, and this whole inane controversy is being fueled by the 'Eitz' faction in Eretz Y. and their supporters, as is well-known

  2. Lakewood always had, and still has a traditional style deli.

    1. Agreed! And they don’t charge crazy prices like this new place! R&S forever!

  3. When Rav Shlomo Miller was approached by the people and asked to sign the kol Korei against the sefer he refused, saying, "Who exactly should I sign against? The Ramban, Rabbeinu Bechayeh, the Ralbag?

    1. That could be said about other publications as well
      At least one of which he Banned
      So is this buyers remorse?

    2. That is exactly what almost anyone who actually has used this wonderful chumash knows. The chumash is excellent and is kulo kodesh, enhancing one's learning. The smear campaign against the chumash is terrible and almost all -- if not all -- who signed against it are now regretting it, when they hear that they've been horribly misled.

  4. There are no names signed to the top part of the letter about chumash kipshuto, therefore the opinions stated on top are worthless. Worthless and pretty deceptive too.

    1. As if names make them make sense..................

  5. I have difficulties with my Emuna and would like to have a roundtable discussion with others like me together with Rabbonim. Why is there nothing like this offered to us and our kids?
    Are we afraid of something?

    1. Because it will cause more harm than good. Speaking about עקרי האמונה as if there is any other possibility can lead to more questions. You ask if we are afraid of anything? Certainly we are! We are afraid that the apikorsus will spread! שאני מינות דמשכא.
      The system that we have works very well B"H and for those that fall aside... too bad on them.
      If your point is to hint that we are afraid because really your questions are valid and ח"ו... etc. then you are a dangerous influence that must be avoided. Sorry to say it like it is.

    2. why don't you just speak to your own rov and rabbeim and learn the original sources about emunah, such as chovos halevavos and chazon ish emunah u'bitachon (or any of the excellent books in english on this topic). why do you need roundtable discussions?

  6. This chumash is a masterpiece of clear pshat. The publishers have b"h released a kuntres online demonstrating how all the so-called claims against them are completely meaningless. The chumash, composed by yera'im ushleimim, is perfect and needs no correction whatsoever! If a person is biased and bent on finding something objectionable, he can find the same things in ANY sefer he opens. period. Whoever ownes this set of chumashim is lucky.

  7. There are plenty of serious issues with the chumash the publishers were supposed to make changes and dragged their feet on it. Bh the danger was brought to light by gedolei yisrael and now people will proceed with caution.

    1. There are ZERO ISSUES with this chumash! You obviously know nothing about it It is arguably the best set of chumashim available, besides of course for a set of Mikraos Gedolos

    2. Sadly either you can't read or comprehend Hebrew, otherwise you would've read rav ahron Feldman's letter posted above.

    3. Do you ask R' Aaron Feldman all of your hashkafah questions? I'm probably more proficient in Hebrew than you are, but thank God, I'm able to think for myself and evaluate things. in any event, many Gedolim, e.g., those who refused to sign on to this protest, do not agree with him. And by the way, proper nouns are capitalized.

    4. Like the pirush peshuto shel mikra, I like to cherry pick and choose my hashkafos, to fit my interests.

    5. To the contrary, it's those who are against Peshuto shel Mikra who are cherry picking and seeking out any little weak diyuk they could find and twist to meet their twisted, predecided and biased agenda. The perush itself does not cherry pick but follows the gedolei Rishonim and Achronim consistantly.

  8. The serious issues with this Chumash are, 1. if it falls on your head, it can hurt, 2. if a corner hits your head, it will hurt even more, 3. if you steal it from someone, you will be considered a Gazlan/Ganev, and you may be posul le'edus, rendering any Get you witness possul and causing Mamzerin, 4. If you learn from it on Tish'a Be'av, you will be doing an Aveira, 5. If it is used to hold a door open, a draft may make you cold, 6. Your Chavrusa may be jealous of you for owning one, causing an issur of לא תחמוד.

    Many serious issues with it.

    1. Make fun all you want. The gedolim did not back down from their letter even Rav Aaron Feldman said not to learn from it. The bottom line is that the stores are not selling it anymore

  9. The true colors of the pro"pshat" crowd are showing. They want to treat all our chachmei hatorah from chazal till today's gedolim as "drush", nice but optional. They are less about pshat, and more about prikas ol

    1. SInce when is 'drush' optional? If the anti פשש"מ believe so, we really need the Gedolim to sign against them. Drush is not optional, it's not 'nice', it's a way fo learning Chumash.

      But without sheker and apikorsus, they have no real case against פשש"מ. So they resort to that.

      שלא שם חלקנו כהם וגורלנו ככל המונם

  10. Is the Ramban, Radak, Ibn Ezra, Rashbam, Malbim, Ksav Vekabbalah, et al., included in your "pro-pshat crowd"? They are among the sources from which this wonderful commentary is culled. I guess that in your view, they too were porkei ol. Pathetic

    1. You could make it appear that way when you splice slant and cherry pick

    2. There's two parts to the peshuto chumash perush. 1. A likut of meforshim other than rashi, this part is called peshuto shel mikra 2. A very simplistic running commentary called mikrah maleh that's somewhat based on the meforshim in the likut. Our rabbonim have found serious issues with the mikrah maleh part of this chumash.

      The publisher promised the rabbonim of eretz yisroel they would not republish the sefer as is without repairing the problematic parts. Yet they still republished it.

    3. אם בקשת ליחנק היתלה באילן גדול

  11. Everything nowadays has out in your face and is expected to be that way. Unfortunately. As a great RY said decades ago when it was asked re: something similar to the P S M
    :unter de tish

    If they weren't insisting on making waves, that should be accepted even by the Pro crowd.

  12. no nissim or mofsim"
    even Mendelsson wouldn't have tried that
    Quite scary. What is that supposed to mean?
