Monday, December 26, 2022

Oif Simchas 3 Teves Monday Night

Kiddush Levana  (cloudy skies)
Rubashkin Seudas Hodaah in Lakewood watch livestream below 8:30 pm
Burzstyn - Hess Bais Faiga
Steger - Pinter Kesser Moshe Yehuda
Rotberg - Horowitz Fountain Ballroom

- Tonight R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin 5th anniversary seudas Hodaah  Zos Chanukah at Bnos Melech high school 550 James st Lakewood 8:30 pm with the participation of  Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita with a panel discussion on Emunah & Bitachon by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita and Rav Pinchos Lipschutz shlita. Music w refreshments. Livestream available at Or listen live at Kol Mevaser 212-444-1100


  1. HaRav Shach already us true Bney Torah in Lakewood NOT to attend any LUBAVICH shiur in Lakewood!!

  2. Big bizayon, R SB Kohen keeps quoting Rav Shach at this LUBAVICH event!!!

  3. I beg to differ this isn’t a Lubavitcher event it’s a klall yisroel event and quoting Rav schach ztl doesn’t at all minimize the miracle of his being freed excuse me for saying this but your comment is petty and “ klayn kepeldik”
    this is a totally Apolitical event !!

  4. I beg to differ this isn’t a Lubavitcher event it’s a klall yisroel event and quoting Rav schach ztl doesn’t at all minimize the miracle of his being freed excuse me for saying this but your comment is petty and “ klayn kepeldik”
    this is a totally Apolitical event !!

  5. You may fool yourself but R Cohen mad everyone very uncomfortable

  6. Why the cute lechiams, farbrengins, etc etc ?

  7. R. Simcha Bunim Cohen was gevaldig!

  8. "R SB Kohen keeps quoting Rav Shach"

    Maybe he was trying to mekarev SMR.
