Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

Hashkafa Q&A by Reb Gershon Ribner Shlita
Valuing a seder in Yeshiva Differentiation between a shiur which is imperative or just a luxury
The rebbe that was fooled by a talmid Perceiving a stark connection between my friend's iniquities and his suffering Using discretion when interrupting a shiur with a question


  1. When a person sees an avera or a bad middah in someone else, it is clear that he also has this problem. The Baal Shem Tov revealed this, and many Gedolim stories are said about this. The Rebbe Reb Zusha and the Tzemach Tzedek come to mind.

    If a person sees something 'wrong' in someone else, his job is to repair that defect in his own life. If you see someone else being mechalel Shabbos, make sure your Shabbos is as it should be, with clear knowledge of Hilchos Shabbos, as well as an attitude of Kedushas Shabbos. If you see someone else act nastily to another person, check your own Bein Adam Lachavero. If you see terrible arrogance on someone else's attitude, check your own.

    That is the lesson, not to try and find out why things happen to other people.

  2. Cute, simplistic, and often incorrect
    Do you only rebuke your descendants for something that you have achieved absolute perfection
    Is that even recommended or permitted?

    when Moshe Rabeinu gave reproof , it was because he had the same problem in his own life?


  3. I would just like to share what I believe is the source for the notion of being dishonest with rebbe for the ssake of Torah.
    See sefer Viahavta Lireiacha Kamocha chelek 1 Geneivas Daas perek 1, where he cites a Zohar (Yisro 93b) that based on the taam elyon in the aseres hadibros the implication of Lo Signov now becomes that there are times when one is permitted to engage in geneivas daas. Specifically for the sake of learning Torah. ; זוהר כרך ב (שמות) פרשת יתרו דף צג עמוד ב

    לא תגנב, אי לאו דפסקא טעמא הוה אסיר אפילו למגנב דעתא דרביה באורייתא או דעתא דחכם לאסתכלא ביה או דיינא דדאין דינא לפום טענה דאצטריך ליה למגנב דעתא דרמאה ולמגנב דעתא דתרווייהו לאפקא דינא לנהורא, ובמה דפסקא טעמא אסיר ושרי: “Thou shalt not steal…” If דפסקא טעמא it would be forbidden even to “steal the mind” (i.e. deceive) one’s teacher for Torah or to deceive a sage in order to observe them (i.e. their lifestyle), or to for a judge who is judging a case according to the claims and they must deceive the cheater and to deceive both sides in order to bring out the decision to light.

    How careful and honest would one have to be to be cheating purely to curry favor with his rebbe to create greater hashpaa, and not have an element of personal negios
