Monday, December 26, 2022

Monday December 26 Zos Chanukah 5783 Lakewood

- Weather: 31° Sunshine early followed by cloudy skies this afternoon. High 31F. Winds 5 to 10 mph. Tonight low of 19

- Gov Murphy: I'm deploying New Jersey Task Force One to assist New York with rescue efforts after extreme winter weather impacted the state this weekend, because that's what neighbors do.

- Parking lots at American dream Mall are at a standstill this evening some people sitting in their cars for over 2 hours due to accidents in the parking lot exit. According to witnesses, people are fleeing their vehicles for warmth inside the mall,  making natters more complicated 

- Doctors offices overwhelmed hard to get appointments 

- BDE: Petira of Rebbetzin Shulamit Ezrachi A”h who passed away this evening at the age of 91.She was the wife of Reb Baruch Mordecheh Ezrachi Shlita Rosh Yeshivah of Ateres Yisroel and daughter of Rav Meir Chodosh ztz”l Levaya tomorrow morning from her home in Bayit Vegan to Har Hazeisim.

-Admor M'Skulen Lakewood will conduct a Zos Chanukah Tish today at 5:00pm in his Bais Medrash off Park Ave

- Death toll rises to 17 with storm related deaths in western NY from the weekend storm in the Buffalo area. Canadian border crossings at Niagra are closed including  Peace Bridge, Lewiston-Queenston Bridge and Rainbow Bridge also remain closed.

-BDE: Petirah of Rav Asher Green Z"L who was niftar early this morning in Lakewood . Levaya at the Lakewood chapel 11:30 am. Origionaly from St. Louis  He was a talmid of Rav Aaron Kotler, he learned in Beth Medrash Elyon and Beth Yosef (Novardok) under Rabbi Avrohom Yofen ZT”L until he returned to St. Louis, and with Rabbi Shmuel Faivelson shlita, established a Yeshiva Gedola there. In 2000, he returned to Lakewood and resumed learning in Beth Medrash Govoha. Shiva is at 116 10th st Lakewood. 

-Post office closed today no mail delivery, govt offices closed, most banks closed today TD bank open. 
-Girls schools closed for chanukah vacation.
Some boys yeshivos have no transportation 
Chuck E Cheese's will have a chanukah special through chailifeline. Open 10am at Brick Plaza

- Shiur today 10:00 am @ the Bais Havaad on the sugya of  Lo sichanem and how to gift a Nachri if necessary, b'heter. Given by Rav Yosef Kushner followed by Q&A. For a preview of the sugya visit Hot coffee and refreshments will be served. Part of the Yorucha program by making the sugyos of Choshen Mishpat and the Halachos of Business accesable to all. 

- Free donuts distributed in front of the Satmar BM on Forest Avenue 

-BDE: A terrible accident took place on the say back from Miron last night when a car lost control and hit a barrier, 2 chasidisha bochurim,relatives, were killed RL ages 18 & 14 they were learning in Vizhnitz & Machnovka yeshivos in Elad. Several others were injured. Names for Tehillim ישכר משה בן גילה פריידא, יהושע בן גיטל, משה חיים בן מרגלית יעקב.

A few hours before the tragedy the vizhnitz rebbe Reb Srultche asked his chasidim that he is in need of a yeshuah and they sing the famed chabad niggun פדה בשלום נפשי

- Tonight R' Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin 5th anniversary seudas Hodaah  Zos Chanukah at Bnos Melech high school 550 James st Lakewood 8:30 pm with the participation of Harav Yeruchom Olshin shlita with a panel discussion on Emunah & Bitachon by Rav Simcha Bunim Cohen shlita and Rav Pinchos Lipschutz shlita. Music w refreshments. Livestream available at Or listen live at Kol Mevaser 212-444-1100

- R' Amnon Yitzchak will be speaking tonight to the Lakewood Community at 234 Alexander Avenue, Howell NJ. Doors open 7pm lecture begins at 7:30

-Deterioration in the condition of rebbetzin Shulamis Ezrachi wife of Reb Baruch Mordechai shlita who is now at her bedside. Name is shulamis Machla bas Tzivia Leah

CHEMED/Lrrc expected to open a 3rd branch which will be located off . S. Hope Chapel in Jackson. The second Lakewood branch is set to open soon on Rt 9 South Lrrc received a grant of 200k for a security system at that location.

- Nichum Aveilim: Shiva for Rabbi Laibel Tyner ZL is at 30 Kingsfield in Westgate shachris 7:30,Mincha 1:30, Maariv 5:30 getting up Sunday morning 

Video: Reb Meilich Biderman at Zos Chanukah tish


  1. "Shemen Shel Ness" another unique Shiur by Horav Michoel Sorotzkin about the history of nissim in Shemen throughout Tana"ch

  2. Next time try something elseDecember 26, 2022 at 7:18 AM

    "A few hours before the tragedy the vizhnitz rebbe Reb Srultche asked his chasidim that he is in need of a yeshuah and they sing the famed chabad niggun פדה בשלום נפשע"

    Wow, that worked well. Next time let him stick to Vizhnitz niggunim, maybe they will work better.

  3. CHEMED’s original plan was to open next to Costco, but a certain landswapper messed up that deal.

  4. $chemed should refuse grant. Last year thet made over 21mil profit.

  5. Last time they played lubabitch songs at the zos chanukah farbrengen the musician is lubavitch. The Lakewood event should be geared for Lakewood

    1. Realize great wise ones,that there are 8 million holy Jews who don't know an Aleph,what are you doing oh great critical ones

    2. How do songs become 'Lubavitch'? Is there a conversion ceremony?
      Who cares? If the song is nice, play it. Even if it comes from republicans. And if it isn't nice, don't play it.

    3. Most "holy" chassidic Chabad songs originate from the Goyim. This one takes the cake though:

      In Chabad they sing a song called "Shamil", which originates from a MUSLIM dude. Read this (From

      This song originates in the Muslim world and is of particular interest. Taught by the Rebbe on Simchat Torah 1958, the song is attributed to Avar Muslim leader Shamil from present-day Dagestan, Russia. It’s melodic structure is unique—rising, dropping, and then rising another octave over the course of a very short song.

      As the Rebbe related, Shamil and his warriors were engaged in a battle against the Czarist army. Unable to vanquish the valiant warriors in battle, the Russian army leaders proposed a false peace treaty, and thus succeeded in getting them to lay down their arms. Immediately afterwards, the Russians lured Shamil away and eventually placed under a form of house arrest.

      Staring out of the window, Shamil reflected on his days of liberty in the past. In his current exile and helplessness, he bewailed his plight and yearned for his previous position of freedom and fortune. He consoled himself, however, with the knowledge that he would eventually be released from his imprisonment and would return to his position with even more power and glory. He expressed these thoughts in this melancholic, yearning melody.

      The moral, as the Rebbe related, is that the soul descends to this world from the heavens above, clothed in the earthly body of a human being. The soul's physical vestments here are really its prison cell, for it constantly longs for spiritual, heavenly fulfillments. The soul strives to free itself from the "exile" of the human body and its earthly pleasures by directing its physical being to the illuminated and living paths of Torah and mitzvahs.

      I don't know about you, but one thing is for sure: R. Chaim Volozhiners Niggunim, as well as R. Baruch Ber's, did not originate from non-jewish drunkards. Asking for a friend...

    4. A song like Eimasai ka'asi mar, which Lubavitch converted from an old Yerushalmi nigun Mosai Yiboneh Hamikdosh, and made into a song for hafotzas Chasidus Chabad. Look up the history of the niggun in Chabad, they have a Sefer Hanigunim, of their official songs, with info on them.

    5. How do songs become 'official'? What is the process?

      And who cares who made up the song? Drunk or Sober? Shamil is a nice song, who cares who made it up?

      And why are Muslims so terrible? Do they vote Republican?

  6. Did anyone see the article in the voice from agudah knocking Rav Avigdor Miller and his followers

    1. Followers of Reb Avigdor Miller?! Are they in control of their emotions? Do they even try?
      Or are they republican goyim, who use Reb Avigdor Miller because it is convenient for them?

    2. This is what they all sense in the insides, he just articulate for them all better than they can
      How dare you say that, unless of course you are a closet Hellenist

  7. that article was a poor attempt for Agudah to justify their failures and inactions the worse part is that any baal hanoss working for agudah feel they are daas Torah and compare themselves to the chashmonaim and Macabbes
    the voice is trash and it was a befitting article for it

    1. Well put
      Mizrachi used to do precisely the same. Same crowd, just different name semantics

  8. R Avigder Miller often spoke out against Chasiddim

  9. Voice is trash. במי תורה have do not bring it into there homes

  10. Who reads the voice it litters the sidewalk with waterlogged magazines piling up week after week
    tried looking this article on their site but it is not on says it is broken

    1. The Voice is involved in redifus of ehrliche yidden. I keep that rag away from my house.
