Thursday, December 3, 2020

Lakewood Township Committee Meeting

Lakewood township committee virtual meeting Thursday Dec 3, 2020  at 5:30 pm
Watch live stream Here 
See Agenda Here
Comments may be made live via Cisco-WebEx; via email up until 11:30 am on the day of the meeting at or during the meeting via Please include your name and address for the record.
Ordnances for second reading -Tax Abatements
-Granting Abatement To Local Property Taxes To 36 Airport Rd L.L.C. For Facilities Located At Block 1160.12, Lot 263.03 
-Granting Abatement To Local Property Taxes To New Hampshire Avenue, L.L.C. For Facilities Located At Block 189.03, Lot 91.01,  1088 rt 88 Car dealership
 -Private Sale Of Block  5, Lot 2  (Corner of Buchanan Street and Van Buren Avenue) 
-Vacating The Rights Of The Public To Portions Of Caryl Avenue And Midwood Street, In The Township Of Lakewood 

The public is welcome to participate using Cisco’s Web-Ex by either phone (audio only) or computer (audio/visual). The Meeting ID# is 132 599 4254. If choosing to call in, the phone number is (408) 418-9388. All participants will be muted upon entry to the meeting but may participate by using the *3 key if participating by phone to raise your hand or by clicking the appropriate “Web-Ex” video button to be recognized via computer.



  2. Why do all these money making businesses get abatements? Why is the average home owner shouldering the tax load so favors can be given to profitable businesses? It’s infuriating
