Friday, December 4, 2020

Friday December 4th News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: Cloudy with occasional rain showers. High near 50F. Chance of rain 70%.

-Earliest Shabbos of the year  Candle lighting 4:13 pm Shkia/sunset: 4:31 pm

- 53 new Covid cases in Lakewood +2 deaths totals 7018/221

-Murphy signing an EO changing inclusion in the NJ Immunization Information System from OPT-IN to OPT-OUT for any resident who chooses to take a #COVID19 vaccine.Efficiency for those who choose to take a vaccine he stressed  "This doesn't mean: You'll be forced to take a vaccine"

-New Jersey on Friday reported a record number of coronavirus cases for the second consecutive day, announcing 5,673 more positive tests and an additional 48 newly confirmed deaths as hospitalizations increased for the sixth straight day, reaching the highest number of patients since May. 

-Murphy: The end of the pandemic is not upon us with the news of the first shipments of a vaccine  but it is getting closer each day. Let’s do all we can to make sure our entire New Jersey family is intact when that end comes.

-Jackson cancels bussing to and from Lakewood due to covid outbreak from December 7th untill Dec 17 when in person school will redume

-Murphy interview with TVOL: It is my very strong hope that we can keep schools and synagogues open throughout..It is bad and going to get worse but the spread seems to be mostly in private transmission. We worked successfully with the Lakewood community leadership after the hot period following the high holidays. We did that together successfully that is the model that we are using elsewhere.

-Eight new members added to the Moetzes gedolei hatorah of Degel Hatora in Eretz Yisrael, Harav Aviezer Piltz (80) R"Y Tifrach, Harav Baruch Weisbekker Rosh Yeshiva Bais Mattisyohu,  Harav Avrphom Yitzchok Hakohen Kook (79) R"Y Meor Hatalmud, Harv Shraga Shteinman, Harav Tzvi Dravkin R"Y Grodno, Harav Yitzchok Haker R:Y Grodno son in law of Rav Shmuel Rozovsky, Harav Lazer Yudel Finkel Mir R"Y, Rav Arye Levi R"Y Schar Sachir Netivot 

- Trump tweets Rigged election! Whistleblowers reveal that the USPS is responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots. .. This long time Democrat stronghold got rid of massive numbers, especially in swing states, during and before delivery of the ballots. Well documented evidence!

- Tax dollars Lakewood Township says it is in need of a leaf collection vehicle. The committee will spend $164,498.53 to purchase a brand new ttuck for leaf collection. They will also spend $71,388.00 to purchase 3 Jeep Cherokees for the inspection department. (LNN)

- TAX ABATEMENTS: Lakewood's Township Committee  granted 5 years tax abatements to the new office building at 36 Airport Road (their 2021 taxes were $143,571.10) and the Pine Belt Subaru building at 1021 Ocean Avenue (their 2021 taxes were $96,888.31). (LNN)

-Yud Tes Kislev in Lakewood Shabbas at Beis Medrash Chabad 1309 Central Ave will have davening and farbrengen with the Rov Rabbi Naparstek habad of Jackson will have davening followed by farbrengen  Reb Chaim Dalfin will farbgreng shabbas after davening with a kiddush in _Toms River at Grande Woodlands Shteeble 117 Grande Woodlands Way   Motzie Shabbas  An all Yiddish event will take place at Bnos Devorah across the street from Neems Hachaim wedding hall. Event is Being run by *Rabbi Chaim Meisels . Rav Nachaum Greenwald and Rab Shalom Mordechai Rubaskin will farbreng in Yiddish . Full sit down melavlah Malakah. Rav Chaim Dalfin will farbreng in English  Motzie Shabbas in Toms River at 1285 Rolls Ct start 8pm sharp.  Sunday Night Rabbi Naparstek of Chabad of Jackson is joining together with 3 other chabad communities in the Jersey shore area to do a zoom class/ Farbreng with Rabbi Shais Taub RSVP 



  2. These people are living in a bubble?
    In the same breath they are offering tax abatements and requesting funds for a new leaf collection vehicle?

    1. I’m with you! This town is not being run with the ordinary citizen best interest at heart.

  3. Chabad making big splash in Lakewood how times have changed.

    1. Who are turning over in their graves?


    2. each dor has its threats & challenges ( ayin chazon ish.. ) chabad as it today is not a threat to the olam hayeshivos. whoever is attending is a miut shebemiut and probaly get something good out of it. secondly no one is turning in their grave they are in olam haemes nehneh meeziv hashechuna veyehei chelkainu imohem
