Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Wednesday November 2nd News Updates Lakewood

-  Weather: 69° Sunny. High 69F.

- Rav Shaul Alter will be coming for a chizuk visit to the US in 2 weeks parshas Chayei Sara. The itinerary was not publicized yet but he's expected to visit Lakewood.

- U.S. Federal Reserve hikes rates by 0.75% to 4.00% — the highest level since January 2008.

- Israel elections update with 100% of the votes counted Right wing bloc led by Netanyahuset to win with 62-64 seats. Mertz party out of the knesset for now. Still have to count 450,000 absentee ballots.

-BDE: Rebbetzin Chaya Felder, widow of Harav Tzvi Mordechai Felder, rav of the  “Felder’s shul” on 18th Avenue in Boro Park, at the age of 102. Rebbetzin Felder was the mother of, ybl”c, Harav Shmuel Felder of Lakewood posek in BMG , and state Sen. Simcha Felder. The levaya will be held at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday outside the former shul building, on the corner of 18th Avenue at 49th Street. (Hamodia)

-Powerball jackpot lottery drawing tonight for $1.2 billion. A $50,000 winning power ball ticket was purchased  at Wine Center of Manchester on Route 70 west in Manchester in Mondays drawing.

- The Lakewood Development Corporation meeting yesterday awarded several contracts to Board Member's LCSC, as well as their own annual budget which includes a salary of $122,400 plus benefits to their Executive Director. See full report at FAAnews

- Jackson Township Mayor Mike Reina this week announced that the township has negotiated successfully to acquire the 32-acre farm on Leesville Road, where a Lakewood developer had planned to build four private schools. Faanews reports the funds are from an open space rax referendum which township voters overwhelmingly approved to curb overdevelopment. "The losers are the kids who will continue to shlep on long bus rides to Lakewood instead of getting their own schools more closely to home".

-Amerigroup insurance will now cover Kimpetorins for post partem care at Laisha for 2 nights in a shared room.

- General elections is next Tuesday Nov 8. Localy in Lakewood it is an off year and the usual push to get the vote out has not been active as previously.

- Boro park mosdos in support of Lee Zeldin for Gov. In NY race. Satmar Rav Aaron faction endorsing gov Hochul. A fundraiser reportedly took place yesterday in Monsey for Kathy Hochul at the home of Democrat donor David Lichtenstein.




  2. No one is going to La Isha in a shared room....

    1. If it's free people will be there- that's Lakewood mentality

    2. Do they currently have shared rooms? Are they used?

    3. This is very common in Israel

    4. Not sure why you say that. There are shared rooms there and they are always used...

  3. I’ve paid and stayed in a shared room. BH had a most beautiful experience! So happy many others who can not afford it, will be so well taken care of and will gain the strength to continue caring for Klal Yisrael s future! TYH!

  4. The losers are .....
    Also we all feel sorry for the traffic "losers" who will NOT encounter as much traffic as in Lakewood proper, thus being very very unfair.

    1. Losers are Lakewood taxpayers who continue supplying tax free school properties for the Jackson residents...

  5. Let us be honest, those schools would not have been restricted just to Jackson children, Lakewood children would have been bussed there as well.

    1. Certainly some children would be from Lakewood, but for the most part it would be for Jackson residents.
      If anyone in Lakewood Twp had a drop of seichel and foresight they would have bid on the property themselves and then resold it to the developer. Even if they take a loss it would remove major source of traffic at peak traffic time.
      But at the end of the day no one really cares

    2. It only delays the inevitable.

  6. Who can blame Jackson if they're trying to preserve as much of the suburban/rural nature of the town as they can? They're smarter than our govt. who let developers run free to do whatever they wanted to do in Lakewood. I don't blame developers. They have businesses and they want the business to make money. I blame our representatives, who don't represent us, for always giving into every whim and variance request made by the developers. The town of Jackson is keeping its eye on the ball and doing what's best for the people of Jackson.

  7. Lakewood townhouses make the city look like a army bace

  8. So let the Lakewood schools not accept Jackson students and let them apply to Jackson public school and you'll see how fast they well them the piece of land!!

  9. Bace , race, face, lace, pace.
    Also: cace, vace
    Must of done English in a holy Lakewood school Rachmana litzlan.

    1. The correct grammar is must HAVE done not, must of done. My wife taught that to me. Not my Lakewood education.
