Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hashkafa Q&A

 By Harav Gershon Ribner shlita

Absorbing the BMG aura without becoming the stereotypical "Lakewooder" From Brisk to Harvard The Triple F Syndrome Flipping houses during bein hasdorim


  1. Its a biazayon to leave a yeshivah and go to law school??? Its a bizayon to want to work for a living?? Shesehes yamim tavod.

  2. It is a bizayon for a bmg Talmud to go to college ( even a kosher one) that the Rosh Yeshiva was so moser negesh to fight against it

  3. It’s a bizayon that work is a treif word in Lakewood.

  4. There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to college and is recommended for many. College today is not what it was 50 years ago. I went to what you would call a treif college and it’s no less kosher than PCS.

  5. It’s also a bizayon that Hv censors comments. How is Hv different than TLS if it censors everything and controls the narrative?

  6. Rav Gershon with all due respect is being a bit naive. Those guys who head quickly to Harvard these days are ambitious types who do much damage and have done to the integrity of Orthodoxy invariably

    Rav E Sh interestingly was refused acceptance by the
    Rav because of his previous attendance of college

  7. If u want to go to college then pls get out of Lakewood and move to Baltimore or Chiam Berlin

  8. I already went to college and have no reason to leave Lakewood. If you don’t like it you could leave. You have no bailus over who lives here.

  9. Lakewood has bigger problems than erliche yungeleit going to college

  10. R'G R with all due respect is coming across regarding this instance a tad little naive.

    The integrity of Orthodoxy has suffered too much over the years from those types who follow through their original plan and switch to Harvard.
    All that they been seeking is the plumba. To paraphrase one similar to them regarding their goal: an Apex predator on the Jewish food chain

  11. "Going to college, is like going to the bathroom. If you need to go, go. Do what you got to do, and get out as soon as you are able"

    The rank of bathrooms and how they are defining has nowadays infiltrated the

  12. If someone goes to college he is not an erlichah youngerman

  13. How could you say that? I know plenty of erlicha yungeleit who went to college. Even some gedolei hador went even if it’s not encouraged for everyone. If you say something like that about so many ehrlicha yungeleit you are not ehrlich and should leave yeshiva immediately as you are a disgrace to bnei Torah.
