Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Tuesday Nov 8 Election day News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 59° Abundant sunshine. High 59F. Winds 10 to 20 mph.

- Trump said he will anounce his VP pick very soon when asked about it today at Mar a lago

 - Local mosdos sent letters to parents urging them to vote saying that  "A strong voter turnout will be a big To'eles for the entire Tzibur. The Rosh Yeshiva Rav Yerucham olshin said by voting you are doing the mitzvah  of ve'ahavta Lreacha Kamocha.

- Trump says DeSantis “could hurt himself very badly” if he runs for president in 2024. “If he did run, I will tell you things about him that won’t be very flattering. I know more about him than anybody other than perhaps his wife, who is really running his campaign.”

- Brooklyn: Heavy voter turnout in frum areas. 

Audio: Rav Yisroel Dovid Shlesinger on the NY gov elections

- Ecore summit in Miami people flying back due to potential hurricane hitting Florida 

-Update: There was one Powerball winner in California. The estimated Grand Prize is $2.04 Billion with a Cash Value of $997.6 Million.

- All voting machines are down in each district across Mercer County, New Jersey, according to officials. Voters can still vote using a standard ballot at their polling locations Andy Kim is on the ballot.

- Despite no tight races in Lakewood there's a heavy turnout and long lines while some polling stations have only 2 workers or few machines causing backups.

-Updated: There was one a winner in California 
Winning numbers for the record $1.9 billion Powerball jackpot  been announced  this morning. 10, 33, 41, 47, 56, Powerball is 10.

- Kosherfest trade show begins today through tomorrow at  the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus, NJ.

-BDE: Petirah of Mr. Avi Shulman Ztl of Monsey (father of Reb Eli Shulman of Yeshiva Orchos chaim), He was one of the founders of Torah Mesorah’s project SEED, noted educator mechanech lecturer wo gave guidance and coaching to rebbeim mechanchim. Levaya today 10:00am at Cong Mikdash Dovid, 2 Hilltop Lane, Monsey. Leaving to airport at 11am. Watch Livestream HERE

- Polls open on Election Day at 6 a.m. and close at 8 p.m.

-Ocean county library branches closed today 

- There are 12 congressional races, in New Jersey.

-UENJ: Even if everyone you know voted, we still need your vote. In order for the UENJ tuition initiative to work, we need to prove our numbers.


  1. Can someone explain who are the ppl behind this push to vote and what is their real agenda? Who is paying for the ad campaign? And does anybody know who is “The Vaad”?

    1. Can you explain who you are?

    2. I do know who is behind it and not sure why they are choosing to remain anonymous, but they are sincere and very competent.

    3. I’m not giving my opinion or telling anyone what to do.

    4. Never trust anonymous organizations. Especially when we know who runs the named organizations.

  2. Who will the UENJ help? Those in yeshiva or everyone? If it goes through will parents actually see a break or will the schools just raise tuition and pocket the money themselves?

  3. Vote Moshe Bressler for BOE and the others as a write in

    1. Because you post a comment to do so? I've never even heard of this guy Bresler. I'd rather vote for the current members who are experienced.

    2. Experienced puppets for igud and others who hold seats while they always vacate it after the elections.
      They have raised taxes tremendously and refuse to look into the real numbers of actual public school students who live in Lakewood. Vote them all out

    3. Moshe bresler. One of us.

    4. Moshe Bresler's entire agenda is to raise our school taxes. How do you think he plans to pay for the vouchers and everything else on his wishlist?

    5. He can't raise taxes more than the state allows, and we're already at the state limit. Nice try. He will advocate from others to pay for these services he's promising. Vote Bresler!

  4. I used to vote. No longer. I have no idea who any of the people are on the ballot. what did they do for Lakewood? what are their goals? sad.

    1. Educate yourself

    2. Many many people are in this boat. It’s sad but there is very little trust.

    3. So you'd rather be lazy and let your quality of life get destroyed, than inquire and learn what's been going on? Sounds like a dumb decision.

    4. so then let the status quo continue to win

  5. They are not sincere and competent. These people have a personal agenda, stay away.

    1. Ok… thank you for your ridiculous opinion.

    2. Only Bresler is checkmark verified l'shmah.

  6. Why don't the uenj hold a public meeting to let everyone know what their plan is how they plan on using out bloc vote for their agenda.
    We are not sheep who say baaa baaa to the whim anonymous a$$kanim. There should be some respect of the olam not condescending talking down to, like the Lakewood vaad always did

    1. They are playing with the olam using us as pawns in their quest for power. Let them bring down tuition now not with some unrealistic fantasy that came from Adirei hatorah

  7. I'm ready to vote for whoever kills the proposed Ordinance to legalize banquet halls without enough parking in every zone of our town. Bring back common sense!

  8. Basically you buy every possible combination of numbers and make a few hundred million in profit

    1. Not a great idea. You would have to spend about $600 million. Lump sum payout much lower than advertised jackpot, knock off huge percentage for taxes, plus the real risk of splitting the prize with other winners, and you there’s a real chance you’re losing money.

    2. After taxes you'd still lose money. And taxes are withheld, so you don't have a choice about it. Although if structured correctly, you might be able to treat the initial investment as a business expense and then only pay taxes on the profits.

  9. How do you afford to buy all those millions of tickets, and what if there are other winners who you have to divide the windfall with?


    Question: What can we learn from the election of Elizabeth Holtzman (Democrat, House of Representatives, New York)?

    Answer: We can learn that the public is not aware of the necessity of protecting their interests. It’s important for the Orthodox public to finally wake up and protect their interests. The Orthodox Jews have to wake up and realize they have to vote not for what somebody promises to give them some benefit, some handout, some small program or some privilege.

    There are Jewish askanim, Orthodox askanim, who are supporting congressmen who are trying to undermine America. The congressman comes to the frum Orthodox askan and he offers him some privileges, so he chaps, he seizes it. “Ah, my shtiebel will get special privileges, my rebbe will get special privileges, my yeshivah will get special privileges.” Meanwhile, he doesn’t care a hoot what’s going to happen to America. This congressman is undermining America!

    We have to vote not for a person who promises a handout, a benefit. We vote for the overall benefits to America because when America benefits, the Orthodox Jew is also going to benefit.
    America today you have to know is in very great danger because of the liberal forces that are rising in the colleges. We are going to reap a great whirlwind, chas v‘shalom, in the years to come. We’re in a great sakanah in America. Don’t think America is always going to be. America is at the crossroads and it’s up to us to help out as much as we can.
    And therefore if we could get somebody in charge who is even a little bit conservative, who tries to stand up for the family, who tries to fight back against the destruction of moral values, that’s who we want. Even though we don’t believe him entirely – it’s election talk, it’s campaign talk – but if at least he talks the right kind of words, that’s the man that we have to vote for. It is very important to be aware of the issues and if you yourself are not fully competent, then you should consult the Torah leaders who know what is what.

  11. BREAKING: There was one Powerball winner in California. The estimated Grand Prize is $2.04 Billion with a Cash Value of $997.6 Million.

  12. Chutzpah matzav this morning said no winner. Had to be first to report the news even if it’s fake.

    1. There was no winner this morning because the numbers weren't announced yet then.

  13. Replies
    1. A ירא שמים and עוסק בצרכי צבור באמונה
      Does that make you feel better now?

    2. He's eidim by Rav Zimbal of wg.

  14. Far from yeshivish

  15. Wow Albert won without any campaigning, the tzibur must really love him.

  16. Yeah so matzav this morning reported that there was no winner and the jackpot rose to 2.3 billion dollars. That was obviously fake news but they get away with it so why not

  17. Amazing I didn’t vote and Chris smith still won!! I’m glad I didn’t waste my time.
