Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tuesday November 22 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 52° Sunny. High 52F.

 - Masking and social distancing should be encouraged or even mandated once more in public in order to protect people from COVID-19 and from the possibility of suffering from "Long COVID," according to a new report from the Department of Health and Human Services.

- Japan reports 121,460 new coronavirus cases, up 18% from last week, China reports first covid deaths in 6 months 

A Kallah from Boro park whose choson was killed in the miron tragedy has B"h got engaged Mazel Tov,

- Chabad Rabbi in the city of denioper Ukraine says that The chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Lazar asked Putin to spare their city from attack in which he obliged.

-Jackson Mayor Michael Reina will be hosting a election  victory event in Lakewood at Glatt Ambiance hall tonight at 6

Supreme Court orders Trump's tax returns to be turned over to House Democrats

- Parents of children still not accepted in to schools must email the vaad prior to December 1st for girls email byplacement@gmail.com for boys emailLkwdschools@gmail.com this year there are many girls still not accepted yet into school for next year.

- Fauci: "My final message... get your updated COVID-19 shot."

- "Health concerns should not be grounds to oppose cell towers" Verizon tells judge FAAnews reports Verizon is pushing back against a lawsuit that seeks to stop installation of a cell tower in Lakewood in part due to health concerns; asserting in response that the Zoning Board is precluded from considering the health effects of the cell tower, beyond whether they followed FCC guidelines. more

- Sadigura rebbe will be arriving tomorrow morning at Newark airport 5 am and coming straight to Lakewood there will be a minyan for Shachris at 9:15 followed by kabolas panim at the Sadigur BM off rt 88

- Jackson Township officials have now publicized the establishment of their $150,000 "aggrieved persons" settlement fund to compensate persons who have been harmed as a result of the alleged discrimination. against shuls and dormitories  You or members of your family may be qualified to recover from the Settlement Fund if you or members of your family allege that, due to Jackson Township's ban on dormitory housing at schools, you were:Unable to attend a religious boarding school in Jackson Township;Unable to move to Jackson Township because of a lack of an available religious boarding school for an immediate family member; Discouraged or prevented from establishing a yeshiva or other religious boarding school in Jackson Township more

- Mir Yerushalayim yarchei Kallah taking place this week with many participants from Lakewood

- Seminaries from Israel having open houses in Lakewood thi week


  1. Am I supposed to care about the travel plans of a 26 yo yungerman? Asking for a friend…

    1. You cared enough to comment.

    2. So when does it become interesting? When he is 50? 60? 70?

      The whole topic is uninteresting.

  2. Followed by lavish breakfast?

  3. Lol, the Jackson fund is coming out of Jackson tax payers money. What a joke.
    Why should I be responsible because the township was run by anti semites? They should be paying it out of their own pockets.

    1. The residents elected those antisemites.

  4. "Chabad Rabbi in the city of denioper Ukraine says that The chief Rabbi of Russia Rabbi Lazar asked Putin to spare their city from attack in which he obliged." Another Chabad Lubavitch scam. Dnipro has been attacked multiple times. Do a search for "Dnipro attacked" for details. Berke Lazar is not in charge.

  5. There are seminaries in Israel asking for over $29,000. Add flights and spending money and it's well over $35,000.

    Mamesh sickening.

    Yes, I know. "So don't send there". You can't imagine the peer pressure going on.

    1. Please stop with the bashing! They are doing it Lishem Shamayim,
      please, a little hakaras hatov!!!

    2. He wrote the comment Leshem Shamayim too. But he isn't making $29,000 for his Leshem Shamayim

  6. And how much is seminary here? Probably not much less for a good one.

  7. They should cut the whole seminary out and start working a year earlier. They don’t learn anything useful that year anyway.

  8. US seminarys with some govt scholarships are in the 5000 range and no plane tickets, visits, endless trips and many other expenses saved.
    While peer pressure is there, choose your high school wisely. Some push their students to go to Israel, and others have literally bus loads going to USA seminarys. With hardly any pressure to go to Israel.

  9. No seminaries are in the 5000 range for sure not the good ones. Ultimately whatever your daughter’s friends are doing she will do and you will have to let her go if they are going.
