Thursday, November 3, 2022

Hashkafa Q & A

 Hashkafa with Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita

Falling short of the greatness of his shver in his wife's eyes Upgrade learning with your children from a fiasco to a bonding experience Why can't I hold down a chavrusa  video: Question: The covenant with mankind never to destroy a nation Answer: The parameters of the covenant with mankind never to destroy a nation


  1. It's less than fully accurate. Been many cases of unhealthy marriages and yes, divorce, due to the wife comparing her husband to her respected father and found him wanting from one aspect or another

    1. I'm wondering if the women in those stories act exactly like their mothers... Also there are plenty of jokes about why you should marry a Bas Talmid Chochom because the daughter of a Baal Habos has incorrect notions of what a Talmid Chochom is like... So it goes many ways. Bottom line is that Rabbi Ribner is correct with his observation. In the cases of no potential future shteller on the line it is very common for a major Talmid Chochom to have an eidim holding nowhere near him. Those marriages aren't know to be troubled more than average ones.
