Monday, November 21, 2022

Monday November 21 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 43° Sunny. High 43F. 

Warmer weather rest of week in the low to mid 50's

- BDE: Petirah of Reb Aremel Edelman ztl Lived in Lakewood many years on 8th street  and moved to eretz yisroel a few years ago.  Father of R' Chaim Zev Eidelman of Cheder Toras Zev. The Levaya will take place tomorrow Tuesday morning at the Kamenitz yeshiva in Yerushalayim.

- Tefillos for Rav Shimon Baadani the manhig Ruchni of Shas and moetzes member chamei Hatorah has been hospitalized after he went into cardiac arrest name for Tehillim is שמעון בן חביבה

- Howell affordable housing project: Organizers sent out a statement  due to the overwhelming response and deluge of applicants, as of November 21, 2022, all received applications will not be processed.
Numbered of applicants had exceeded +2000 with Hashem's help- break ground for construction in late 2023. There will be a chance to apply again for phase 2.

- High-voltage transmission line problem left more than 20,000 JCP&L customers without power on Monday morning. In Monmouth county including  Eatontown, Middletown and Tinton Falls Spring lake area

- Tolls are expected to go up by $1 on Port Authority bridges and tunnels between New York and New Jersey  in Jan 2023 The agency says it lost $3 billion during the pandemic, and that the high rate of inflation, has triggered the increase. Off-peak E-ZPass tolls would rise from $11.75 to $12.75 for passenger vehicles.The peak-hour E-ZPass toll would climb from $13.75 to $14.75. And cash tolls will go from $16 to $17.

- Cases of Flu reported

- LT. Gov. Sheila Oliver, signed an executive order delaying all runoff elections in NJ, including the Manchester mayoral and council races, to Dec 13.

- HaRav Malkiel Kotler paid a visit yesterday to South Bend, Indiana to participate in the Hachtara of Rav Yosef Chaim Danziger as the new Rav of Hebrew Orthodox Congregation. (LNN)

- Shesulim an online chaburah learning B'iyun starting winter zman  this week register Here

-Sadigura rebbe of Bnei Brak will visit Lakewood this coming shabbos at his shul off rt 88

- LIC meeting is Tomorrow Nov 22 to send public comment via email it must be submitted by 3:30am to 

- Nichum Aveilim 

Mishpachas Pinter getting up from shiva tomorrow morning at 184 New Egypt rd 

Shiva for Reb Nachum Gold is at 914 Madison Ave 2nd floor


  1. It’s amazing how after all these years you still have the few complainers from wg with exactly the same tainos as years ago, they haven’t come up with anything new. Even more amazing is if they need the shul so badly why haven’t they figured out an alternative after all these years? Stop kvetching, Buy a property and build somewhere else. That tells me they don’t need the space at all, it was never about that.

    1. “That tells me...” - and the gaava shines through good and strong

    2. Possibly my dear friend because the same people who tried to stop the Shul all those years ago have gone on throwing their weight around and u$ing (or $chmearing up) all their connection$ to continue not letting the shul be built.

  2. that was short lived...



    APPLICANTS AFTER 11/21/22: Unfortunately, we regret to announce, due to the overwhelming response and deluge of applicants, as of November 21, 2022, all received applications will not be processed.

    After consulting Daas Torah, we decided suspending further Application admission would be best for the project's successful and timely completion.

    Numbered of applicants had exceeded +2000 with no signs of slowing down. With a limited team, our resources spent better spent focusing and speeding the project to, with Hashem's help- break ground for construction in late 2023.

    Opportunities still exist for those who want to apply after November 20, 2022. Early admission will resume post-lottery for the second phase. A date will be provided and publicized through several channels of local communications. Due to the large volume of Interested parties, staff cannot respond to personal follow-up requests or updates.

    APPLICANTS BEFORE 11/21/22:Any applicants received before November 21 will be processed, notified, and contacted respectfully only once construction has started, and applicants may apply for a final application and lottery.

    No follow-up is necessary.

    Again this project is not a real estate development project for Lakewood but with Lakewood. Our strongest interest is to help those who need it in Lakewood.

    We encourage those who've already applied and those who missed it to look for other opportunities that may come up from other sources.

    Email is not monitored post 11/21/2022


    1. Daas .Of. Whoevers. Goes along. With. Our. Agenda

  3. Who is reich and wise? What’s this about?

  4. I had nothing to do with stopping the shul from being built and would never get involved I was just making an innocent observation as an outsider who heard a lot of complaining. That location is out of the question as it cannot be built on and the township can’t suddenly allow it to be built. As for any other location I don’t believe neighbors would stop it for no reason as you say. For example if you built in a quiet area outside wg they wouldn’t try stopping you and certainly wouldn’t be able to.

    1. That being said the location of the big Shul is about as dangerous and traffic infested as is possible to have with near miss accidents on a constant basis. Go figure! Oh and I didn’t stop the shul either I’m just stating a fact.

  5. Bde rav avrohom Edelman. Lived in lakewood many years moved to eretz yisroel a few years ago

  6. Special man. Oy. Will be missed BDE

  7. First of all while it’s true the location of the big shul is dangerous it’s not as dangerous as where the proposed building was simply because of the way the street is designed. Secondly the location of the big shul was not chosen by the neighborhood it wasn’t up to anyone other than the developers. Thirdly nobody mentioned anything about the location being dangerous or potential traffic though those are valid points, all that was mentioned was the fact that it ended up being stopped because of a technical issue with the township which at this point makes it impossible to build there so we have to find a new location to build. Complaining and kvetching about the past won’t help us get the shul we need.

    1. Either you don’t have a clue what went on, or you’ve been fed a load of lies. Either way, why are you commenting if you have absolutely zero correct facts?


