Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Tuesday Nov 29 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 49° Some sun this morning with increasing clouds this afternoon. High 49F. Winds light and variable.

- UPDATE: Lakewood Township's Planning Board tonight voted to formally endorse the proposed banquet hall ordinance, with several conditions. Banquet halls will not be permitted in residential zones The Board wants all parking to be on-site only with no need for cars to park on-street See full report Here  by faanews.com 

- A wind advisory has been issued for the Jersey Shore starting Wednesday morning with gusts of up to 45 mph expected and scattered power outages possible on a rainy day, forecasters say. The advisory will be in effect from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. to coastal areas of Atlantic, Cape May, Monmouth and Ocean counties, the National Weather Service said.

- Rav Binyomin Rimmer shlita son in law of Rav Elyashiv zatzal will deliver divrei helped tonight for his brother in law Rav Chaim Kanievsky zatzal at B"M Lutzk 10:15pm

- Lufthansa settles, pays $21K to each Jewish passenger impacted last year by after they denied boarding on their connecting flight to Budapest on the way to kerestir. The law firm that negotiated the settlement is reportedly taking 18% of the $20,000, leaving each passenger with a payment of $17,400. It’s estimated that somewhere around 130 passengers were denied boarding, meaning that Lufthansa has paid roughly $2.7 million. 

- Mitch McConnell goes after Trump-”There is no room in the Republican party for anti-Semitism or White supremacy and anyone meeting with people advocating that point of view, in my judgment, are highly unlikely to ever be elected president of the US.”

- The Ocean County Board of Elections appears poised to recommend that the county government end its use of Dominion voting machines on Election Day and  replace it with new machines. (APP)

- Heavy morning traffic in Lakewood after several accidents one on Cedarbridge near circa with wires down, other measures on E County line and West County line

- Lakewood Banquet hall ordnance allowing simcha halls in residential areas will be reviewed tonight at the Lakewood planning board it is open to the public meeting begins at 6 pm  the ordnance review is scheduled at the beginning of the agenda. Lakewood planning board meeting tonight at 6 pm watch livestream here see agenda Here several applications have been postponed. The board will hear a application for the Sunset road Sephardic congregation

- Toronto Kolell yovel dinner took place last night in Toronto with the attendance of many guests who flew in for the occasion including the Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva. to see the journal photo memory section click Here view video replay of the dinner HERE

- Lakewood township tuition educational assistance program has advertised this week for the program in local newspapers. Officially the application deadlines were in March of 22 but it appears they are open again to those who qualify for educational assistance during covid19 pandemic, the website is not  currently showing a option to apply

-Faanews reports on LSTA: Superior Court judge has formally ordered the Lakewood School District to appear in court to respond to a lawsuit over their refusal to release public records relating to their contract with the LSTA which coordinates busing for Lakewood's private schools, FAA News has learned. It appears that this lawsuit is directly related to efforts to replace the current LSTA with a new busing authority for Lakewood's private schools Read more Here



    1. Most schools already have illegal halls, so it's not like anything new will happen. This may affect a few neighbors but is beneficial to the tzibur.

    2. What a disgrace that the simcha hall owners can tell the committee members to do their bidding at the expense of everyone else in town! We’re sick and tired of having these traffic-congestion-producing halls rammed down our throats in every single block in town. Enough already. Let us live in peace!

      The planning board should tell the Committee that they recommend to not adopt this crazy ordinance.

    3. ab –

      You are wrong. This is NOT beneficial to the tzibbur. This proposed ordinance will allow an insanely low minimum parking requirement which will destroy neighborhoods. Anyone already living near one of these banquet halls is forced to suffer with all sorts of traffic and parking issues. Lives are turned upside down. And you come along and say that you want to make things even worse by turning all of Lakewood into Chelm?!?

      You're welcome to tell the planning board that you're okay with them turning your block into a simcha hall zone, but don't you dare speak for the rest of us. and don't try belittling us either by making it sound like we're just a few neighbors. Such chutzpah on your part!

      Maybe the Board should instead recommend the new banquet facilities inside the Cedarbridge campus, where there's no houses and the workers are usually gone by 5/6 pm. The regular industrial zone has employees working throughout the night doing manufacturing and truck deliveries. But Cedarbridge seems like a perfect fit.

    4. There was a letter sent to the editor in this week’s Yated at page 24. I couldn't agree more. See here:

      Kudos to the Yated for the November 18 article titled "Don't lose sight of the Tovas Lev Barometer... Even in Traffic."

      As someone who is suffering terribly from this situation, I have always wondered if people realize that there will come a day when they will have to give a din v’cheshbon for building projects that will cause horrific traffic, noise, and safety issues for others. Obviously, they feel righteous that they are building a mosad or makom torah, and they blind themselves to the indisputable fact that every time there is a loss of time for learning and/or working stressed-out parents, loss of property value, parking issues, and constant accidents and injuries (many of them severe r”l) they will be held accountable.

    5. See what residents have been saying about this crazy ordinance here:

      And here:

      And here:

    6. i live in bp numerous halls within a few blocks of my house including the eminence / krasne which is busy every night with no parking , big deal i had to change from driving to mariv to walking i dont mind a few cars on the sidewalk, halls like apartments are nec. for a frum community, u want to make simchos where should they go...when one ways the convience vs. the traffic ... unless you live mamash next door. lakewood has every convience for a yid ok there is a ribui bh- the slow pace of construction is partly responsible for the huge rent increases

    7. No shaychus, in BP the way of life is you walk to the grocery and to the simcha hall. There are huge safe sidewalks its the city.
      Halls have Vallet parking services and the chasidim take taxis.
      That is not how people in Lakewood live and
      No one has a right don't to come and change our quality of life to fit their liking

    8. what i sincerely don't understand is why all the screaming ,nightime drive a bit slower.. i wish there was a cheder down the block where my kids can play basketball in the lot

    9. @Anonymous 11:49, comments like yours show exactly what the problem in Lakewood is. (I'm actually thinking that your comment is a joke since it's so skewed) I grew up in BP and left over 40 years ago as a newlywed to come to Lakewood. I saw large spacious homes in BP demolished to make room for the ugliest pink brick boxes, which we used to call with reverence, "the new houses." I saw Boro Park destroyed to become the very ugly neighborhood it is today. What a relief it was to come to live in a quiet little suburb, Lakewood. And then I watched the same thing happen to Lakewood. There is a difference between suburban and city living. In the city, you are happy to have amenities on your street. Suburban living is residential living. I was happy to forego having a grocery store down the street so I could live with a spacious lawn on a quiet street, in a town where getting around was no big deal. There are those who come from the city and want to bring city living to Lakewood. Stay in the city if that's what you want. Growth had to happen. B"H klal yisroel is growing. With foresight and planning, crowding did not have to happen. We protested when it started, but the greedy developers and their friends on the zoning and planning boards didn't care at all about the citizens they were supposed to represent. They just issued variances like candy. And now we see the results.

    10. a few thoughts, BP ugly? an ir veim beyisroel, my 3 married children live close by in basements , i have them for shabbos seudos , i drive an old van, i live in a old house on 1 floor 7 now that 3 are out and 2 in mesivta who come home to sleep - i even have an extra bedroom! , i was in lakewood last week & again tonite at a chasuna- you have acres and acres you can fit 1000 homes without making a dent the proof is nothing is really in walking distance so how could you call that cramped ( yes the rush hour on the 9 is terrible but thats the nature of the zmanim with bmg

  2. The Agudah tuition assistance program was over last year. It was from Federal Emergency Covid money earmarked for tuition. There has been allot of suspicion and speculation about what they did with the money and how much of the money was actually given to families.
    They need to prove expenses for advertising and other "distribution fees", thats why you seeing ads now about something that happened last year.

    1. "Non for Profit Tycoons" or "Non for Profit Entrepreneurs" is the latest description for askanim that are leshem shamayim

    2. Shame that they act without ehrlichkeit is this with the approval of the moietzes?

  3. Dear township committee,
    Did you sit in traffic for over a hour this morning?
    Did you come late to yeshiva school or work?
    Did you lose pay and have to make up the time?
    This is what you turned the town into
    This is what life in Lakewood has become but keep on tapping yourselves on the shoulder for a job well done.
    Keep putting out fake news articles blaming the state and county for everything
    enjoy your salary increases while those who pay it lose money everyday sitting in traffic.
    But who are we to complain after all we owe you Hakoras Hatov, for a job well done.

    1. We voted them in; we got what we deserve

    2. It's never to late to change course... Raymond G. Coles is up for reelection in 2023... Let's stop the insanity now!

    3. speak to sheep that voted for our corrupt officials

  4. Don't worry. Once they open up Vine Ave., everything will be bliss

  5. Legal Notice

    Notice of Application For a Branch Office Notice is hereby given that First Commerce Bank, 105 River Avenue, Lakewood, New Jersey 08701, has intends to file an application for FDIC consent to establish a full-service branch office at 2080 West County Line Road, Jackson Township, Ocean County, New Jersey 08527.

    Any person wishing to comment on this application may file his or her comments in writing with the Regional Director of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation at its Regional Office, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1200, New York, New York 10118-0110 not later than 15 days from the date of this publication or December 14, 2022.

    The non-confidential portions of the application are on file in the Regional Office and are available for public inspection during regular business hours. Photocopies of the non-confidential portion of the application file will be made available upon request.

  6. Why are people up in arms about the simcha halls. People need places to make sinmchas. Try finding a open slot for a shabbos Sheva brachos, good luck. As much as it is a inconvenience there is a shortage of simcha halls for shabbosim. This is for our benefit yes maybe there should be only for shabbos but there's a big need.

    1. Anon 9:02,

      Firstly, many simcha halls are rented out to out-of-towners. In other words, we're letting our infrastructure be turned upside down so that folks from Chicago, Detroit, and other parts of the country can have their affairs here, while we're left in the cold. Secondly, Shabbosim is not such a problem, because there are no cars involved. The problem is every Sunday through Thursday. Thirdly, safety is of paramount concern, and this ordinance provides for basically no parking. This will automatically create serious traffic hazards, which cannot be ignored because you want to make a simcha. Fourth, there are already seven huge banquet halls approved (including two on Oak Street) and being constructed as we speak. Additionally, there will soon be facilities constructed in Jackson and Toms River (with appropriate parking ratios of course).

      Lakewood does not need to become the Simcha Hall capital of America. Adopting this Ordinance will allow unrestrained and unbalanced simcha hall construction throughout over 97% of Lakewood. No thank you!

    2. @Isaac. Altho there is no moving traffic on Shabbos, there is still a parking problem due to the cars who come before Shabbos starts and park near the hall for the whole Shabbos. Even a Shabbos simcha hall needs adequate parking. (and we all know that Shabbos simcha halls become weekday simcha halls after a while)

  7. Simcha halls are necessary, it's just a few spoiled brats that are screaming and complaining, as usual.

    1. Says owner of a profit-making simcha hall.

    2. Same thing with the Cellphone Tower opposition. The noisy isn't always the majority....

    3. If they are so necessary, make them in other places. You selfish grubbing brat

  8. I am sorry. The need for Simcha Halls is no excuse to ruin quality of life and put so many people in danger. Do you know what traffic at night will be like near simcha halls without adequate parking? Sakanas Nefashos. Oh, i forgot, sakanos nefashos is justified because people need a place for simchos... What happened to the am chacham v'navon?

  9. I know some schools that have halls that don't want to rent them out because it's too big of a hassle and interferes with school. The neighbors are full of taynos on the school that they have no place to make simchos . So it goes both ways.

    1. yes!! people can get hit by cars in the dark, when everyone is rushing and visibility is poor....just look at the monthly accident reports that the police release each month

  10. I know MANY people that applied for tuition relief and got NOTHING. What's going on????

    1. Same here, is there any way to make a records request to find out where the money went?

    2. They played allot of SHTICK with everyone, never answering the phone, putting a outdated address for their office in the ads. and ENDLESS ADS..till today!
      Something fi$hy

    3. Faa news should send a OPRA for the program how much was spent how much was given out what did agudah get

    4. I called them in the beginning, they said it looks like everyone who applied will get. I didn't get anything and so didn't allot of people. Something stinks to high heavens.

    5. FAA please keep at it!

    6. What I find gishy is how was anyone eligible? Anyone I know came out with more money during covid from the unemployment to ppp to e-commerce sellers etc.. Unless people figured out how to cook their books... Can I get an opera request on all those that applied?

    7. I am glad you find it fishy, but some of us actually are employed by others and lost our job/ or part of our jobs and did not qualify for unemployment (partial unemployed). We should be checking your books for your PPP, unemployment and other Covid driedlich

  11. Nothing justifies the open ended way the ordinance is written, that gives carte blanche to any school to make a hall and not have even close to adequate parking. The taana Neighbors not having a place to make simchas is a classic example of "being frum on yenem's cheshbon." You have no right to ruin the quality of the neighborhood because you want a place to make simcha.

  12. I bet the BOE hires a lawyer, not Inzelbuch, to defend against the Order to Show Cause. In my experience, in the majority of times when the BOE litigates, Methfessel & Werbel represents the district. So, what exactly are the pusillanimous cowardly people of Lakewood, paying Inzelbuch for?

    The district always delays. When I threaten to go to court, they finally supply the OPRA documents. But there is nothing wrong with asking for an extension, unless of course, which is typical for your pitiful administration that rewards mediocrity and submission, and punishes innovation and leadership, appointed by a BOE you all voted for, they totally ignore the OPRA request.

  13. 18% of 20k is 3600 with 16400 for each person involved - not 17400

    1. They each got $21,000. 20k punitive, 1k to reimburse for travel expenses.

    2. Plus $1000. Read the article

    3. It was 21k. 1k for travel expenses.

    4. It was 21k. 1k for travel expenses.

    5. How about before passing new ordinances that add to our traffic woes. Pass an ordinance mandating “real” sufficient parking at all public buildings. (Even existing ones)

  14. 15 years ago, you guys opened a shul next door to me. I complained, I begged, I cried, and all that resulted from it was that I was labeled an antisemite. You ruined my quality of life. I davened day and night for many years that Hashem should repay you all. Now I laugh, as you all suffer the same fate as me. Now you will all be labeled antisemites like I was. Ha - the irony! What goes around comes around.

    1. Your sick, Davening to Hashem that he should give others Midas Hadin. Yuck

    2. Thanks for sharing! May you have a Refuah shelaima bikarov. If you need the name of a psychiatrist I’ll be happy to help you. Sorry for the sarcasm but to openly say that having a shul near you ruined your quality of life & you daven for the downfall of its builders just serves to show how sick you are.

    3. No I understand why you davened that the builders and owner should be repayed but why everyone else. We agree with you!

    4. How can you daven that another Yid should suffer and for building a Shul of all things? Is that how low we’ve become?

    5. How can you daven that another yid..?? are you thick? Maybe they should throw you out of your house and make a shul there. hmm?
      gosh talk about dumb..

    6. None of the people responding to this comment, or to this post in general, are willing to face up to the fact that this what decades of *your* community's chinuch have led to. For years and years you were mezalzel us modernishe for caring about "non-torah values" like quality of life and zoning laws. Now it's coming back to bite you, and it turns out that Lakewood Ihr Hatorah people are just as willing to use "mesira" and "arkaos".

    7. Those values in retrospect you guys are right about. Everything else..

    8. honestly what was so bad about the shul

  15. You guys all misread his comment. He wrote that he davened that the people who build the shul should suffer the same fate as him. (being labeled an anti-semite). What's wrong with that? Why shouldn't the people who hurt him suffer the same fate?

    1. So according to your logic a person who chalila gets cancer can daven that anyone who ever did anything wrong to him should also get cancer?

    2. Who got thrown out of their house to build a shul? What are you blabbering about?

    3. there is a big difference between building a shul and building a simcha hall, and the man who wrote that comment clearly has some serious issues

  16. If you’re building a shul you could just build wherever you want and not take anyone else into account? Do you by any chance live in wg?
