Monday, November 7, 2022

Monday November 7 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 78° Partly cloudy skies. High 78F

-Trump stops short of 2024 presidential run announcement says he will make a big announcement on Nov 15th at Mar A Lago.

- 12:00am Powerball jackpot drawing delayed due to technical issue. Numbers will be drawn when resolved and posted on the powerball website

-Lottery fever with long lines at local convenient stores ahead of the powerball drawing tonight for the record $1.9 Billion jackpot. Some entrepreneurs have set up pools of tickets for people to buy into.

 -Trump may make 2024 announcement tonight Several Republican operatives are reportedly on edge amid speculation that former President Donald Trump will make his 2024 presidential bid official tonight Monday evening at a rally in Ohio

-White House on U.S. midterm elections: "We may not know all the winners of elections for a few days."

- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva at the wedding  of Lavi & Nechama Greenspan last night. Lavi has been blind since his early 20's & has been davening every single day for a zivug. His kallah converted to Judaism a few years ago. Rav Yeruchom Olshin was mesader Kiddushin see video below.

- Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky, shlita, rosh yeshiva of Philadelphia Yeshiva, on Monday made a rare endorsement for New York governor, encouraging the yeshiva community to vote for Lee Zeldin due to his support for yeshivas (Hamodia)

- BEHAB Minyan mincha with krias Hatora of ויחל at 418 5th street 2:10 pm for those fasting today.

- Powerball lottery drawing tonight estimated Jackpot is $1.9 Billion Cash Value: $929.1 Million

- year after Murphy’s election scare, N.J. Dems are clearly worried going into Tuesday’s midterms (

- Satmar Rebbe R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum was in Lakewood yesterday visiting his Moscow. The rebbe also attended a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Jackson at khal Jackson Pines.

- Sadigura rebbe of being brak will be coming to Lakewood next week.

-Faanews: Jacksons's Royal Grove neighbors object to 4 new Lakewood schools coming to their backyard. After Lakewood's largest school, the Lakewood Cheder / Beis Faiga first announced, that they purchased a 30 acre property in Jackson Jackson residents of Royal Grove, The Vineyards, and the adjacent Dunhill Road, and Butterfly Road have just received legal notice that the schools, under the new name Bais Yaakov of Jackson, has submitted an application to the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for prerequisite environmental permits. Thanks to this legal notice, it is now known that the location of the future schools is at 245 & 279 East Veterans Highway. See full story Here

- Neary 700,000 votes already cast in New Jersey. In Lakewood voter turnout was high for early voting which ended yesterday. The polls open again on Tuesday. No significant races localy in Lakewood. Committeeman Issac Akerman is on the ballot for township seat.

 - There are several candidates running for BOE including R'Moshe Bressler as the vouchers bussing accountability candidate 

- Ecore Summit gets underway in Miami today through Tuesday. A executive conference on Real Estate.

- chasidishe rebbes convene for the Moetzes gedolei hatorah of  the Agudas Yisrael faction in eretz yisroel ahead of coalition talks to join the government. The rebbes insisted that a pre requisite to join is to have a change in the law pertaining to the chok Hagiyus allowing the knesset to override the Supreme Court ruling.

-Photos: Ocean County officials meet with Toms River residents ahead of elections here

Video: Courtesy of Living Lchaim


  1. If you want R' Moshe Bresler to win, you have to bullet vote for him. That means vote ONLY for him and no other candidate for BOE. If you don't like leaving spaces empty, you can write in random other people who live in Lakewood instead of the ones whose names are printed on the ballot.

    1. Why should I cast my vote for Bresler? Who is he?

    2. Rav Zimbal's eidim. He's been politically active for years and is a staunch pro-values Republican.

    3. He seems an ehrliche person

    4. Quite. He deserves your vote.

  2. Reina wants to take Eichorn's schools away from a non-Jewish neighborhood, and move them specifically closer to Lakewood because that is where the Jewish neighborhoods (which he is happy to screw up) are. In essence he is taking care of the non-Jews by screwing the Jewish neighborhoods.

    Flemming, on the other hand, gives equal unwelcome treatment to all schools.

    The proof is that Flemming is opposing Reina's land swap for Eichorn so much that he is willing to pay hard cash for the land (instead of doing the swap), all to ensure that no neighborhood gets screwed up with schools.

    For this reason, Royal Grove will be super screwed up if Reina wins, because Reina will not do a land swap with The Cheder as he is perfectly happy with keeping that school in the Jewish neighborhood.

    Additionally, if Reina wins, he will move even more schools to the Royal Grove neighborhood.

    Let the buyer beware this election day!

    1. Plus no bussing if the school is too close!

  3. Agudath Israel's fight in court did not end up helping us.

    They should withdraw their Preliminary Injunction that now requires Jackson to permit large schools with 50 school buses in our backyards!

    1. Gotta love the Jackson folk - ]Let Lakewood have all the schools and traffic for my children so I can live w piece and quiet. not to mention the loss of property tax that the schools generate...

  4. Does Jackson allow building shuls? Is it only in wg that shuls are not allowed?

  5. It’s impossible to have schools in Jackson for Jackson residents. The way our school system is you’ll have many Lakewood kids in Jackson and many Jackson kids in Lakewood so everyone will sit on buses forever.

  6. The oilam in Royal Grove is chasidish and not going to send their children to the schools who are proposing to build in their backyard.
    Therefore I wonder if the intent is really to serve local communities with satellite schools.

    1. But is it fair for those who build up a community, to be forced to move once the community has become popular because of them?

  7. So the oilam in royal grove should go back to NY where their schools are. #stoptheinvasion

  8. Bh we live in America which anyone is free to move anywhere.
    No one is obligated to carry the burden of your school, nor the traffic it causes.
    You might be jealous of the Royal Grove oilam.
    If you have a problem with them you are welcome to move out.

  9. Haha why would anyone be jealous of the royal grove neighborhood? Besides you come from NY and tell us the people living here before you to move out?? Who do you think you are? Leave our town we don’t want you or the gash igud you bring from NY!

  10. "Our town" you sound like a redneck!
    I am a old time lakewooder. You sound like the yungatches from 2020 who has no respect for another yid.

  11. Nope I’m an old time lakewooder and don’t want tuna beigels coming here.

  12. Excuse me the chassidish guy from royal grove is the one who said we should move out if we don’t like them. He also wants to create traffic in our backyards with their schools but we can’t build a school next to them so who is it that doesn’t care about another yid?

  13. Jacksons's Royal Grove neighbors object to 4 new Lakewood schools coming to their backyard. Just imagine how hysterically some of us would be screaming anti-Semitism if the residents of Royal Grove were non-Jews

  14. Yes this is also anti semitism
