Sunday, November 13, 2022

Sunday November 13 News Updates Lakewood

 Weather: 53° Sun and clouds mixed. Much cooler. Winds 10 to 20 mph

- Nusach Ashkenaz- As of Mincha today, 90 Shemonah esreis will have been said with the inclusion of משיב הרוח ומוריד הגשם therefore beyond this point one who is unsure if he added Mashiv Haruach can halachicaly be presumed to have said it and need not to repeat shemonah esrei for (nusach Sefard never needs to repeat) (one who served as a shliach tzibbur during this time period may count his chazaras hashatz toward the count of 90. (Tidbits by Klal Govoha)

- Gov Murphy: "With Dems holding the majority in the U.S. Senate, we need to continue pressing forward on lowering costs for families, protecting the right to choose, and expanding opportunity for all.

-  Application for the new Bais Yaakov of Jackson by the Lakewood cheder/ Bais Faiga for a campus on East Veterans Highway has been halted, as Ocean County officials have put the brakes on the proposal due to traffic concerns, see full story at Faanews

- Control of congress still up in the air as analysts say Republicans will have majority byv1 at 219. Msnbc says it will tilt toward the dems.

- Tonight shloshim and Hespedim for Rav Dovid Gruman ztl at Bnos Devorah hall 360 Oak street 8:00 pm followed by maariv.

- Lakewood HUD conducted a lottery on the recently submitted applications participants received a email if they were selected for the current lot. Those not picked are still on a waiting list.


  1. such a chutzpah that the newcomers want to clog up lakewood with traffic of them bringing their kids to lakewood schools but don't want to allow a school near them because chas v'shalom there should be any traffic in their area.

    1. Not to mention the tax free lands that Lakewood is providing for the adjacent towns schoolchildren

    2. I sent my kids to Kamenitz on Ridge Ave before I moved to Jackson. I know it's not fair to the people in Lakewood, but it's not my fault.

    3. as long as you don't try to stop schools from opening in jackson no one has tainos on you.

  2. Hv censors comments. It is NOT the voice of the people. Same as TLS.

    1. Agreed. I’ve submitted many comments recently that were very pareve but were not posted.

  3. Jackson residents wish they could've lived in Lakewood. We lived there and were priced out by Brooklyn people. Not a reason to crowd lakewood, but please don't call us newcomers.

    1. i think the commentor meant that the people in royal grove are newcomers - not all people in jackson

  4. We can’t afford all the chassidim moving here. They are pricing us out of OUR TOWN! The realtors who brought them here should move to Brooklyn too.
