Sunday, November 6, 2022

Ah 'Zeldin'ar Gelegenheit Seize the Moment!

By: Yoeli Skverer

Traditionally, a Jew lives with the parshas hashav’ua – this time it has timeless relevance
for a crucial gubernatorial election in New York State this week.

Rabbeinu Ovadiah Seforno, preeminent commentator on Torah contrasts Noach’s
philosophy regarding his contemporaries – the ‘Dor Hamabul’ vis-à-vis Avraham Avinu’s
perspective. The former rebuked people על ענין קלקול המדינות – for tearing apart the fabric of
society; stealing from one another, etc. while the latter taught the world to know the One
Above – i.e. Emunah.

Our current social climate puts things in context. Think of the thug who threw an
innocent person onto the train tracks in the New York subway system days ago. There is no
longer any ‘Morah Malchus’ – fear of the law.
Just a revolving-door policy of cashless bail. You’re arrested and released the next day.
Lee Zeldin

Our yeshivos – life-substance of our kids’ future are at a fateful juncture as the Soton’s
chayalim strive to turn our mesorah upside down and impress youth with the exact opposite.

You judge a person by his past – when it comes to the incumbent governor, think train
wreck – this person was missing in action when they asked her to intervene.

The Republican candidate commits to disengage the Manhattan D.A. who embraces the
worst Sodom has to offer. If elected, he says, No intrusion into yeshivos will take place under
his stewardship.

Will he deliver the goods? Here’s a good clue.

 Rudy Gulianni, at a public campaign rally
in Staten Island last week, took the microphone and riled up the crowd of several thousand on
the candidate’s behalf..

Gulianni is a hardnosed, no-nonsense fighter for justice. – The former mayor knocked
down the crime rate in New York City and made it safe for all to enjoy quality of life. If he
advocates for this guy, it’s reasonable to assume he is legit, and will work relentlessly to protect
our m’komos haTorah and safety for New York residents.

Let’s elect someone who will stop the liberal decadents’ agenda for a great future, 'בעזרת ה. 


  1. Or, maybe Giuliani was drunk when he endorsed Zeldin as he was on election night when he was giving advice to Trump that the election was stolen.
    Seriously, please bring me better proof than an endorsement from a man who clearly is in severe mental decline and pushes the most wild ludicrous conspiracies as fact.

    1. If Giuliani endorsed Zepelin, then we have to go for Hochul

  2. Ober er voint mit a shiksa, like Bob singer, I am noyt saying Hochul is a good choice, but Lee veloi loch, isn't a tinoik shenishboh, just a real shaigatz, like Bob Singer. They know better. So I am happy i don't live in NY.

    1. And Zeldin's voting record is pretty atrocious, in spite of what he now says

  3. He is nuts but was grada right about the election in 2020. There are more questions than answers, whether you want to believe it or not is irrelevant.

    1. Not really. Only if you believe the stupidities that he spewed. The 'questions' were all nonsense, not one actually held up to real scrutiny. Giuliani is nuts and more nuts about the elections in 2020.

    2. Plenty of people "ask questions" about the Holocaust. So what?

    3. Or about the moon landing, or vaccines, or the shape of the earth, or about germ theory. The list goes on and on. "Just asking questions," with no havchanah about the answers is meaningless.

  4. Who cares if he’s living with a shiksa? You only vote for a yid? The litmus test should be if he’s good for yidden not whether he is a yid or a good goy personally.

    1. When Kissinger married a shiksa The Orthodox world including his own former German community ostentatiously removed themselves from him. Yes, there are bigger more urgent issues nowadays.And this generation are more of tinokos she'nishbu, unlikely in that regard though in the case of Zeldin

      How distant from that have we become!

    2. Kissinger fought Israel and Yidden whenever he could. No shaychus to today's situation

    3. That is a retrospective red herring

  5. Reb Elya Ber and other talmidei chachommim endorsed Zeldin. And I haven't heard one Talmid Chochom say not to vote for Zeldin for frumkeit reasons. (Satmar Rebbe and Skverer Rebbe were the only ones who endorsed Hochul, and they said to vote for Hochul because she did them $favor$). So all your lumdishe reasons why you can't vote for Zeldin mean nothing to me and the other bnei torah.

    1. Why shouldn't they vote for someone who does them favors? Nothing to do with lomdus or 'frumkeit', it is a practical choice. You take a train going to your destination, not the frummer train

    2. Expand your horizons
      What is our purpose?
      Are we filing chap.11 on our mission?

      Chazal (Shabbos 54b) those who could be "mocheh" (and all more if they they have means to weaken it, but sell out) against willful wrongdoers of the city/country are held accountable for
      their aveiros;...
      against the wrongdoers throughout the world are held accountable for
      *their* travesties.

  6. There’s a difference between someone who was once more frum and “went off” or somewhat off than someone who was never frum. Nobody would vote for moster but that’s not Zeldin even though he’s not living a frum lifestyle.

  7. “[History] is a voice forever sounding across the centuries the laws of right and wrong. “Opinions alter, manners change, creeds rise and fall, but moral law is written on the tablets of eternity.. Injustice and falsehood may be long-lived, but doomsday comes at last to them, in .. revolutions and other terrible ways.” (James Anthony Froude)

  8. Leaving if possible aside the anaconda haschasa squeezing us tighter and tighter
    ..Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Have we abandoned our role as descendants of Avraham Avinu?
    Avraham Ha'ivri ??
    A "tzaddik in peltz"? At best
    The goyim are more confounded, more disturbed, by our lack of interest of the degenerating spiral downward spin than they are to all the headline making financial scandals that we handwring (for those who care)inwardly about

  9. Mr. Cohen your rants sound like that of a Reform Rabbi in his Temple on Arbor day.

    Pompous talk about 'Our role as descendants of Avraham Avinu', bombastic speeches about destiny and history, empty fluff about 'the tablets of eternity'. But no actual substance.

    Supporting Yeshivos with money is worth more than empty derashos. We don't have any obligation to protest Goyishe misdeeds, none at all. Arvus is for Yidden only.

    1. Here we go yet again
      Your perennial attempt to bury your yahadus with pernicious self-centered bias
      as nothing more than arvus
      continues to leech us
      the Chazon
      Ish stated that reducing
      Yahadus To barely more than ritual for unzereh as your ilk continues to do, was the beginning of Haskalah

    2. Now we have a new concept, we'll call it 'Yahadus'. No Torah, no sechel, just goyishe concepts said in Hebrew words.

      I have no negi'us, I have no Mosdos, I receive nothing from the government. My negi'us is that I learn Torah and resent those that hijack Torah for their political positions.


    3. Too much of Torah
      foundation was relegated. First it was due to the survival in Europe. Then it was due to trying to rebuild with the innocent fellows left in America
      And those fellows without the basic foundation are your fathers and mentors
      So much has been misplaced and lost
      And without it how will we be able to have direction to get out of golus. Unless many of you are quite content to remain.
      It hasn't worked well till now

      Penetrating Yesodos

      With which narrow part are you familiar?
      A few
      Chaburos from among your crowd
      Time for our communities grow up

    4. We must vote Democrat because we need money for yeshivos and we can't rely on Hashem for financial support. Only the Democrats care about our learning. Let Hashem deal with morality and we'll take care of the money.
      Always remember what the Rebbes and Roshai Yeshiva taught us, the more money equals more yiras shomayim.
