Thursday, November 3, 2022

Thursday Nov 3rd News Updates Lakewood

Weather: 67° Sunny. High 67F.

- FBI: Credible Threat to NJ Synagogues will update as soon as they can.

- Powerball winning tickets worth $50,000 were sold at 15 locations in NJ including Stop & Shop on Route 9 in Howell, Wegmans on Route 9 South in Manalapan

- Trump elevating language ahead of midterm elections signaling a 2024 White House run, advisers say(Fox)

- Kosher fest will take place next week November 8-9, 2022 at the Meadowlands Exposition Center Secaucus, New Jersey

- Kashrus organizations are preparing to meet on November 10th for the annual AKO Convention taking place at OU headquarters in NYC. The convention comes at a time when kashrus organizations are faced with a critical shortage of experienced mashgichim. Agencies are stepping up educational programs in an effort to recruit and train a new generation of professional mashgichim. (Kosher Today)

- Final Israeli elections Netanyahu bloc with 64 seats Lapid calls to congratulate as coalition talks begin with the frum and religious zionist parties. Likud has 32 seats, Shas 11, UTJ 7, Ben gvir 14. on the other bloc Lapid 24 Gantz 12 Lieberman 6 Labor 4 Arabs 10

- There was no Jackpot winners in last nights Powerball lottery drawing the jackpot climbs tp $1.5 Billion next drawing this motzei Shabbos.

- UENJ the Committee to bring funding for yeshiva tuition voting campaign in full gear with a letter by Lakewood roshei yeshiva and local rabbonim urging the community to go out and vote this Tuesday.  It makes no difference who you vote for as long as you vote it shows the power of the voting bloc.

- Israel elections update with 60% of the absentee ballots counted the right wing bloc led by Netanyahu would get 65/64 seats. Lieberman party up to 6 seats, Meretz is officially out.

-Williamsburg community will hold a fundraising event for Lee Zeldin this motzei shabbos ahead of the elections on Tuesday 

- Clocks fall back one hour this motzei shabbos to standard time until the Spring. New Jersey lawmakers are now laying the groundwork to make daylight saving time permanent in the Garden State should the legislation pass at the federal level, FAA News reports. It means Garden State residents would no longer turn our clocks back one hour in the fall. Which could have serious changes on the frum loge and yeshiva schedule.

- Rates for Hatzolah hospital transports could increase. Currently, when Hatzolah or other EMS in New Jersey transport someone to the hospital, they collect $58 from Medicaid. This amount is the lowest of all states in the nation. This could increase up to $200. More


  1. That's how much Hatzala receives from Medicaid. How much do they receive from the hospital?


  3. How much do township committee members get paid and do they have official hours or responsibilities?

    1. Hah! We pay them much more than they should be getting. In fact, earlier this year they voted for a huge raise for themselves and threw in expensive benefits while they were at it. No, there are no official hours. They make their own schedules.

      Their responsibility is to run this town for the benefit of the residents, but they're not doing a poor job.

      For a recent example, just two weeks ago they introduced an ordinance which would legalize banquet halls in almost every section of town - including residential areas - but they barely required any parking for these banquet halls. The absurdly low number of parking spaces the halls will need to provide will destroy the traffic situation and leave many private driveways blocked. The guest cars will be forced to park on sidewalks after driving around for 20 minutes and still finding nowhere to park, so they can go in to participate in the event. The roads will turn into one huge parking lot, so banquet hall operators can make a nice profit off the backs of innocent residents.

      When residents tried talking to the committee members, they simply responded that we should talk to the planning board members instead because they're supposed to make a recommendation to the committee about this proposed ordinance. But the committee refused to explain they introduced this ridiculous proposal in the first place. The planning board cannot make any recommendation until after the committee first introduces an ordinance. This is just another example of our committeeman shirking their responsibility and trying to blame others for what they cause.

      Oh, and let’s not forget that we cannot even talk to the planning board members about this because no public comments are allowed when the board reviews a proposed ordinance. So, the bottom line is that the committee uses various tactics to IGNORE the resident’s concerns from being heard. So, once we vote them in, they will ignore us until right before the next election where they’ll make all sorts of promises again – which will be duly ignored right after they get elected.

      Any other questions?

    2. What promises? They don't even do that!

    3. All shuls in town should make a kiddush when the current committee members being a memsheles zadon get voted out.

  4. If they cared so much about the tuition burden why was everyone silent when all the schools just raised it across the board in a time that parents are crushed.

  5. Did anyone receive money from the heavily advertised grant...anyone I know didnt.

  6. Anyone getting into schools?

    1. There are enough schools in Lakewood. But some want to send to schools that are not meant for them

  7. Sure everyone got in
