Sunday, November 20, 2022

BDE: Hagaon Harav Feivel Cohen ZTL

As per his צוואה  that was read at the levaya there were no hespedim. He wrote that no hespedim take place at anytime and that on the shloshim and yartzeit there should be designated sidrei limud learning from his seforim that he was zoche to write.

                       The levaya in Lakewood 

Update the Levaya is at Bais Aaron B"M 10th and Clifton from 2:00 pm - 2:15 pm

Petirah of Hagaon Harav Feivel Cohen, zt"l. Levaya tentatively today in Lakewood  2pm, at Bais Medrash Govoha Bais Aaron 10th st & Clifton followed by Levaya in Flatbush 5pm at his shul, kevura in Eretz Yisroel.

Matzav report: One of the gedolei haposkim in the United States, Rav Cohen was renowned worldwide for his magnum opus, Badei Hashulchan, an encyclopedic Mishnah-Berurah-like work on Shulchan Aruch. Rav Cohen was one of the prime products of Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin under the rosh yeshiva, Rav Yitzchok Hutner. Even as a young ben Torah, he was recognized as a gaon of a different caliber, destined for greatness. Over the decades, he became renowned for his gadlus in Torah, his brilliance and depth, and his tremendous pikchus and insight. Rav Cohen’s opinion was respected by the greatest gedolei Torah of the generation, including Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv and others.

Despite his greatness and the respect he garnered, Rav Cohen fled all fanfare and accolades throughout his life, preferring to simply spend his days learning Torah and writing his seforim. 

For many years, Rav Cohen served as the mara d’asra of Khal Tomchei Torah of Flatbush. Several years ago, he retired from that position and relocated to Lakewood, NJ, settling in the Pine River Village neighborhood.

With his petirah, we have lost one of the true gaonim and gedolei hapsak of our time, a talmid chochom of enormous caliber.

The levayah will be held today at Bais Medrash Govoah, located at 617 6th Street, in Lakewood, NJ at 2 p.m., followed by a levayah at Khal Tomchei Torah in Flatbush. The aron will then be flown to Eretz Yisroel for kevurah there.

Rav Cohen is survived by his devoted wife, Rebbetzin Rivka Cohen, and a wonderful family of bnei and bnos Torah. His son, Rav Binyomin Cohen, is the author of Sifrei Chelkas Binyomin, the rosh kollel of Kollel Gur Aryeh at Yeshivas Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, and the rov of Khal Talmidei Hayeshivos of Flatbush. His son, Rav Shlomo Cohen, is the rosh kollel of Kollel of Inwood. His daughter, Rebbetzin Adina Kaufman, is the wife of Rav Ahron Kaufman, is the rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Gedolah of Waterbury.

Yehi zichro boruch.


  1. his son Rav Chaim is the rosh yeshiva of Rav Shlangers yeshiva in Baltimore

  2. So why is it called shlangers?

  3. Levaya at yoshon or beis ahron?

  4. He is the son-law of Rav Zvi Dov Shlanger z"l who founded the yeshiva around 25 years ago

  5. We owe a collective mechilah for how he was mistreated by our elected officials when Rav Feivel got up to speak at the planning board. The members sitting up there didn't let him talk they rushed him while he was slow to speak they were mezalzel in one of the biggest talmidei chachomim and we sat quietly. The board lawyer also was disrespectful and the planning board and Committee didn't apologize.

    1. I remember.

      And his message was, just because you sit on a secular planning board, that does not absolve you from following choshen mishpat, and you can't just do whatever you want.

    2. You’re remembering correctly

    3. its unfortunate that the members of boards spome who joined with the intent of helping the tzibbur, over the years have become very comfortable and ... well leave the rest unsaid "veday lehayvin"

  6. That’s a disgrace. He surely knows the planning board doesn’t represent a single one of us!

  7. Only the sheep that voted for those elected official's owe a mechilah

  8. Here's the video

    1. Just saw it what a disgrace and bizayon in kavod hatorah how unzere yelled at him. He sat at that Meeting for 3 hours which was very precious time for him and he finally had a chance to speak they were mevazeh a preeminent Talmid chochom of our time and then only giving him a few minutes. This is our elected officials who sit on the boards

  9. He was the Gadol HaDor in America. A man of unparalleled geonos and supreme integrity and humility, and the whole world uses his seforim. Suffice it to say that Rav Elyashiv sent people to him for berachos -- I heard this from two people with whom this occurred. Baruch dayan ha'emes

  10. And we still have some of the the same corrupt planning board members causing so much damage just so they can pocket off all the overdevelopment

  11. Sad that a tremendous Gaon is niftar. Instead of posting a link to a shiur from him, we get a link to a speech in a secular court hearing, and the main idea is to knock the board members, regardless of whether they’re correct or not. Some real sick demented people with one track minds here. I’m sure they mean it mommish l’sheim Shamayim…

    1. He asked no hespedim be said if you care so much go ahead and learn the badei hashulchan today
      go ahead and stick up for the corrupt members of the board who are only doing it le$hem $homayim
