Saturday, November 19, 2022

Motzei Shabbos Chayei Sara 5783

- Elon Musk has reinstated Trump's account on Twitter Tonight  after a poll of 15 million voes to do so. Musk said the people have spoken. Trump did not issue any new tweets.

-Hespedim tonight in Lakewood for Rav Yitzchok Sekula Ztl at yeshiva Ohr Torah 924 E. County Line rd @9:00pm

- Ohel Pesel Melava Malka event for shidduchim at Ateres Reva hall ezras Nassim opened. 10 popular shadchanim will be on hand.

- Over  10,000 gathered according to media reports, Friday night in Boro Park at the tish of Rav Shaul Alter that took place in a tent set up for his visit. Police closed off the area. On Motzei shabbos screens were set up outside for the overflow crowd.

- Record snow fall in Buffalo NY over 6 ft in 24 hours due to Lake Effect.

- An unhinged 22-year-old man has been arrested for making threats to New York synagogues. The suspect,  was arrested at the Long Island Rail Road platform at Penn Station late Friday night, carrying weapons and a Nazi armband recovered in his bag.

- Elon Musk  set up a poll about reinstating Donald Trump's account on Twitter.  Trump urged his followers to vote but said hes not going back there yet "Truth Social is special!"Trump won the poll with 15 million votes to reinstate his account.

- Ted Cruz slams “politicized” Biden DOJ for appointing Trump special counsel "This is camouflage designed to set up the next step  which is the Biden Department of Justice intends to indict Donald Trump."

Shalom Seudos with Rav Shaul Alter in BP


  1. If over 10,000 gathered Friday night in Boro Park at the tish of Rav Shaul Alter then more than one out of every five men and boys in the entire Boro Park were there. Were the other rebbes tishen empty?

    1. Most BP chassidim don't have a rebbe in BP for example, both satmar, skver, stolin, belz, boyan, pupa, tosh, and many more boboev wasn't here the week, so people went

    2. Lakewood minyan was full

    3. Were you there? My father davens in Lakewood Minyan and says it isn't full like it once was on any Shabbos these days. The days when you had to scrounge around for a seat there are long over.

    4. I thought only a certain shul in wg had the problem that there were supposedly tons of extra seats on Shabbos...

  2. Not sure what your point is?

  3. Can someone please explain how a frum person gets a heater to build a house right next door to a Mikveh nashim WITH WINDOWS OVERLOOKING THE MIKVEH??????

    1. a heater? it probably was needed to heat up the mikvah.

    2. My guess is that the Mikva is an indoor one, and there are walls around it. The person at the window will probably not actually see the women going to the Mikva.
      Most towns in the world don't have green zones around the Mikva. People live next door to Mikva'os.

    3. Heter meah dollars.

    4. Most likely the same heter they use to build/force a mikva nextdoor to a house overlooking the mikva

  4. And you wanted to build a shul right next to it on the other side! Lol

    1. Those who opposed the shul did not do so because of the mikva and there is a big difference. Like a mikva a shul (particularly in WG) is a MAJOR communal need. Therefore the mikva that would be near is something to work around. Another private house in overcrowded WG is definitely not a public need. Therefore the communal needs of the mikva come first. Plus the entrance to the mikva is perpendicular to the shul but parallel to the house. And the house is a lot closer

    2. The shul also wouldn’t have windows that directly overlook the entrance that is used on Friday night!

  5. Huh? I wanted to build?

    1. Why is there a problem to build a shul on the other side? You can’t see the entrance and I’m sure there wouldn’t be windows overlooking the Mikva.

    2. Frost the windows and all is cool.

  6. I’m not from wg so I don’t know but can speculate that maybe there would be windows and if there’s a big shul right there it creates traffic and foot traffic all around which would be near the entrance too affecting it’s privacy.

    1. Uh huh like there’s no foot traffic on Friday/Yom Tov night when my wife has to go there just when all the men are converging from all the Shuls...

  7. Most chassidim in bp don’t have a rebbe in bp? Most chassidim in bp (and Lakewood) don’t have a rebbe period! They are not real chassidim, it’s a new version of the 21st century.

  8. Trump did not get 15 mil votes!!!!!
    There was 15 mil votes and of those, trump got 52%
