Monday, November 14, 2022

Roshei Yeshiva issue Kol Korei

 Roshei Yeshiva  of Lakewood and gedolei Torah in America issued a kol kore regarding a pirush on Chumash. They write in the letter that is is a michshol to the public as it ignores דברי חז"ל and looks to replace pirush Rashi which was the foundation to learn it. There is also Winds of haskala included and one should not have it  or do business with and should be removed from homes and botei medrash as the gedolei EY have already ruled on it. See below


  1. This real? What’s wrong with pishuto shel mikrah without medrash ie many rashis
    Gaonim, Rashbam, RY Kara, RA ibn Ezra Radak and Ralbag all wrote such pirushim

  2. Are they referring to the five volume blue set pshuto Shel mikra/rashi kpshuto?

  3. What is the real story with this? Who is behind this?

  4. The question is not the veracity or validity of peshuto shel mikrah it’s about the educational system and making that a child’s introduction to mikrah
    That system was flatly rejected by the Gedolei Rishonim and has perpetuated until today
    So people who want to make it a new standard usually are the same people who have a bone to pick with drashos of Chazal
    You can usually identify them very easily they will “ it’s only a drasha “

    1. What are you talking about? Which Rishonim?
      And who's talking a child introduction to Mikra? This set can be for adults.

    2. Where in this Chumash does it say that it is meant for kids???

    3. Rashi says "it's only a drasha/medrash" many, many times throughout his pirush.

    4. It makes no sense to say the purpose of this sefer is to uproot Rashi when it includes Rashi Kepshuto that explains Rashi, giving Rashi more prominence then anything else. .

    5. Who made what a new standard?
      If we are not supposed to use any other Sefer for kids other than Rashi, and any Sefer that kids shouldn't use has to be thrown out of the house, there goes our entire library on Chumash.

      I don't think that this sign is real, it makes no sense.

    6. Rashi NEVER says "it's ONLY a drasha/medrash" He says "according to the Medrash...The Medrash's medrash is..." etc,

    7. Okay, so when Rashi prefaces the story of the Kivshan HaEish with "umedrash aggada omer", something he doesn't do when bringing midrashim in general (~75% of Rashi's commentary is him quoting divrei chazal), and then follows that up by quoting the explanation of Menachem that Ur Kasdim means "valley of the Kasdim", what do you think his point is? If you're me'ayen in Rashi it's pretty clear which side he's coming down on, and the Ramban at least seems to understand that he's saying that in this case the pshat is ikkar and the medrash is tafel.

  5. I haven't seen this chumash, but I find it very hard to believe that anyone would openly write that they are trying to compete with Rashi, or that they simply made up peirushim as the letter accuses the author of doing. In any case, this ban is completely counterproductive and will only draw more attention to the chumash. Reminds me of Rav David Cohen's war against Rav Feivelzon...

    1. The sefer is very much not trying to compete with Rashi.

    2. What Was Rav Dovid Cohens war Against which Feivelson. I missed that one.

    3. "I haven't seen this chumash" which is proceeded by giving opinions about it. Saying how those who have seen this pirush and properly analyzed it are wrong. Wow.

  6. Peshuto Shel Mikrah is a great, reliable perush, gleaned from Gedolei Rishonim and Achronim and filling a great void.

  7. WHAT????? I’m so not following

  8. This seems to be a follow-uo to the TU convention where Reb Malkiel made a public macha against this Chumash. Reb Ahron Feldman was in agreement. The Gedolei Eretz Yisroel put out letters against this Chumash a couple of years ago.

    1. which ones? I do not remember this and know chashuve mechanchim who recommend it.

    2. In Eretz Yisroel, the Eidah put out a strong letter. Reb Dessler put out Kol Korei calling it haskalah and apikorsos. Reb Nisim Kereletz's Beis Din with a bunch of added signatures. That is a partial list.

  9. The caravan continues

    It is an awesome popular Sefer. I advise everyone to buy a copy, nobody regrets it. People who never learned Chumash before started to learn when they bought this chumash

    1. That's what you say but the Rosh Yeshivas are smarter than you they could make the same argument but they see emes and issued this letter

  10. Do they mean the blue chumashim Rashi Kipshuto with a diamond for the printers logo?

  11. They should come out with a kol korah against the psil group that makes "techeles" from the murex snail. It is a total scam! It is made up from YU chevrah making blue out of the snail which was the source for ancient purple but they figured a way to make instead blue. It is NOT backed on Chazal, and they deny many Rishonim like the Rambam etc

    1. If you learn chumash distorted you can end up with a mind filled with apikorsos. If you wear fake techeles you're just a fool who look like a clown (and have tzitzis lacking the halacha of strings being same color as garments) Rosh yeshivas don't need to call out everyone who makes themselves into clowns in the name of Judaism.

    2. You missed the boat. At least one of the signers wears techeles

  12. I believe they are referring to Chumash kipshuto. Not Rashi kepshuto. That one is good

  13. Don't confuse the sefer Rashi kipshuto with Mikra kipshuto.

  14. Rashi Kepshuto is okay and received nice haskamos. Afterwards, the same organization published a second type of chumash called "Peshuto Shel Mikra" and transferred the old haskamos to the new volume. They did so without having it reviewed beforehand and when the gedolim saw this second volume they were shocked at what they read and ordered it removed from our chadarim. See here for more:

    1. Your link was very helpful. There is a lot of information and links there.

      On the last page of that thread, and throughout the thread there are letters from many Gedolei Eretz Yisroel banning this Chumash. Surprisingly they seem to say the publisher promised to remove this Chumash from the stores, and instead come out with a corrected version. But they never came through with there promise.

      At the TU convention, both Reb Malkiel shlita and Reb Aron Feldman said the Rashi K'pshuto seems fine. It is only the top part they have issues with.

    2. Thanks for clarifying. I don’t go anywhere without my Rashi Kepshuto.

  15. It makes no sense. If the same organization that made this chumash Kipshuto is no good, than how can the Rashi kepshuto be good if made by the same bad apples??

  16. How can Rashi Kipshuto still be okay if it's written the same people who wrote Chumash Kepshuto which is not okay???

  17. Could we still buy food from Kepshuto?

  18. the point is being missed ה' ירחם; The problem is that they aim to take out any רמז of גהובינקיי"ט from the תורה. Most, if not all, what they write has nothing at all to do with peshuto shel mikro but rather it is to portray the אבות הקדושים וכו' as simple folk who did things like me and you. Also to show that there is nothing in the תורה about שכר ועונש בעוה"ב or תחיית המתים, and not many נסים either. There is nothing in the פשט that would lead one to think like what they scribble. And I have not begun to scratch the surface of the problem, but take this for a start
    They are a כת של ליצים of the worst order and it is truly astonishing if even a simple layman cannot realize this on their own

    1. You have no idea what you're talking about, just part of the Yeshivishe herd mentality that follows what others say without doing real research. It's an excellent perush, a masterful work, the best of its kind, permeated with Torah from the Rishonim and Gedolei Achronim. It is completely reliable in every way, giving you the pshat, and it is not at all intended to replace Rashi whatsoever.

    2. יש חומש עם הסכמות של המנחת יצחק ר׳ מאיר בראנסדופר ר׳ משה הלברשטם ועוד שעשה אותה סגנון (רק לא עם אותה הצלחה..) קוראים לזה ״חומש מבואר רש״י המפורש״ נא לעיין שם איך שמבסס את פירושו למקרא על רד״ק רשב״ם וכד׳ ולאו דורא לפי דרשות חז״ל שכידוע רש״י פירש פשוטו של מקרא על פי חז״ל מה שאין כן חלק מהראשונים שפירשו על פי פשוטו
      ולא יצא שום מחאה נא לעיין בחומש הנ״ל
      וצע״ג על מה יצא הקצף

    3. Interestingly enough, the Rishonim are quite bothered by the fact that there is nothing in the חומש about שכר ועונש בעוה"ב or תחיית המתים. See Ramban, Rambam, Chovos Halevavos and others
      Are they also included in the כת של ליצים?

    4. That is an anachronism
      Likely that challenge you reposted from one of those modox blogs

    5. Totally meaningless response from Cohen; par for the course.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. This condemnation is a complete travesty and a misrepresentation of the facts. It is an excellent Chumash, enhancing many people's understanding of the simple pshat, which is the mehalach taken by the majority of Rishonim. And there are no "ziyufim" there whatsoever. Sadly, many will now be deprived of this outstanding work.

  21. Some anonymous is consistently afraid to deal with substance.

    From all the
    signatories the one that stands out as
    intriguing is Rabbi A Feldman. He is
    conservant with text literalism and didactic critique

  22. Can someone simply describe the Sefer, who is the author and its publishing company. Thank you.
