Friday, November 18, 2022

More on the פשוטו של מקרא

 The following article was placed in several frum media outlets this week explaining the backgroud about the letter of the gedolim regarding the  sefer on chumash  “פשוטו של מקרא”  “Pshuto Shel Mikra”. To see a lengthy kuntress  on the issue click HERE

This article is being written to bring awareness to the American public about an extremely serious topic, which many Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael have been speaking out about. This issue has the potential to affect the foundations of our Yiddishkeit. The critical nature of the following information cannot be overstated, because the problem has already reached almost every frum community. Here we bring you not our own words, but a summary of the words of our Gedolim, whose writings we quote and attach below.


A number of years ago, the Leshem publishing company put out a pirush on Rashi called Rashi Kipshuto, which has the haskamos of the Badatz and a few other choshuve Rabbonim. A couple of years later, they came out with a pirush on Chumash called Pshuto Shel Mikra, which explains the pesukim very differently than Rashi. Their implication is that Rashi is saying the “drash” and they are saying the pshat- the “basic meaning” of the pasuk. They even put their explanation above that of Rashi. Officially, they state that they “made a likut of Rishonim to explain the simple meaning of the pesukim, according to those Rishonim.”

Sounds nice, many think. What could be wrong?

ONE: What have our Gedolim said about making our own commentary on Chumash?

There is a strongly worded letter on this subject from Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv. Rav Shach writes to this effect: “I must warn publicly about authors who allow themselves to print collections of commentaries on Chumash and Shas, to be equivalent to Rashi, using their own judgement to decide between opinions of Rishonim. This is so, even if they note which Rishon they took each piece from. In an orphaned generation such as ours, for the authors to pick a view among the Rishonim, using their own logic, and stand this up as a pirush on par with Rashi – and actually CONTRADICTING Rashi – and that this is RECOMMENDED to teach talmidim – is a terrible breach and should put trembling into the heart of anyone who hears it, for the end result is unfathomable.” Rav Elyashiv added to the effect: “It is beyond understanding that in our days, an author should allow himself to print a Shas, and along with the words of the angels – Rashi and the Rishonim – allow himself to print his own commentary.

Although the Chumash calling itself Pshuto Shel Mikra displays haskamos from the Badatz and other Gedolim, they are “borrowed” haskamos. They took the haskamos they had gotten on their Rashi sefer and put them onto the Chumash without asking permission. Subsequently, the Badatz issued a letter stating that there are many problems with the Chumash.

It is clear that the underlying idea of presuming to make one’s own pirush by choosing views among Rishonim goes against our Gedolim. But it gets much worse than this.

TWO: There are many disturbing problems that can be seen in this Chumash:

·   There is a pattern that can be seen in their commentary, in which the authors consistently look for the most shallow explanation possible of each pasuk. If there is a lesson to be learned, a neis, or anything to do with emuna in Mashiach or in Techiyas Hameisim, they’ll always find one Rishon who says a different pshat and explain it that way instead.

They attempt to remove from the Torah, as much as they can, all mention of the importance of learning Torah, of Torah Sheba’al Peh, of miracles, of Techiyas Hameisim, of Olam Haba, of Ruach Hakodesh, and of the Midrashim that we were raised on and that our Emuna in Hashem and the foundations of our Yiddishkeit were nurtured on.

The authors of Pshuto shel Mikra seek an alternate meaning of the pasuk even when the Emuna lesson from Chazal IS the most simple reading of the pasuk.

If they cannot find a pshat in one of the meforshim which is “simple” enough for them, they’ll make one up on their own. Other times, they quote a pshat as being from a Rishon, but when you check, you find there is no such source. And then there are instances where the authors will quote only a PART of the commentator’s words, leaving out the part they don’t want, thereby distorting the meaning – or they’ll even CHANGE one of the Rishon’s words, giving a new meaning to the pirush.

·    Another very concerning issue is that they downplay the kedusha and greatness of the Avos and the Shevatim, and minimize the wickedness of the Reshaim that the Torah teaches about.

·   Worst of all, when the pesukim discuss Inyanei Emuna, the authors veer into saying explanations – unsupported by any source - that are at least bordering on kefira.

Here are just a few examples:

·   When Yaakov Avinu sold the bechora to Eisav, the authors stress that Yaakov was “cooking the daytime meal”, not the meal to comfort mourners, as Rashi says. Then Eisav came from the field “worn out and tired from a hard day” – not from murder, as Rashi says. The bechora, according to them, was “not a real bechora” –  not like Rashi says, that the Bechor would serve in the Beis Hamikdash – but just “a more important position in the family” – like the one to serve lunch. So obviously it follows in their pshat that the sale was also not a real sale, just a foregoing of his “older brother role in the family.” To support all the above, they quote an Acharon, cutting out the most important line he says, and quote from anonymous “meforshim”. Among their sources is also a “Bereishis Rabba” – but when you check, there is no such Medrash in existence.

·  When the pasuk says “V’ruach E-lokim m’rachefes al p’nei hamayim”, Rashi says that it means the Kisei Hakavod. The authors of Pshuto Shel Mikra, though, say that it means “avir” – the air or the wind. Or, they say, “some explain that it is something more spiritual, and a hint to the Kisei Hakavod.” No sources necessary, none quoted.

·  There is no mention of the miracles of the well water rising for Rivka, the twelve stones around Yaakov becoming one, or the kefitzas haderech that Eliezer and Yaakov experienced.

·  When Yehuda told Yosef “If I do not bring Binyamin back to my father”, then “v’chatasi l’avi kol hayamim,” Rashi says that it means both worlds, including Olam Haba. The Pshuto Shel Mikra says “all the days of his life” – removing Olam Haba. In the original edition, they falsely quoted the Abarbanel, and this caused a tumul among Rabbonim in Eretz Yisrael. So, in the next printing, they simply removed the Abarbanel, and kept their crooked p’shat.

·    We see at least four places where Rashi explains pesukim containing words such as “My chukim” or “My Torah” as “Torah sheba’al peh”and the Pshuto Shel Mikra excludes this basic explanation from their pirush.

·    In the beginning of Parshas Vayeitzei, there are many Nissim mentioned and lessons to be learned, such as Yaakov Avinu davening at Har Hamoriah, Yaakov Avinu learning Torah for 14 years at Yeshivas Shem V’Eiver, (which Rashi mentions THREE TIMES), etc, and they delete them all.

The above are just a few of the countless examples we found. They aren’t coincidental; it’s a pattern. If you check, you’ll find that Pshuto Shel Mikra consistently takes the opportunity to undermine the kedusha of the Torah and contradict the Mesora we received from Chazal.

THREE: We have a Mesora of how to learn Chumash, and leaving out Rashi and Divrei Chazal, as Pshuto Shel Mikra does, is not an option:

Torah is meant to be learned with the teachings of Chazal. They are Torah Sheba’al Peh and are an inseparable part of learning Chumash. They teach us how to understand the Torah Sheb’ksav. We cannot learn Chumash without them.

To understand this, we must understand what Torah IS.

The Maharal says that Torah is “Morah” – it is a teacher, teaching us halachos, mitzvos, derech eretz, etc.

This can be seen from the first Rashi in the Torah, where Rashi asks, why the Torah doesn’t start with “Hachodesh Hazeh Lachem”, the first mitzva that we were commanded? From Rashi’s question, it’s obvious that the Torah isn’t here to tell us stories. The Brisker Rav would frequently say that the Torah isn’t a storybook. Yet, by leaving out Rashi and the Divrei Chazal he brings in his pirush, that is what the Pshuto Shel Mikra aims to have the Torah learned as, chas veshalom.

The attempt to create a Pshuto Shel Mikra type of Chumash has been tried before, generation after generation, and the Gedolim consistently and strongly opposed it. It is significant that the Chumash of Moses Mendelsohn was of this same type, and slipped through the cracks, appearing benign. Mendelsohn’s Chumash was banned by the Vilna Gaon, who said it should be burned as Sifrei Minim. The Haflaah, the Chasam Sofer, and others wrote fiery words against it, and the Haflaah reports that the Chumash was indeed publicly burned in Vilna. Tragically, though, it was still used for 100 years in Germany, wreaking havoc on Klal Yisrael, until it was finally recognized by one and all as leading to apikorsus.

What have our Gedolim throughout the generations taught us about the absolute requirement of learning Chumash according to the mesora we received from Har Sinai, WITH THE DIVREI CHAZAL (as Rashi teaches it to us)?

·  The Mabit says that the ikar pirush of Torah Shbiksav IS Torah Shebaal Peh.

·   The Netziv says to the effect: “Someone who tries to explain the pesukim of Tanach according to his own understanding, without having first studied how Chazal explain them, one must suspect that he is an apikorus.”

·  The Chasam Sofer says that what separates us from the non-Jews is that we have Torah Shebaal Peh, and that we must not learn Chumash without the words of Chazal. He says “We have seen in this terrible generation that in many countries they have switched the order that the earlier generations established, (by starting off with “p’shat” before Divrei Chazal), and they stumbled (becoming kofrim in Hashem and in the Torah.)

·  The Brisker Rav said in the name of the Chofetz Chaim that (just like we have Gemara as the explanation of the Mishna), Rashi is the “Gemara”, the explanation of the Chumash. There is a famous story, in which the Brisker Rav was told that a melamed translated a pasuk for the children according to the Rashbam. The Brisker Rav exclaimed that children should not be told “this is the teitch according to the Rashbam, or this is the teitch according to Rashi,” rather, they should simply be taught the teitch according to Rashi as the pshat of the pasuk.

·  The Machaneh Levi, who was the son of the Haflaah, said to the effect: “In previous generations, they learned Chumash every week with Rashi, and therefore it was obvious to them that one cannot understand even one parsha without the drashos of Chazal – that Torah Shebiksav and Torah Shebaal Peh are one. But since they stopped learning Rashi regularly, the results have been many sinners who are kofer in Torah Shebaal Peh.”

·  Rabbi Yosef Yedid HaLevi, Rav of the Halabi community in Yerushalayim about 100 years ago, said: “Anyone who teaches children Chumash NOT in accordance with the shita of the Rishonim, such as Rashi and the Ramban, and the other meforshim who followed the words of Chazal, is as if he taught them minus and apikorsus, and it would be better had he not taught them Chumash at all, for it is better to be an Am Ha’aretz than an apikores.”

·  In the sefer Aliyas Eliyahu about the Vilna Gaon, there is a very instructive story in which a maskil relates how he went to visit the Gaon. The maskil took pains to disguise his identity, but the Gaon realized who he was anyway, and refused to enter the same room as him. After brilliantly answering up all the maskil’s questions, the Gaon asked the maskil how he explains the 10 leshonos of joy (as the maskil had written a “Pshuto Shel Mikra” type of work.) When the maskil claimed that Rashi and the Medrash are not the pshat, the Vilna Gaon turned away and closed the door. Later that day, the maskil received severe punishment and bizyonos in the main shul in Vilna, for having degraded the words of Rashi.

If all this was not enough to clarify why Pshuto Shel Mikra is treif, there is more.

FOUR: The publishing company, Leshem, has been infiltrated by elements whose Emuna has been compromised.

We are aware of someone on their staff, heavily involved in the planning of Pshuto Shel Mikra, whom we’ll call H., whose Hashkafos are very not good. It is obvious that he is an apikores from the kefira that he writes. He is part of a large group of kofrim, headed by someone who no longer is a Shomer Torah Umitzvos, whom we’ll call B. What is even more dangerous is that the head of this organization, B., still dresses as a very religious Jew – while privately deriding Torah and Mitzvos.

Leshem was asked by the Beis Din of Rav Nissim Karelitz in Bnei Brak to stop printing the Pshuto Shel Mikra, and they continually make false promises to stop, and then keep putting out apikorsus. (See attached letter.)

We have received a clear Psak that it is a mitzva to burn the book called Pshuto Shel Mikra.

It is clear as day that the authors are attempting to tear down the Emuna of Klal Yisrael. May HKB”H save us from their wicked designs.

There is a kuntres covering this topic in greater detail that is coming out, with the haskamos of chashuve Rabbonim. To receive a preprint copy by email, please send an email to


  1. Rashbam testified that his grandfather Rashi told him that he’d like to write a proper pshat oriented pirush if the time allows, recognize that Rashis own pirush was revolutionary at the time for not translating according to the Midrash 100% of the time . .

    1. Yup. Beginning of Vayeishev

    2. That's not really what the Rasbam says. He speaks about the importance of Pesutoy Shel Mikra and says that Rashi said that had he had time he would have written another Pirush on Chumash based on Pesutoy Shel Mikra. Nothing about Rashis own pirush being revolutionary at the time.

    3. Rashi never had a chance to write a Pshutei Shel Mikroh Perush, whoever does so has a big Mitzvah.
      Whoever wrote this article does not know that Ein MIkroh Yoitzei Midai Pshutoi.

  2. This real? What’s wrong with pishuto shel mikrah without medrash ie many rashis
    Gaonim, Rashbam, RY Kara, RA ibn Ezra Radak and Ralbag all wrote such pirushim which all look similar to this pirush as in no medrashim that aren’t explicit in the text

    1. Mesora is to learn chumash with rashi is the ikkar
      Anyone messing with that smells of MO.
      You don't agree with this, that's fine go ahead and buy it. They are talking to their own

    2. Who said this Chumash is 'the ikkar'? May I not sell a Chumash with Ibn Ezra cause it's not the 'ikkar'? May I not sell a box of matches because the 'ikkar' is Chumash with Rashi?

      What does ikkar have to do with anything?

    3. Claim ONE - Rav Shach was talking about a Chumash that substituted Rashi for his own pshat. This Chumash has Rashi elucidated 'on the page'. He is not substituting anything for Rashi.
      Additionally, Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv were not the final word then. That Chumash had a Haskama from Gedolei Yisroel, such as the Minchas Yitzchok and others. Quoting one opinion is disingenuous.

      Claim TWO - The examples quoted have nothing to do with the matter at hand. The lentils that Yaakov was cooking are mentioned in the possuk. פשוטו של מקרא means the simplest pshat in possuk, without any more information. There is no mention of a mourning meal in the possuk, why should this peirush quote it?
      The same is true with all examples. This Chumash isn't here to replace Chazal or Rashi, it is here to quote the simplest reading of the Chumash. ורוח א-להים is translated by the Targum as a simple wind, is that also Kefira? Does he have an agenda?
      The complaint as to why עולם הבא is not mentioned in Chumash is a Cutzpa to the Rishonim. All Rishonim deal with this, none claim that the Torah does mention עולם הבא clearly. Because it doesn't. וחטאתי לאבי כל הימים, in it's simple explanation, does not mean עולם הבא, why should this Chumash quote it?
      Yes, there is a pattern. Not to remove Nissim, but to explain the simplest explanation of the possuk. There is nothing wrong with this agenda, and this is part of learning Chumash.

      Claim THREE - All of those quotes about learning תושבע"פ have nothing to do with the matter at hand. A Sofer who writes a Sefer Torah is עוסק במלאכת שמים, even though he is not adding תורה שבע"פ. This Chumash quotes certain Mefarshim, based on certain criteria. It isn't supposed to replace the regular Chumash and it does not do the job of a regular Chumash.
      Complaining about writing and selling this Chumash is like complaining, "How can the store sell apples, the only thing we need for Chumash is Rashi?"
      And some of those stories are absolute lies, half-truths and exaggerations. The Vilna Gaon never said to burn Mendelson's Chumash. The Chasam Sofer said one small statement in his צוואה to his family about it, nothing in public, and that is it. Additionally, Mendelson was an apikores, as is clear in his other writings. And still, many Gedolei Yisroel used it. The Maharam Shik, prize Talmid of the Chasam Sofer, could not find another Chumash in his house when his Rebbe came to visit. The Netziv taught from it to his Talmidim.
      Nobody degraded Rashi, except the writers of these kinds of screeds.

      Claim FOUR - This claim is the most odious of all.
      Leshem has been 'infiltrated'. The person they call H. is a great Talmid Chacham, an eideler Yerushalaymer Yid, who is a ירא וחרד. He worked on the רש"י כפשוטו, but not on the פשוטו של מקרא, but that is irrelevant. He is a fully ehrliche Yid, who spends his life with ehrliche Yidden.

      Anonymous accusations against private people, unbacked by a single fact, is the hallmark of people with outside agendas. Torah does not work like this. Anyone can be accused of kefira and they have no way of defending themselves.

      Hefkervelt should publish this answer as its own post, if they are truly impartial.

    4. "Does he have an agenda?" - Yes, Onkelos has an agenda. He writes ורוח מן קדם ה instead of רוחא דה. Why? So that simple people shouldn't chas veshalom see a reference to the Christian concept of the "Holy Spirit" as an independent entity (and this is also part of his broader pattern of placing distance between Hashem and created objects). If Pshuto Shel Mikra indeed follows Onkelos, then it is actually being very careful to not write kefira as the pamphlet accuses it of.

    5. Without taking clear sides the fact that the following are so readily together in the same paragraph shows there's a problem-
      Onkelos ;agenda; this author

    6. Another issue is that the letters by Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv are mostly regarding GEMARA pirush that supplants Rashi, i.e., Shteinzaltz or Artscroll.

      The fact that, ultimately, virtually all Gedolim supported Artscroll, including Rav Elyashiv who learned from Artscroll, show that the Gedolim's concerns with these pirushim had softened. To cite a letter which would equally apply to Artscroll is shameful and bizarre.

      Additionally, the kuntras quotes a story written in the Aliyos Eliyahu, which mentions a story related by Moses Mendelsohn, who claimed to have been punished by the Gra for claiming that Rashi didn't write "Pshat."

      What's odd is that we are using a story relayed - or perhaps fabricated - by MOSES MENDELSOHN to attack Yerushalmi kedoshim utehorim. Nowhere is this story by Moses Mendelsohn mentioned anywhere in the Gras writings. In fact, the Gra argues with Rashi in his pirush on Mishlei regarding Pshat of the Pesukim.

      I honestly don't understand the people who put out the kuntras. Do they have no fear of the punishment mentioned by Chazal regarding people who embarrass talmidei chachamim?

      Finally, the kuntras is completely one-sided. It will only quote stories to prove its conclusion. It will never quote the many sources which show that EVERY PERSON is entitled to give his understanding of the Pshat in the pasuk.

    7. Barl - how is what I wrote problematic? It's universally acknowledged that Onkelos goes to great lengths to avoid any sort of hagshama in his translation. The Rambam writes this many times in the Moreh Nevuchim. Rashi in his pirush on Shas writes that the Targum was intended for the hamon am. These are facts. If you have a problems with what I wrote then take it up with them. Educational agendas are not necessarily nefarious or incorrect.

    8. I would like to point out that there is no proof that Rav Elyashiv used the Artscroll Gemara. In the video of him learning, he uses his regular old Shas.
      There are pictures of a closed Gemara in front of him during meetings, but that is 'paid placement', in which PR companies pay Gabbaim to place their Sefer there to fool people. Oz Vehadar did the same thing.

    9. There are pictures of Rav Elyashiv using Artscroll. However, Rav Azriel Auerbach explained that white pages used by Artscroll were easier on his eyes than the standard Gemaras which have a yellowish tinge.

      However, I did here from Rav Nissim Kaplan that Rav Elyashiv used Mesivta.

      I think it's a chisaron if a Gadol or Posek wouldn't use Artscroll. Where do we have any source in Rishonim or Achronim not to use a tool that helps one get Pshat or learn faster? Not to use Artscroll is Bittul Torah.

    10. Actually, there are pictures of him using the Artscroll Gemara. Of course he isn't using it in the videos, because he probably used it only on occasion.

    11. I myself heard R' Nosson Scherman say that R' Elyashiv told him he sometimes looks at the notes on the bottom of the Artscroll gemara.

    12. I saw rav Elyashiv using the Hebrew artscroll he was reading the footnotes on bottom

    13. Mendelssohn never wrote anything like that. The story is told in the name of some anonymous maskil, and of course never actually happened.

  3. A comment here is insufficient to explain how wrong the Kuntres Vayavinu Bamikra and this post is.
    However, just to explain the basics.
    Of course, the basic learning of Chumash is with Rashi - his peirush is the one that brings us Chazal's understanding of Chumash, and it connects תושב"כ and תושבע"פ.
    This Sefer does not disagree and does not claim to be the basic learning of Chumash.

    This Sefer is here to show a different aspect of Chumash, an aspect that was dealt with by some Rishonim, even though those Rishonim too believed in Chazal's supremacy. Even though the Halacha follows the מדרש חכמים and the lessons from the מדרשי אגדה are applicable to all of us, there is another part of learning called אין מקרא יוצא מידי פשוטו, that means that the possuk can be learned without any extraneous information. The extraneous information is true, but it is possible to learn the Chumash without it.

    The פשוטו של מקרא rarely, if ever, has anything mystical about it. Because the Chumash does not speak in a mystical language. That is why every time קפיצת הדרך is mentioned, it is not a clear possuk. Because the concept is above the limitations of nature. The דרש certainly tells us that it happened, and it certainly did happen. But that is not פשוטו של מקרא. The simple pshat in possuk will never deal with matters like כסא הכבוד, because כסא הכבוד is not something physical that can be explained in words. ורוח א-להים is clearly referring to a wind, in its simplest pshat, as the Targum explains.

    To summarize, this Chumash is not being sold as the definitive pshat in possuk, rather as one pshat - the פשוטו של מקרא one. There are others, and those others are more central to Torah uMitzvos. But that does not passel this one.

    I saw somewhere that people are burning this Chumash. That is an absolute לאו in the Torah and it must be stopped.

  4. Rav Ahron Feldman is not a simplistic narroe person individual.. matter of fact in the beginning he attempted to deflect Slifkin' s publication ban ( R AF conceded that he's probably a heretic for many of the things he's since written). And he seems interestingly to be one of the opponents of this publication

    1. Comparing this impeccable, wonderful perush al HaTorah, which is saturated with Gedolei Rishonim and Achronim, to Slifkin's books is a travesty.

  5. “Received a clear psak to burn…”
    You can’t write an anonymous psak to burn a Chumash!! This line negates the entire letter. If there is actually a Rav who said you should burn this then he has to put his name on it. You are playing with fire (no pun intended) when saying someone should burn pesukim in the Torah.

  6. “The Brisker Rav said in the name of the Chofetz Chaim that (just like we have Gemara as the explanation of the Mishna), Rashi is the “Gemara”, the explanation of the Chumash” - This is actually an excellent טענה. However, if you look into the הקדמה of רש״י כפשוטו they actually bring this מימרא from the חפץ חיים. Not only this מימרא but they actually bring numerous מימרות of the importance of learning חומש with רש״׳י, including מימרות from ראשונים, and including מימרות stating that there is no פירוש on the level of רש״י. For this reason it is difficult to believe that they disagree with any of these points, and something seems strange.

  7. The letter-writer above (11:57 PM) is 100% correct in all he writes! "Peshuto Shel Mikrah" is a wonderful perush, hafla vafele, providing the mahalach of the Rishonim and Gedolei Achronim according to pshat, and not in any way attempting to supplant Rashi -- they actually made the most popular contemporary perush on Rashi! I feel terrible for all those eminent Talmidei Chachamim who clearly worked hard to enrich Klal Yisrael with such a beautiful masterpiece, which I peruse every week, and will continue to do so. This is complete motzee shem ra and there is zero validity to the claims against it. I heard that people are giving away their sets. Terrible! I think I speak for many when I say that this was the best $95 I ever spent!

  8. If you like spending on apikursus I agree with you.

    1. The problem with people like you is that you're actually against the Ramban, Radak, Ibn Ezra, Makbim, Netziv, and so on. If their perushim would be published today, there would be signs against them too, because they followed omek hapshat in understanding the pesukim. There is no "apikursus" in this entire Chumash which reflects this derech. It's very easy to lable something as apikursus. How about providing some examples?? You can't, because they don't exist. Period.


    2. Classic unorthodox and modox straw man argument

      You can make the same argument against the


    3. Your 'reply' makes absolutely no sense.

    4. And the contention "against" readily if one was trying to be honest, be made even more so against Nach
      We take it as a given we're not that silly

  9. This is the great problem facing Klal Yisroel?! This is what is preventing us from reaching our potential? This is why so many ninth grade bochurim, every year, drop out by Chanuka? This is why so many of our Yungeleit are going to work before even five years in Kollel? This is why the gashmiyus level in town is skyrocketing?

    Sounds like a distraction from real issues to me.

    1. This comment is a classic distraction to get people not to focus on issues. It goes like this "You are worried about "A" ??? but what about "B" that is so much more important..."
      The answer almost always is that either "B" is a new issue that came up and can't be ignored or "A" is in fact worried about but "B" is a lot easier of on an issue to deal with.

  10. Huh? Learning apikursus is quite a big problem. Besides what’s wrong with yungeleit going to work? If they’re not learning (maybe even if they are) they should!

    1. But what if it's not apikorsus? Could you cite any examples from the sefer that are apikorsus? When I checked the peirushim cited by the pamphlet author as kefira, every single one of them had a source in a traditional peirush.

      Do you know that Rav Chazan, who was appointed by the Eida Beis Din to look into the ENTIRE set (all five volumes) wrote that he's been using it for several years, had read it in its entirety, and declared it "kulo kodesh"?

  11. I have never seen the sefer in question, however I wonder for people who are so serious about mesora why don't they take issue with the mesivta gemara which is a far greater breech in our mesora. All the opposition the artscroll was not about the translation per se but rather The fact that it changes the way we learn gemora , the mesivta gemora is a causing a major shift, as young talented boys Who have always been taught to how to learn a blatt gemora, to make a leining and that was a basic skill set today they are growing up and there are kolel yungerleit who can't learn a blatt without a mesivta gemara. Talk about, damage, change,and mesora! Don't ignore the elephant in the room!

  12. Seems like people are going around stealing these Chumashim from the Shuls so we shouldn't be able to check up the quotes and see how disingenuous they are.

  13. A mesivta Gemara should not be used by any bochur or yungerman except in rare circumstances just to check something up but it’s no comparison to this. This is kefira.

    1. No Kefira has been shown yet, and nobody searched Mesivta for it yet. So we don't really know.
      So far, the Sefer is bechezkaso, and we can learn it and use it.

    2. So that's why most shoes have a full set........

  14. You can’t really know if there is really something wrong or this is some tumult created by someone with an agenda like the bugs in the fish, orange juice you name it.

  15. Last time there was a bona-fide book of keffira which claimed Elisha was not mechaye meisim alternative medicine.... none of these choshuve mochim could be found... Was that too hot of a potato to deal with or was it too close to home?

    1. Which book claims elisha was not mechaye meisim?

  16. Just went through the whole of parashas Toldos with it. It was an amazing experience and I will iy'h be buying a set for myself and my son. I am astounded: People have nothing better to do than be mocheh against this wonderful Chumash??? It's full of yashrus, Rishonim, Achronim, and so meticulously crafted. I met a few Rebbeim today and every one of them told me how much they've gained from using this masterpiece, and that they've used it for years and there is not a shred of anything wrong with this; on the contrary, it's a great perush. Mark my words: People are gono regret coming out against this.

    1. Mark my words: you'll regret buying this for you son.

    2. Why should he mark your words? Care to explain?

    3. First of how is one Chumash "full of Yashrus" more than any other Chumash? Secondly you don't see to be full of Yashrus yourself. Why do I doubt that your claim of "I met a few Rebbeim today and every one of them told me how much they've gained from using this masterpiece, and that they've used it for years and there is not a shred of anything wrong with this; on the contrary, it's a great perush" is true.

    4. I'm not the previous commenter and don't know what he's thinking, but if you read the רש"י כפשוטו (which has the Haskamos) and see how clear it is, to the extent that it was a major bestseller, you'll get a sense of what is meant by "yashrus". That is yashrus in the sense of klorkeit and making the material lichtig. There's another sense of yashrus meaning tahor v'naki that is lacking according to the ban, but I'm not talking about that. When we learn sefarim, we feel which ones have a guldineh hasbara and which ones are meant for us to horoveh in that regard. And of course, kulam ahuvim kulam kedoshim.

    5. Addressed to Anonymous at 3:01 PM: I'm really not sure why you would doubt what I said about the rabbeim I met who praised this Chumash. I'm also really intrigued as to how you would put into question the yashrus of someone whom you;ve never met or even heard of. Care to explain your position?

  17. Don’t know what you’re talking about

  18. To anonymous 11:57 AM : Actually, Rav Schach was referring to a Chumash that had one peirush that explains Rashi and another one that collected peshat peirushim from other sources, just like pshuto shel mikra.
    For that reason, practically every other godol of that time, other than Rav elyashiv, rejected the Rav Shach ban and endorsed the sefer he and Rav Eliashiv had condemned.

    1. What's the name of this anonymous chumash that rav shach? Can't compare without knowing what you're talking about.

    2. Give names. Who were the"others"

    3. חומש המבואר רש"י המפורש.
      Haskomos from Dayan Weiss, Badatz, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Pinchas Menachem ALter, Rav Meir Baransdorfer, Rav Zalman Nechemiah Goldberg, Rav Moshe Halbershadt, Rav Shmuel halevi Vozner, Rav Binyomin Zilber, Rav Yochanan Sofer, and Rav Moshe Shternbuch -- AFTER the widely-publicized Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv ban.

    4. Given that the pamphlet making the case for this ban cites the psak of Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv as "what our Gedolim have said" regarding publishing chumashim that explain Rashi and have a separate peirush that presents selected Rishonim al pi peshat (assur), please see here for the letters from Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv and for the haskomos to that very sefer, most of which were written AFTER the ban and therefore DESPITE the ban. In other words, the Gedolim REJECTED Rav Shach's and Rav Elyashiv's opinions, the very opinions cited by the pamphlet author (and presented to Lakewood Rabbonim as the entirety of "What the Gedolim have said"). To say it another way: In fact, most of the Gedolim REJECTED the Rav Shach and Rav Elyashiv letters and Da'as Torah of Rov HaGedolim was that a sefer that presented selected Rishonim al pi peshat was perfectly fine.

    5. I believe it was called חומש המבואר

    6. And here is a scan of a few pages from חומש המבואר:

  19. What utter amaratzus. Rabenuy Bchai explains bechora as שררה, as duly noted by the chumash. This is pure libel.

  20. The old dor used to be moaning that that taking the easy way out is a bigger bittul b'eichus

    1. The old dor would be having heart attack about even thinking about burning a sefer

  21. Rashi's pshat about the Kisei HaKavod (that the article mentions) says it is held there by the breath of the mouth of HKB"H. If anybody took that literally everyone would be screaming kefira.

  22. בענין הקול קורא נגד החומש *"פשוטו של מקרא"*

    A Derasha from Rav Yitzchok Lebovitch about the issue

  23. It's quite interesting that this issue started in EY a year-and-a-half ago and has been through several Battei Din there, yet the Lakewood Rabbonim issued a harsher condemnation than either of the EY Battei Din had.

    The Eida Chareidis and Bnei Brak Battei Din were in personal contact with the authors of this peirush. Neither of the Battei Din disparaged the authors of this peirush personally. And neither of them said the harsh things that the Lakewood Rabbonim's condemnation said.

    The Eida Chareidis Beis Din said that their shaliach had reviewed the entire set of all five volumes and determined that peirush was "Kulo Kodesh." They therefore ruled no changes were necessary and it could be used as is.

    Incidentally, this publishing team's newest work, Chok l'Yisroel, was just published and has current haskomos from this Beis Din.

    The Bnei Brak Beis Din of Rav Sariel Rosenberg said that a revised edition should be printed, as replacement for the current one, and that the publisher could continue to sell the remaining copies of the present edition. They did not disparage the authors personally and said that the sefer needed to be "fixed."

    The Lakewood Rabbonim, however, were far stronger in their condemnation and even said -- unlike the EY Battei Din that had fully investigated the matter, gone through all five volumes, and spoken to the authors -- that no "tikkun" was possible.

    I was wondering if any of the oylam here had spoken to any of the Lakewood Rabbonim and asked them what led them to sign a letter that was far more harsh and far-reaching than the EY Battei Din. Did they have information that was unknown to the EY Battei Din? If so, have they shared this information with the EY Battei Din?

    1. The Lakewood letter is very similar to the attacks made on the sefer from the Eitz faction in EY several years ago, which led to the investigations by independent Battei Din, which, after doing their investigations, did not agree.

      It's therefore interesting that for the Lakewood signers, it's almost as if the Dinei Torah by recognized Battei Din, which went through the matter thoroughly and systematically, had never occurred.

      It's almost as if the Lakewood signers aligned themselves with the Eitz attacks, rather than with the Battei Din.

      I wonder why that would be and wonder whether anyone in the oylam has asked Lakewood Rabbonim for an explanation.

  24. Response from Leshem Publishing:
