Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Tekias Shofar During a Pandemic

Rabbis, health depts and organizations have issued  guidance on how to properly blow the shofar this year. The fear is that it could be a superspreader of the virus because of the droplets.

With many people homebound this year communities have set up networks for volunteers to go around and blow shofar in different neighborhoods.

Some shuls will have the baal tokea stand 12 feet away with the shofar pointing outdoors, or to place a cloth or mask over the shofar the OU said in its guidelines this does not appear to alter the sound of the shofar. Others will blow a minimum of 30 kolos
The Agudah moetzes wrote that "the blowing of the shofar should not be changed in any way".

 Unfortunately some in the conservative and reform movement have gone to the extreme from hearing the shofar over the internet, playing a pre recorded shofar blast ,a drive thru in the parking lot to eliminating it totally by replacing it with musical instruments  sounds of  the piano and guitar " to help evoke the emotions that arise from chanting and singing together. (NYT article)

In a meeting with OU Rabbonim the US Surgeon General addressed shofar blowing as it pertains for this year. Blowing the shofar presents a unique challenge as the act by its nature spreads the baal tokea’s respiratory droplets further than the standard six-foot distance. Dr. Adams recommended that the shofar be held a fair distance away from others and also commented on an OU recommendation to cover the shofar’s opening with a cloth covering.

The OU statement "An appropriate precaution during shofar blowing would be to place a surgical mask over the wider end of the shofar, as this does not appear to alter the sound of the shofar blast. Some may point the shofar out an open window or door, or near and towards the front wall or aron kodesh, facing away from the congregation," the OU said. "A single shofar should not be used by multiple people, and no barrier should be placed between the shofar and the mouth of the one blowing the shofar. Poskim have addressed when and how much to sound the shofar where the time in shul is seriously limited."


  1. תקע בשופר גדול לחירותנו

  2. This shofar thing is 100% fake news. I guarantee no one will catch covid from the shofar. I take full achrayus for it.
    And to think our grandparents risked their lives to put on tefillin 100 years ago. Probably looking down and laughing and crying at the same time.

    1. Amazing you take full achrayus without signing your name
      Quite small of you

    2. You're funny. This is not a Purim joke, though. How exactly are you guaranteeing it? Whose life are you putting up on the altar?

      Your example has no bearing on the current situation for obvious reasons.

    3. Uch un vei that the OU is running to doctors to know how to blow a shofar. And besides, this whole question in completely ludicrios ( hello ? Mask on a shofar ?? Insanity! ). It demonstrates how far panic can go when people have no seichel.

    4. שומר פתאים ה

      Its inconceivable that the Mitzva of Tekias Shofar will cause harm

    5. Wow, unbelievable how people don't understand basics in Yiddishkeit and they think they are such Chachumim and make fun of the OU. Be extra careful when you Klap Al Chait this year. You definitely have what to atone for. I just hope it's not Retzicha.

    6. Why don't they just take a Covid test before Yom Tov?

  3. Was the OU just as machmir that people dont go to Florida

    1. The OU is for halachic issues, not vacation issues. They aren't a newspaper that needs to have an opinion on everything
