Sunday, September 20, 2020

Motzei Rosh Hashana תשפ''א

Fast of צום גדליה begins at 5:23 am

-69 new cases over RH total 3342/199

-Selichos Chestnut Shul 8:30 am, Arlington 8:10 am, Bais Shabsi 7:50 am 

- Many covid compliant minyanim took place in Lakewood over Rosh Hashana, volunteers went around blowing shofar for those in quarintine .

-Long lines reported at urgent care clinics around Lakewood due to an uptic in COVID symptoms over Yom Tov. (LNN)

-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dies At 87. Joe Biden said by tradution simeone who dies on Rosh Hashana is considered a righteous person.

-At least two staff members and several students of Lakewood school district are in quarantine after testing positive, according to a letter from the school district to parents, (patch)



  1. Joe Biden said by traduction someone who dies on Rosh Hashana is considered a righteous person.

    I never heard this one before. Is Joe Biden a massive Talmid Chochom with a real mekor for this or is it some boich svora of his?

  2. -Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dies At 87. Joe Biden said by tradition someone who dies on Rosh Hashana is considered a righteous person. - What are you smoking ? RBG supports tax payer funded Mass Murder of Babies i.e. Abortion that is not a righteous person.

    1. A Ben (or Bas) Yisroel is not muzhar on harigas ubrim, so she did nothing wrong.

    2. on a practical level tov lohem vtov laolam , however there is a question from a ruchnius perspective what is the effect

    3. To anonymous that said we are not muzhar, that is very very wrong. We aren’t chayav misa but it is still
      Murder min hatorah. (R Moshe Feinstein). The only place where there’s a remez to a drabanan is tosofos in nida, but r moshe says it’s a typo. Everyone holds its a issur deoraysa of murder.

    4. Doing "v'hagisah Yomum Volayla on the net.
      Oh. That will get you pretty far.
      As in FARdorben and FARkrochen.

    5. Anonymous 7:17 - I guess the Chavos Yair is not included in 'everyone', because he does not think it is murder. There is plenty of text written on it, and the bottom line is that those who created a Jewish 'value' out of fighting abortion, are being sustained from non-Jewish sources.

    6. "A Ben (or Bas) Yisroel is not muzhar on harigas ubrim, so she did nothing wrong."

      The Rambam paskens it is assur for a ben and bas yisroel as ritzicha. R Moshe Feinstein also paskens this way in the Igros Moshe

  3. Yes it's brought down that a beinoni or Rasha hashem waits for Yom Kippur but a tzadik gets his gmar on rosh hashana, and if someone dies on rosh hashana it's a simon they're a tzaddik. I heard this from R ABBA Gorelick z"l Rosh Yeshiva of south fallsburg, in his hesped on his mechutan who was niftar on RH.

    1. According to the Talmud and the Rambam, the Rasha also gets his 'gmar' on RH.
      Take it from there yourself.....

  4. Hashlomas hashana is a big inyan. She must have had some zechyos.

  5. RGB was vicious against Johnathan Pollard, refusing to have his case heard even before the case reached the Supreme Court.

  6. Joe biden must have heard it from r' abba forelock.

  7. Does anyone have an exact mekor that dying on Rosh Hashana or Hashlomas hashana is a big inyan?

    Not a " I once heard" mekor?

    1. Hashlamas Hashana is gemara sotah 13.

    2. The Gemara seems to be referring to dying on ones birthday not dying on Rosh Hashana.

      Moshe Rabbeinu who the Gemara says it in reference to did not die on Rosh HaShanah.The Posuk the Gemora is based is not referring to Rosh Hashana either.

  8. Anonymous 1:05 PM
    Anonymous 5:10 AM,
    R' Yaakov Kamenetzky was oismentch when he heard yidden taking abortion by GOYIM
    without seriousness! He called it destroying lives.
    Go spit on your machzor from yesterday! So this is the new front now of your backstabbing treachery: abortion?!
    What did you daven for yesterday?
    Hashem's world malchus?! Guess what? As per Yirmiyahu 2:13 making sure the goyim keep their basic precepts precedes that!

    RBG was a disgrace to our people.
    hey, in the days of our forefathers you would have rationalized for Eisav

    For a Jew, it's me'ein retzicha .

  9. cont.
    Anonymous 1:05

    Rav Aharon Kotler, warned  that the greatest threat facing Jewry is (not inter-marriage or assimilation, but rather) perversion of the Torah,
    (Mishnas Reb Aharon 1:2,3:6).

    So who got their 'values' from non-jewish sources or worse??

    1. Right, Reb Aaron said that those who adopt 'republican' values as Jewish ones, are more dangerous than those who promote intermarriage or abortion for that matter. That is exactly the point I am making.
      Stop perverting Torah by confusing it with republicanism and americanism.
