Friday, September 11, 2020

Letter- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and Poskim support Igud Rabbonim on Corona Guidelines

A Letter dlivered with the Lakewood shopper newspaper signed by Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and poskei Hayeshiva in support of the guidelines by the Igud Rabbonim who worked with medical professionals  and sought guidance from experts


  1. B”H a letter written responsibly by Real Rabbonim ! Not doctors
    What is says .
    1 Be cautious .
    2 Be considerate of others

    What it does not say
    1 Does Not say to wear a mask
    2 Does Not say to panic and shut Shuls
    3 Does not say to Inform on your neighbors
    4 Does not call people names Like Rodfim

  2. The translation is wrong. It says "if you have any symptoms, get tested immediately."

    1. No it doesn't. You're making that up.

    2. The paragraph starts “umin hara’oiu”. This may be helpful:

    3. Its an exact translation

  3. Who is the iggud, why no names?

    1. You have to be under a rock not have known the names by now lol. Everyone has been talking about this group of Rabbonim for a few weeks now

    2. I must be under a rock. I learn in BMG and I have no idea who this Va'ad is. Who appointed them? What did they do?

    3. I think its led by Rabbi Ani Nistar. And vice chairman is Rabbi Ilum Shem .

    4. I learn in BMG and I know who they are, but either way when there is a letter with the Roshei Yeshiva and Poskim saying you can rely on them we shouldn't need more

    5. Okay, I'll bite.

      Everyone knows who they are, but in case you don't, they are:
      Rabbi Yaakov Forcheimer
      Rabbi Henach Shachar
      Rabbi Uri Deutch
      Rabbi Aryeh Sherwinter
      Rabbi Chaim Meir Roth

    6. Thanks Anon! The idea of signing something to support a “shell company” to deflect blame when the inevitable deaths start mounting is a bit odd.

  4. as per the last perek of Yoma ,
    excepting insofar as when one is a 'bari'
    and they will have no impact whatsoever on another
    e.g.fasting, Bachelor who lives in the basement by themselves and refuses to go out during corona
    It is incumbent upon all to follow and adhere to the consensus of doctors whether or not you'd like it

  5. I don't understand the letter of the rosh yeshivos. Are they claiming that coronavirus came because we closed the Shuls because of coronavirus? That seems circular to me. What is it supposed to mean?

    1. I don't understand how they can blame people for ביטול בית המדרש. There was NOT ONE credible voice that was telling people to open Shuls before Rosh Chodesh Iyar. Not Rav put his name to any Psak against that of Rabbi Forcheimer, Reb SImcha Bunim Cohen and others, who told people to stay away from minyanim. What should people do? Hang around on blogs? Listen to rumors?
      It isn't fair to come afterwards and blame people for listening to Rabbonim. Especially as the greatest of all, Reb Dovid Feinstein, was also telling people to close.

  6. Everyone blames coronavirus on their own pet peeve. This one says it is because children weren't accepted into school, that one blames tznius or the lack thereof, another one says it is because of older singles, and yet someone else blames tziyonus/anti-tziyonus.

    Lots of people are taking a ride over here

  7. Which doctors have signed off on this plan?

  8. where is Rav Yeruchoms signature

    1. It's probably on a seperate page. Social Distancing.

    2. He was just put on the Moetzes together with Rav Shlomo Miller Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin

  9. In the last 2-3 months lakewood acted as if corona never existed. Yes i understand now there is an uptick but if Drs believe that you can't get it a second time then what's all the noise about? Just to make restrictions for shuls on r"h seems very hypocritical. Noone had restrictions today in shul. If you think about it its not yashrus. Tell ladies they can only come 1 day r"h to shul? What is this?? Like i said if you were practicing social distancing all along it would be understandable.

  10. It's very simple. Social distancing helped 3 months ago, and we eradicated it from Lakewood, so we stopped social distancing, which was fine because we no longer had it in Lakewood. Then some people went out of town and caught it and brought it back and it's spreading again. So now we have to social distance again to eradicate it again from Lakewood.


    1. @Yashrus

      We stopped it with the social distancing ? About 80% of Lakewood had covid ! We stopped NOTHING.

      And thats probably also the reason it stopped- herd immunity big time.

    2. Um, well for those of us in the 20% who didn't get it, presumably the reason we didn't is because of social distancing, since we obviously aren't immune? Herd immunity just means that after the first wave ran its course, now there are fewer people to catch it from. But those who have hidden high risks are still pretty scared, and people need to he responsible about quarantining if they were exposed or have any symptoms whatsoever!

    3. No one knows that 80% of lakewood got it. The only stats are from Chemed, which tests the SICK people. 50% - that’s half, for those who aren’t mathematically inclined - had antibodies.

  11. Are they telling people not to go to Orlando for sukkos. Lots of people booked tickets

  12. klal yisroel is in the midst of a mageifah! it is not befitting or sensitive to party in orlando!

    1. 10:56pm

      Stop the fear mongering!!!

      20 yidden who are is sick is NOT a mageifah!!!!

    2. 20 a day is different especially when they may be spreading to others.

  13. It’s a little misleading title since almost every single doctor says to wear a mask which this letter skips.

    1. This isn’t guidelines. Doesnt say what to do or not to.

    2. to me it seems as though what they are telling people that you have a Halachic Achrayus not to get others sick and that if you have questions you should ask a Rav not a doctor and that there is a special Shaalah for things which are Ruchniyus related

  14. Bottom line is they write a two page letter about corona and they don’t say to wear masks which is what all the local doctors are saying

  15. The letter is jibberrish.
    Either come out with a letter with stating exactly what your trying to articulate רחל בתך הקטנה or dont write at all. Wruting half sentences makes the issues worse and cause more machlokes.

    1. Dunno about you, I was able to understand it. It says you have an achrayis to make absolutely sure not to get others sick.
