Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Lakewood Planning Board Meeting

Lakewood Planning board meeting Tuesday September 1st 6:00 pm
watch live stream Here
See Agenda Here

1. SP 2390AA Simcha Gellerman  420 Cross Street Block 524.36, Lot 9
Change of Use/Site Plan Exemption to convert a house to a school
2. SP 2109A RD Lakewood, LLC  Pine Street & New Hampshire Ave Block 961.01, Lots 2.02 & 2.03
Amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan for a hotel
This application is tabling until September 8, 2020, and will not be heard tonight.


  1. Everything in lakewood is open except for the township building so all the meetings can go on without the public being there in person.

  2. Um, actually, all the meetings are taking place on Zoom and the public can watch them online just like the public was able to watch them online before COVID.

  3. No comparison its much harder for the public to participate in this way they are doing it because they can pass whatever they want without public scrutiny. There is no way to know if a email sent get through or read out in public. People complained that they sent emails which were not read. All other towns neighboring lakewood have open in person meetings very telling that lakewood is playing games
