Thursday, September 17, 2020

Minhagim for Erev Rosh Hashana 5781 and Halachos for Shabbos R"H

  תשפ"א - תהא שנת פלאות אראנו
 מעדני הפרשה)   ר"ת תשפ"א - אז תמלא שחוק פינו)
 החתם סופר בפר' בחוקותי תשפ"א זה אותיות 'אשפת' ומאשפת ירים אביון וקרן ירים לעמו

-Some have a minhag to purchase a new knife on Erev Rosh hashana as a  segulah for parnassah.  החותך חיים לכל חי
-The minhag is for men to fast on erev Rosh Hashana up to chatzos (12:50 pm in Lakewood)
-Some go to visit kivrei tzadikim on erev Rosh Hashana.
-Minhag is to go to the mikva on erev yom tov.
- This year the bracha on candle lighting for Rosh Hashana is להדליק נר של  שבת ושל  יום טוב and שהחיינו (some do say Yom Hazikaron)
-Remember to recite all aditions for shabbos during the tefilos
 -Maariv: Kabolas shabbos/ Mizmor shir after mincha
-Vayechulu/ Magen  Avos
-kiddush friday night vayechulu
-First day Shabbos NO Avinu Malkeinu Tekias Shofar or Tashlich. 
-Shalosh seudos ט שעות 3:54 is 3:54 pm
-Mincha with Krias Hatorah

2nd night Maariv ותודעינו 
Yaknehaz kiddush (Purchase a Yaknehaz candle it will be used 5 times this year)
72 minutes 8:10 pm


  1. Additions, not editions.
    Ksiva V'chasima Tova to all.

  2. Purchase 5 yaknahaz candles. They cannot be reused as they cannot be blown out.

    1. Purchase 100 and give out to 99 neighbors lezecher nishmas R' Shayala.

  3. Hamelech in Magen Avos and Shmoneh Esrei

  4. The segulah is to sharpen your knives OR buy a new knife. not just to buy a knife.

  5. There's a famous segulah to daven to Hashem on Rosh Hashana. Many have done so and have seen major yeshuos.
