A voice for the Tzibbur by the Tzibbur- overcoming challenges. We take no responsibility for comments posted you are solely responsible for any comments you make and their accuracy. We take no responsibility and assume no liability for any comments posted by you or any third-party.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Audio Message: Igud Harabonim for Corona Matters
Wednesday Sept 30 News Updates Lakewood
-Daled Minim Shuk open at Lake terrace 1690 Oak street
-Daled Minim available at Bingo including sukka panels folding chairs beds tables
-Oorah giveaway winter coats,Belts, ties,back cushions, makeup brushes, headphones and more at 1785 Swarthmore Ave Lakewood, today Sep 30th 1:00 pm-5:00 while supplies last
-Long lines continue at Urgent care centers, over 3 hour wait by Chemed this morning, others ran out if tests. the state is expected to deliver 6000 rapid tests to Lakewood
- Schools and yeshivos send message that all kids must check temps before boarding the bus and wear a mask when waiting at the bus stop untill entering the classroom
- Building on Cedarbridge Avenue sprayed with graffitti police investigating.
-New York City will begin enforcing mask-wearing with a $1,000 fine in nine zip codes seeing a COVID-19 spike, Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday.
-Murphy to visit Ocean county and meet with Lakewood officials amid covid spike
- APP: "Orthodox Jewish leaders ask for caution during holidays as Lakewood COVID-19 cases spike "We have to all stay focused to beat this thing," Rabbi Aaron Kotler, president of Yeshiva Beth Medrash Govoha, wrote the Press in an email ..Kotler said his own Yom Kippur — holiday celebrations and other gatherings have been blamed for some of the spread — was celebrated "socially distanced, masks and all, and vastly-reduced capacity, plus outdoor prayer groups on my block."
-More: About 37,000 Lakewood children attend nearly 100 private religious schools, more than six times the number of students in the public schools "They're contemplating their options and seeing what’s best,” Schnall said of the Jewish schools in Lakewood. “It’s a big town with a lot of schools, so it may depend on the situation — you don’t want to unilaterally close a school without any cases.” APP
-Lunch Distribution: B'gan 7 day Sukkos box Wedesday
Bnos Melech 550 James 8:00 pm
Yeshiva Orchos Chaim 6:30
Tehilas Chaya Sara 1115 Cross street 8:00 pm
-The number of COVID-19 cases in NJ have jumped 20% in one month, which state officials link to Lakewood.
Biden Wire Goes Viral
The short clip gained traction after Hollywood star James Woods, an outspoken conservative and backer of Trump, shared it on his Twitter account. Critics dismissed the clip, and said the slowed-down video only shows a crease in Biden’s shirt. see below
Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Tuesday Sept 29 News Updates Lakewood
-Gov. Phil Murphy is expected to visit Ocean County later this week to discuss the surge in cases with local officials. In the meantime, state health officials are sending thousands of rapid tests to the county and 20 additional contact tracers in an effort contain the spike. (NJ.com)
-Bob Singer: “Any uptick has some concern," he also acknowledged the Jewish holidays and children going back to school as the reasons for the new cases.
- Message going out from school/yeshivos . Every student is expected to wear a mask THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DAY. Please make sure your son is wearing his mask BEFORE he rides the bus. It should not be taken off at all both indoors and outdoors. Thank you for your cooperation.
-Baltimore: Rabbonim ask the community to strongly consider not hosting out of town guests for Sukkos during the pandemic. Those who do will only be allowed into shuls with a negative test. The Agudah of Park Heights minyan factory will be closing and all minyanim moved outdoors
- Arba Minim Shuk now open from September 29-October 2 at 1690 Oak Street.
- Levaya of Reb Moshe Harari Z"L 11:30 am at the chapel on 7th street at the Lakewood bais olam.
-Presidential debate tonight first of 3 dabates begins tonight at 9 pm.
-Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles in interview to NJTV on the hundreds of new cases in Lakewood "its pandemic fatigue they think they cant get it, they are listening to too many press conferences out of Washington and are just not paying attention to the basic rules of masks the social distancing and the hand washing. The mayor added that the virus spread in orthodox Jewish households and that the Rabbis said not to pray in synagogue but to stay home.
-OHI in Lakewood Town Square today from 9am-3pm giving out free adult flu shots Just bring photo ID
-Israel prime Minister: Lockdown Will Be Much Longer Than 10 Days it could last about a month
-Levaya of Reb Eliyohu Bean Z"L at the Lakewood Bais olam 9:00am
Monday, September 28, 2020
Motzei Yom Kippur 5781 Lakewood News Updates
-369 New covid cases since Sunday total 4131/199
Erev Yom kippur 147 new cases
-Murphy: We continue to see the statewide number driven in large part by significant new cases coming out of Ocean County
-Murphy: NJ secured from the whitehouse rapid-testing resources for New Jersey, 2.6 million BinaxNOW rapid tests.
NJ 12- OCHD's Dan Regenye says some urgent care testing centers are doing 2 week data dumps in Ocean County - not providing daily details. He wants that changed.
-BDE: Petira of R’ Moshe Harari Z”L, Niftar From COVID-19 He was 46 years old. Levaya tomorrow at Lakewood Bais Olam 11:30 am leaves behind wife and 2 children R"L(YWN)
-Twenty Lakewood residents were in the Hospital over Yom kippur (YWN)
-The state is moving to expand COVID-19 testing and contact tracing in Ocean County after it accounted for 40% of all new New Jersey cases Monday.
-New York City officials are threatening to impose a sweeping lockdown starting Tuesday on neighborhoods with soaring COVID-19 infection rates.
לך אכל בשמחה לחמך ושתה בלב טוב יינך כי כבר רצה האלהים את מעשיך
Motzei Yom Kippur תשפ''א (credit: Shuki Lerer)
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Zmanim- Info Erev Yom Kippur 5781 Lakewood
כִּי הִנֵּה כַּחֹמֶר בְּיַד הַיּוֹצֵר בִּרְצוֹתוֹ מַרְחִיב וּבִרְצוֹתוֹ מְקַצֵּר כֵּן אֲנַחְנוּ בְיָדְךָ חֶסֶד נוֹצֵר לַבְּרִית הַבֵּט וְאַל תֵּפֶן לַיֵּצֶר.
-YiIzkor candle
-Chatzos 12:47 pm
-Candle lighting 6:26
-Shkiah/sunset 6:44 pm
What time is fast over? -Yom Kippur ends at 7:56 pm (72 minutes) September 28
-Weather: Yom Kippur night: Considerable cloudiness. Occasional rain showers later at night. Low around 65F. Chance of rain 40%. Day: 20% chance of rain Cloudy skies early, followed by partial clearing. High 79F.
Shabbos Shuva Drasha Harav Ephaim Wachsman shlita
News Updates Erev Yom Kippur Sept 27 Lakewood
-147 new covid19 cases in Lakewood for Friday/Shabbos total 3762/200
-Tehillim: Please be mispallel for Rav Moshe Tuvia Ben Rochel (R' Leiff shlita) who was taken to the hospital
-BDE: Petirah of Reb Eliyohu Beane Z"L of Lakewood Levaya Tuesday morning
-Forest park: As per the Horaa of the Rov, HaRav Uri Deutch Shlita:
Anyone that is positive for COVID-19 or has symptoms related for COVID-19 or has been directly exposed to someone who is positive for COVID-19 and does not have confirmed antibodies is forbidden to enter the Shul (even with a mask)If you have an underlying medical condition, please consult your doctor as to whether it is safe for you to come to Shul.
Halachos Of Yom Kippur Davening B'Yechidus & Guidelines for Corona Patients,
If One Must Drink on Yom Kippur: How to Drink “Shiurim”
• It is advisable to drink liquids that contain calories, such
Saturday, September 26, 2020
Motzei Shabbos Shuva- Erev Yom Kippur 5781 Lakewood
-Ocean Health Initiatives will be offering COVID-19 Saliva today Sept 27 free of charge wont bill Insurance . Contact information needed in order to receive your results. Testing is open to all residents of Lakewood Ocean Health Initiatives (OHI) 101 Second Street Lakewood
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
-Due to the current situation, the main Mikva of Lakewood will have a designated hour for the elderly and immune compromised on Erev Yom Kippur between 10:00-11:00 am. The left room of the Mikva will be specially cleaned prior to this hour and designated for this purpose with proper medical precautions.(Bais Havad)
-Ocean County added 250 cases Saturday alone 32% of the new positive tests across the state. (NJ.com)
-Passaic Rabbonim Advise that Men should fulfill the obligation of Mikva erev Yom Kippur by taking a shower of Tisha Kabin according to the Rama. Anyone in quarantine should not leave their home except for a medical necesity.
-OCHD- Due to technical difficulties with today’s data, new case numbers cannot be reported. The total new cases for Saturday, September 26 will be reported alongside the data provided on Sunday, September 27.
-NJ health commissioner state is working with the Lakewood community leaders and faith leaders to address what may be causing the spike."We were on an hour call (Friday morning) and they were asking 'What can we do,' " she said. "Their collaboration and cooperation is extraordinary.
-BoroPark24: multiple sources at the hospital and Hatzolah have confirmed to BoroPark24 that these rumors reported in the NY Post of 3 covid19 deaths are completely false.- Story in NY Post - Three members of the city’s Orthodox Jewish communities died from the coronavirus over the last four days — all within hours of arriving at the hospital too sick to be saved, The Post has learned.All three men were fatally ill with the disease by the time they sought treatment at the Maimonides Medical Center in Borough Park.
-New Jersey has 760 new positive cases, six new confirmed deaths.
- Murphy: Every religion in this state has a right to practice and worship on its holidays and days of worship," Murphy said. "I don't want a speck of anybody in the state saying, 'Hey see it's because of them.' "Leave any prejudices, any biases at the door," he said.
-More than 1,000 New Yorkers tested positive for COVID-19 in a single day, marking the first time since June 5 the state has seen a daily number that high.
Friday, September 25, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת האזינו שבת שובה תשפ''א
- Candle lighting 6:30 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 6:48 pm
-Weather: Friday night Mostly cloudy. Low around 60F. Shabbos day: Mainly cloudy. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 73F
אומרים צדקתך א''א ויהי נועם
Friday Sept 25 News Updates Lakewood
-Shabbos Shuva Candle lighting 6:30 pm Shkia/Sunset 6:48 pm
-OCHD Health director DR.Daniel Regenye said the outbreak in Lakewood may be amplified by the number of large households in the township, particularly because household contacts are the "prime mode of transmission" of the coronavirus. A state Health Department study found that 19 households were responsible for roughly 100 cases in Lakewood. We have some households (in Lakewood) where we’re looking at maybe eight, nine or 10 people per household," he said. "So if you get a person who was infected and then goes home, you would see a larger spread within that household."(APP)
-"You’re always kind of concerned when you see an increase but when you dive into the detail with some of it, it’s not as concerning ..many of those contracting the virus are young. Regenye said those age 20-29 are testing positive for COVID-19 more than any other age group in the countyMost of those are a mild to moderate type of an illness where they have very light symptoms and they'll make a full recovery within a few days,"The lesser severity in illness is reflected in the region's hospital and ventilator data, he said.
-Six Flags great Adventure extends 2020 Season Pass through December 31, 2021
-Dayanim in chasidisha courts urge all those with symptoms of covid19, those not feeling well ad those who are recovering to speak to their מורי הוראה today about fasting on Yom Kippur.
-Update from Local practice: As of yesterday morning, 14 Cholim from Lakewood are in the hospital, with two people on ventilators. These are all "High-Risk" people. Many of the Cholim are elderly, and some are in their 50s with high-risk conditions. Since two mornings ago, the number of hospitalizations has doubled.
- Several girls high schools informed their studentss they will be closing today through the yomim tovim.
-NYC- Beginning today Friday, September 25, there will be regular inspections of all non-public schools within areas where these clusters have appeared and in adjacent zip codes. addition, five sound trucks and multiple ambulances were sent out Thursday and will continue through Friday to amplify testing messaging in English and Yiddish. Hamodia
-Lakewood school district -Two first grade teachers whose student tested positive for coronavirus claim that the district mishandled the situation by failing to quarantine most of the class and allowing the teachers to remain on the job un-tested. Michael Inzelbuch, district spokesperson and school board attorney, said he had not known about the situation but it "strongly appears" the school's staff followed all protocols. But he added, "unfortunately, there are indications that allegedly and possibly numerous Board policies and, possibly, the law may have been violated herein by staff. This is being reviewed."(APP)
-United Airlines reschedules flight for Jewish customer concerned about Yom Kippur conflict. The motzei Yom kippur flight was scheduled to dEpart Newark, NJ at 8:05 pm when the fast is first over at 7:45. A paddenger reached out to the CEO of the airline and the departure was pushed back from 8:05 p.m. to 10:50 p.m. USA today
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Letter Addressing Current Uptick
See letter below (credit: Kol Haiolam)
The Igud Rabbonim address current uptick in covid19 thew are seeing a tremendous increase of illness panning all ages. There are hospitalizations in older and at risk populations, hatzalah calls are not limited to the elderly and infirm. First we must be mispalel for those who live here and those in eretz Yisrael who are undergoing a much more severe crisis.
We must change the way we are reacting to the virus it is not enough for those who are high risk to protect themselves the virus is infecting even those who are trying to be careful. They advise the following:
If you are elderly or at high risk: you should remain at home as much as possible. If it is absolutely necessary to go somewhere you must first consult with your doctor and than take all precautions.
For everyone no matter what age:
If you are feeling Flu like symptoms or any symptoms affiliated with Covid19 no matter how mild must treat it as if they have a confirmed case of covid19. Waiting until a test is taken exposes others unnecessarily to risk and harm. This means if you are feeling unwell you must isolate for 10 full days from the onset of symptoms. If you were exposed to someone who experienced these symptoms you must isolate quarantine for 10 days even if they did don't have a positive test result.
List of Outdoor/Covid Minyanim for Yom Kippur in Lakewood
Current list of Yom Kippur minyanim by covidminyans for those who seek / need protection from C-19. These minyanim are not for those who have C-19 or who were recently exposed and/or are in isolation.
Space in these minyans is limited due to social distancing. Given the ever-changing situation and the limited resources of the volunteers who are managing them, if you want to join them then please contact them immediately.
Thursday Sept 24 News Updates Lakewood
-Murphy not ready to expand capacity for gyms, indoor dining it remains at the 25% capacity limit he declined to provide a timetable, saying “I hope it’s sooner than later
-Gov Murphy will hold a Facebook Live chat with Director Dr. Anthony Fauci this morning at 11:15.
-Daled Minm Shuk will relocate this year to Lake terrace from Motzei Yom Kippur -Erev Sukkos adhering to social distancing guidelines
-DOH monitors randomly doing temperature checks of all kids on Lakewood school buses transporting kids to private schools
- Dr. Zelenko- "Hello. Twitter suspended me for 7 days for saying that xxxx works for Covid. Thank G-d I’m surviving and still in the fight. Ty so much for your positive blessings and support. It really helps keep up moral".
-Admorim in EY tell their chasidim not to come for Yom Kippur and to daven at their locations.
- Israel to go into full lock-down starting Friday at 2 pm. Ost tefilos on yom Kippur will take place outdoors Under a final compromise reached late Wednesday, shuls will close from Friday, open in a limited capacity and with mispallelim divided into small groups for the Yom Kippur tefillos, then close again on Monday night. A similar compromise was reached on protests, in which protesters may gather within a kilometer (0.6 miles) from their homes. In both cases, gatherings may include no more than 20 people at a time who must stay six feet apart.
-Food distribution:
Gelbsteins Today 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. at the Lakewood Middle School and Clifton Avenue Grade School.
- Chestnut Esrogim Orders must be submitted no later than Friday 9/25/20 at 3pm
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Selichos 5th day of Aseres Yemei Teshuva
-Lutzk 10:15 pm, 6:50, 8:00, 9:10
-Rav Babad shul Toms River 10:00 pm
-Berditchev 10:00 pm
-Oak&Vine 51 Turin 10:00 pm
-Outdoor minyan inthe VIllas at the 1000 cul de sac
-Chestnut 12:53 am,6:30, 7:30, 8:30
-Premishlan Central avenue 12:50 am
-Satmar Forest ave 12:50 am
-Alumnai 12:50
Spreading Simcha
BOE Meeting Tonight
Wednesday Sept 23 News Updates Lakewood
- New Jersey, two counties would fall in the same category as states on the travel advisory: Gloucester and Ocean. Both have a positive test rate higher than 10 per 100,000 residents, which is one of the things that triggers whether or not a state is added to the travel advisory, according to NJ Advance Media data. (nj.com)
-Feds Threaten Law Suit Over Toms River Religious Zoning Ordinance Township Officials to Enter Negotiations A letter, signed by U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito and Civil Rights Division in Washington, calls Toms River’s ordinance requiring religious facilities to have at least 7 acres of space noncompliant with the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA), which effectively declares any religious uses as beneficial to a community. The letter also specifically addressed the township’s growing Orthdox Jewish community, saying that any negotiations must “address the religious views of Orthdox Jews.”(Source)
-Some cities in Israel announce closures of shuls for Yom Kippur while waiting for the official govt decision later today.
-BMG notifies vendors that the daled minim shuk will be closed this year due to covid19. Initially it was supposed to take place at a outdoor location with guidelines but has since cancelled it.
-Johnson & Johnson is beginning a huge final study to try to prove if a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine can protect against the virus. The study starting Wednesday will be one of the world’s largest coronavirus vaccine studies so far, testing the shot in 60,000 volunteers in the U.S., South Africa, and other countries. Trump on Wednesday tweeted the link to a news report about the Johnson & Johnson study and said the FDA “must move quickly!”
- Shloshim for Rav Yosef Dovid Neuschloss zt"l tomorrow evening at the shul 23 Circle place 8:30 pm
-New York City health officials are warning of a continued COVID-19 uptick in Six Orthodox neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens and issuing “urgent” guidance to residents of those neighborhoods. The spike has occurred over several weeks in Kew Gardens, Edgemere-Far Rockaway, and Williamsburg; and a section of south Brooklyn including Midwood, Borough Park and Mapleton, which the Department is calling the Ocean Parkway Cluster. These four areas are now responsible for 20% of all COVID cases in the city.
Tuesday, September 22, 2020
Tuesday Sept 22 News Updates Lakewood
-Lakewood township activated a Tax Lien auction site with a list of 940 records for the sale of 2020 prior year delinquent taxes, water/sewer, and other municipal charges through an on-line auction. The auction date is October 14 right after Sukkos. Due to corona and the closure of Lakewood municipal office and mortgage forbearance programs some residents may not be aware of non paid taxes, Water or other fees.
-The Coronavirus Cabinet in Israel is currently discussing a slew of new restrictions to try and halt the spread of COVID-19 such as closing down shuls for om Kippur banning gatherings over the Sukkos, closing down the Daled Minim Shuks, and shutting mikvaos for Erev Yom Kippur.
-Lakewood is receiving a $951,299 grant through the federal CARES Act to help people who are at high risk of eviction due to the financial impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. The funds can be used to provide temporary financial assistance to meet rental obligations for up to 6 months, federal officials said. (Patch)
-NJ deploys contact tracers to Lakewood to track spike in covid19 cases
- Lakewood Mayor Ray Coles says, he feels scared because Ocean and Monmouth counties logged more than 730 new COVID-19 cases between them last week.“People, I think some of them felt they were past it. Whether they had it already, or they were immune to it. But I’m seeing far too many people who aren’t wearing their masks. And it really worries me,” said Coles.
-Yarchei Kallah at Khal Ateres Yeshaya for AseresYemei Teshuva today. First and second seder learning sugya of Pikuach Nefesh chavrusos available
-Daled Minim Shuk at Gourmet Glatt 10:30 am - 6:30 pm
Lakewood Planning Board Meeting
Monday, September 21, 2020
Tzom Gedalya 5781 News Updates Lakewood
Fast is over at 7:35 PM
-NJ shut down Motor Vehicle Commission services on Monday because of a network outage.
- Activists are organizing a protest at Bingo today 1pm against the kaparos ritual.
- Lev Rochel Bikur Colim sukkos raffle Here
-Daled Minim AT Bais Faiga 1:55- 6:00 PM 8:30 - 11:00PM
-Kaparos Tat 2:00 - 7:45 at Ateres Reva parking lot $7.50 a chicken new system for social distancing faminly stays in car adults will pick up chicken and keep it near car
-Bingo Kaporos 2-7 PM $3.99 a chicken
-NJ State officials are concerned over a sudden spike in new COVID-19 cases in Monmouth and Ocean counties and are deploying more contact tracers to help track the spread. The two counties have the most new cases in the state, Department of Health Commissioner Judy Persichelli said on Friday. NJ Department of Health's lead epidemiologist, "very concerned about the increase in Ocean County." The state health department reported the two counties had 736 new cases in the last week not including Friday.
-BDE: Fiery crash killed 2 on their way back from spending Rosh Hashana in Pennsylvania. An SUV and a tractor-trailer collided on the southbound New York State Thruway early today in a fiery crash that killed two people, the state police have confirmed R’ Moshe Hertzog A”H 28 from Monsey R’ Duvid Tzvi Schenbalg A”H 27. the crash, in the village of Suffern between Exit 15's merge with Route 17 and Exit 14B at Airmont Road, was reported on Interstate 87 at 1:45 a.m.
Sunday, September 20, 2020
Motzei Rosh Hashana תשפ''א
Fast of צום גדליה begins at 5:23 am
-69 new cases over RH total 3342/199
-Selichos Chestnut Shul 8:30 am, Arlington 8:10 am, Bais Shabsi 7:50 am
- Many covid compliant minyanim took place in Lakewood over Rosh Hashana, volunteers went around blowing shofar for those in quarintine .
-Long lines reported at urgent care clinics around Lakewood due to an uptic in COVID symptoms over Yom Tov. (LNN)
-Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Dies At 87. Joe Biden said by tradution simeone who dies on Rosh Hashana is considered a righteous person.
-At least two staff members and several students of Lakewood school district are in quarantine after testing positive, according to a letter from the school district to parents, (patch)
Friday, September 18, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim Erev Rosh Hashana ראש השנה תשפ''א - הבא עלינו לטובה
Erev Rosh Hashanah 5781 Friday, September 18, 2020 / כ״ט אלול תש''פ לייקווד
Rosh Hashana is on Shabbos and Sunday Sep -19 & 20
-Chatzos: 12:50 pm
-Candle Lighting: 6:41 pm
-Shkiah/ sunset: 6:59 pm
-First day R"H: Sunshine and clouds mixed. High 63F.
-Second day R''H: Mostly sunny skies. High 64F
!רבונו של עולם, חמול על מעשיך
תכלה שנה וקללותיה, תחל שנה וברכותיה
(13 מהפיוט "אחות קטנה" מאת רב אברהם חזן מגירונדי, ספרד, במאה ה-)
Erev Rosh Hashana News Updates Lakewood
-Candle lighting 6:41 Shkia/sunset 6:59 pm
The CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday reversed a recommendation suggesting that people who have had close contact with a person infected with the coronavirus do not need to get tested if they have no symptoms. Experts welcomed the change as consistent with research showing that people without symptoms can spread the virus to others. NYT
- Coastal Flood Advisory from FridayI 8:00 pm until Saturday 2:00 pm
-Store hours NPGS Main st & James open till 4:15pm Jackson 5:00 pm,Bingo 3:30 pm, GG 4pm
-Murphy: Wishing our Jewish communities in New Jersey and around the world a year full of hope and happiness on RoshHashanah as we enter the High Holidays. From our family to yours, L’shana tova!
-Baruch Matir Asurim: R’ Mordechai Yitzchok Samet was released from prison today after 20 years, made possible by the First Step Act signed by president Trump
-Court date set for Renb Osher Eisenman appeal on October 15 please daven for Osher ben Chana Frumet
-Lakewood Bikur cholim arranged a Minyan over R"H for those in Manhattan hospitals near memorial Sloan at the friendship house 434 e 66th.Tekias shofar 2;30 pm & 6:oo pm
-Gabbaim remember to get papers for כורעים
AMI Interview With DR Fauci - Challenges for the Orthodox Community due to Pandemic

By Jake Turx
AMI Magazine- Despite his innumerable media appearances during this pandemic, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist, Dr. Anthony Fauci, isn’t easy to reach. This has been especially true in the weeks following his recent vocal cord surgery, which limited his ability to give interviews. His staffers said that until the doctor’s voice is healed, he will be keeping interviews to a bare minimum, giving consideration to only the most essential requests. The interview I had been promised would have to wait.
I was therefore more than pleasantly surprised a few days ago to receive a call from someone at the Department of Health and Human Services, who informed me that the HHS was looking to communicate with the Orthodox Jewish community about the challenges we face because of the epidemic, especially as we head into another holiday season.
List: Tekias Shofar for Nashim
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Selichos Erev Rosh Hashana 5781
-NKA roberts shul 12;50 am,6:45 am
-To'ameha and Kumzits now with R' Avrohom Mordechai Schwartz, followed by Selichos (starting at 10:00) at Bnos Devora.(LNN)
-SatmarB"MForestavenue 12:50
-Alumnai 12:50
-Chestnnut 12:50 am
-BMG 7th street 12:50 am
-Presidential outdoor tent on Taft 6:45 am
-KolAryeh 5:30 am
-Bais Shabsi 6:30am
-Lutzk 6:50 am , 8:30 am
Minhagim for Erev Rosh Hashana 5781 and Halachos for Shabbos R"H
מעדני הפרשה) ר"ת תשפ"א - אז תמלא שחוק פינו)
החתם סופר בפר' בחוקותי תשפ"א זה אותיות 'אשפת' ומאשפת ירים אביון וקרן ירים לעמו
-Some have a minhag to purchase a new knife on Erev Rosh hashana as a segulah for parnassah. החותך חיים לכל חי
-The minhag is for men to fast on erev Rosh Hashana up to chatzos (12:50 pm in Lakewood)
-Some go to visit kivrei tzadikim on erev Rosh Hashana.
-Minhag is to go to the mikva on erev yom tov.
- This year the bracha on candle lighting for Rosh Hashana is להדליק נר של שבת ושל יום טוב and שהחיינו (some do say Yom Hazikaron)
-Remember to recite all aditions for shabbos during the tefilos
-Maariv: Kabolas shabbos/ Mizmor shir after mincha
The Uniqueness of the Year תשפ"א
This coming year תשפ"א is the most rarest of occurrences. I will give a quick introduction: There is a total of 14 various ways of how the yearly Jewish calendar can be set. 7 of them are regular years, and 7 of them are leap years - 14 in total.
Each of these 14 ways has a 3 letter code. By knowing this code, one can figure out the entire year; exactly what day of the week each Yom Tov will fall out, when Rosh Chodesh will be, whether it's a leap year or not, which Parsha will it be each week, etc, etc.
The code for this coming year is זח"א. I will not bore everyone as to explaining what this code means, but suffice to say that it is arguably the rarest of all 14 methods. The last time this occurred was 20 years ago and the time before that was 44 years ago.
I will list here some of the rare phenomenons which we will be witnessing this coming year:
Shuls set Rules
Thursday Sept 17 News Updates Lakewood
-Chayeinu Elul Hisorerus from HaRav Avrohom Schorr Shlita
Live at 8:30 PM
Call-in: 339-209-6616
Recordings - Chayeinu Hotline: 732-301-4043 Option 6
-HaRav Yechiel Moskowitz Shlita will give a special Shiur on Inyanei Rosh HaShana at 10:30. To join, please call 605-313-5894 PIN# 783618#
-Covid Minyan update: We have been receiving inquiries from people who have symptoms, or have been exposed, or who are infected, or just coming out of the illness. They assume that a 'Covid Minyan' is for people who have Covid like themselves. To the contrary, a 'Covid Minyan' is for people who are trying to protect themselves from catching the illness in the first place.
- 49 new COVID19 cases in Lakewood totals 3226/199 via OCHD
-Excerpt From a letter sent by a Lakewood practice: There is no way to know how many cases of illness there are now, but we do know that cases are present throughout Lakewood and continue to increase on a daily basis. To be sure, the vast majority of these cases have occurred in "low-risk" people, and have been mostly mild, and have ranged from no symptoms at all to moderate illness (which means miserably sick in bed for a while). This week, however, there have been 5 hospitalizations of people in the high-risk category, with four cholim requiring oxygen and one admitted to the ICU. The major source of the spread of the illness during this outbreak was originally Simchos, where many people gather together from all over, with non-immune people in attendance who are not protecting themselves. The illness spreads rapidly in this type of environment. At this point, however, the illness now seems to be spreading everywhere...
- Chabad closes Oholei Torah yeshiva in CH after confirmed cases including at the Lubavitch Yeshiva in Morristown, NJ. T
- Several yeshivos and high schools closed after a few confirmed cases of covid. They will reassess after RH.
-NYS Police shut down the main Satmar shul in Kiyas Yoel stating there was social distancing or mask wearing was not being enforced. Photos posted online of the crowd by selichos made its way to the authorities. Plainly, this is very concerning," Dr. Irina Gelman, Orange County's health commissioner, said Monday after seeing the pictures. Gelman said the Health Department will discuss the gathering with the State Police, as it has done at other times during the COVID-19 pandemic "when incidents such as this have arisen."
- Chasdei Hashem A Lakewood resident returned home today after he was hospitalized with Coronavirus since the first wave hit. He was greeted with singing and dancing at his home.
-Badatz eidah Hacharedis of yerushalayim calls residents to protest on motzei Rosh Hashana against the lock-down imposed by the Israeli govt specificaly diring the yomim tovim to interfere with Releigious observance or Torah and mitzvos specificly during this time, whil the govt let everything else remain open until now.
-Bingo will have kaporos on Tzom Gedalya 2-7 pm for $3.99
-Ukraine tells Breslover chasidim it will not allow them to cross the border. “Ukraine has shut its borders to foreigners, and no exclusions will be made for the Hasidic pilgrims,” “It’s getting colder and we suggest that they come back to Belarus, buy tickets and go home.”. Israeli minister Elkin urged everyone to charter flights and go back to Israel for Rosh Hashana.
-Mashpia Reb Yoel Roth who was in Uman for Rosh Hashana returned from Uman back to Brooklyn yesterday to be with his talmidim who could not make it to Uman for Rosh Hashana
-Food distribution: by Gelbsteins 3:30 pm at Clifton Ave grade school 7 day box for kids 0-5 and 2 day weekend box for 1-18
-Other food vendors hope to start distribution next week
-Hundreds celebrate Mexican Independence dau in Lakewood with no social distancing
- Ocean County freeholder tells the board that Local COVID-19 cases are spiking with 71 in Lakewood out of 121 in the county
Wednesday, September 16, 2020
Headlines: Seminary in Eretz Yisrael Is It worth It?
Headlines podcast
The high cost of attending seminary in Eretz Yisrael
What are the primary reasons to send a girl to seminary?
Should a girl attend seminary for shidduchim reasons?
The fascinating history of Sara Schnerir’s Bais Yaakov and seminaries
Guest Hosted by Aaron Parnes, host of the podcast Chinuch 2.0 - available at chinuchshow.com
* Please take our survey about your experiences at http://seminarysurvey.com ***
with - Rabbi Yoel Kramer - Longtime menahel of Prospect Park Bnos Leah High School - 13:46
with - R’ Shlomo Lewenstein & R’ Tzodek Katz, Noted Shadchanim - 25:59
Wednesday Sept 16 News Updates Lakewood
-The NYS health dept. releases interim guidance for the high holidays and sukkos limiting indoor gatherings to 33% occupancy, calling for social distancing even inside sukkas as outdoor religious events and covering shofar with a mask.
-Due to the pandemic this year the Satmar Rebbe Rav Aron will not be in Williamsburg during Rosh Hashanah as has been for many years.
-Monsey Hatzolah: There has been an uptick B"H its milder than the first wave but still dangerous. Those not feeling well should stay home and the elderly should stay away from crowds. Kids with fever or not feeling well should not go to school/shul
- 66 New Covid cases in Lakewood totals 3177/198 per OCHD
- Eli Rozenberg, 26, Is Reportedly The New Controlling Shareholder of El Al Israeli Airlines (Dans Deals)
-LRRC will receive $351,662 and OHI will receive $147,385 grants to provide free outreach, education and to Assist Uninsured and Underserved New Jerseyans With ACA Health Insurance Enrollment.
- Uploaded podcasts for the yomim Noraim from Reb Gershon Ribner shlita
listen at Rebgershonribner.com
-At least Lakewood 20 police officers will have to quarantine after being exposed to a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 during Friday's funeral for patrolman
Tekias Shofar During a Pandemic
With many people homebound this year communities have set up networks for volunteers to go around and blow shofar in different neighborhoods.
Some shuls will have the baal tokea stand 12 feet away with the shofar pointing outdoors, or to place a cloth or mask over the shofar the OU said in its guidelines this does not appear to alter the sound of the shofar. Others will blow a minimum of 30 kolos
The Agudah moetzes wrote that "the blowing of the shofar should not be changed in any way".
Unfortunately some in the conservative and reform movement have gone to the extreme from hearing the shofar over the internet, playing a pre recorded shofar blast ,a drive thru in the parking lot to eliminating it totally by replacing it with musical instruments sounds of the piano and guitar " to help evoke the emotions that arise from chanting and singing together. (NYT article)
In a meeting with OU Rabbonim the US Surgeon General addressed shofar blowing as it pertains for this year. Blowing the shofar presents a unique challenge as the act by its nature spreads the baal tokea’s respiratory droplets further than the standard six-foot distance. Dr. Adams recommended that the shofar be held a fair distance away from others and also commented on an OU recommendation to cover the shofar’s opening with a cloth covering.
Photo: Staircase For Rosh Hashana
BD"E: Rebbitzen Shulamis (Prager) Keller, a”h.
Hamodia - petirah of Rebbitzen Shulamis (Prager) Keller, a”h.
The Rebbitzen was married to Harav Shlomo Prager, zt”l, a noted talmid chacham and magid shiur in Yeshiva of Eastern Parkway for many years. Several years after his petirah she married Harav Chaim Dov Keller, zt”l, Rosh Yeshiva of Telshe-Chicago.
The Rebbitzen was a Mechaneches par excellence, teaching for many years in Bais Yaakov High School in New York, and served as as the Menaheles of Pupa High School in Williamsburg and Tiferes Bais Yaakov High School of Brooklyn. After her move to Chicago, she founded Bais Yaakov High School of Chicago, which she nurtured into a premier institution for chinuch habanos.
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Photos: Gur Bais Medrash in Yerushalayim Prepares Rosh Hashana
Tuesday Sept 15 News Updates Lakewood
Tonight: Divrei Hisorerus for the Yomim Noraim 8:45 pm
Rav Don Segal
Rav Dovid Cohen
Rav Asher Arieli
Call in 646-726-9977
- 22 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 3111/199
- Yeshiva Darchei Torah of Far Rockaway informed its parents that the Yeshiva will be closed for in-person learning for the next several days. "As a result of our discussions with the Department of Health, we will be closing the Yeshiva for several days while they conduct their investigation of the COVID-19 cases at the Yeshiva".
-Shloshim Hespedim for Harav Chaim Dov Keller zatzal toninght 8:30 pm at Orchos CHaim hall 410 Oberlin Avenue call in # 563-999-1235 Maspidim: Rav Yitzchok Sorotzkin shlita, Rav Shmuel Baddouch shlita, Rav Avrohom Lipschutz shlita, Rav Shmuel Yeshaya Keller shlita
-There are several dozen people participating in a mincha minyan in back of the South Lawn of the white-house following the signing of a peace agreement. (Hamodia)
-UPDATE: If you're traveling to NJ from the following states & territories, you should self-quarantine for 14 days: AL, AK, AR, DE, FL, GA, GU, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MS, MO, MT, NE, NC, ND, OK, PR, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WV, WI
- Up to 2 hour wait at local urgent cares as many test for covid and anti bodies
-1000 people invited to the white house for peace deal signing some locals will be attending
-Humanitarian crisis at Ukrainian border see photos HERE over 200 Breslov Chasidim stuck in no mans land between Belarus and Ukraine as authorities refuse entry. Israeli minister Aryeh Deri pleads with Ukrainian president to allow them in.
-Gelbsteins food box resume this Thursday 7 day box for children 0-5 not receiving from any other provider and a 2 day weekend box for all children 0-18 public or non public.Distribution is at Clifton Ave grade school starting Thursday Sep 17 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
-Planning board meeting for tonight has been cancelled due to no activity scheduled on this evening
-Jared Kushner gave a Sefer Torah to the King of Bahrainas a gift for the peace deal with Israel
- Report by APP Network Atlantic group Lakewood’s businesses, yeshivas and nonprofits qualified for PPP loans between $155.3 million to $374.3 million in PPP loans the third-highest amount among New Jersey municipalities behind Newark (up to a maximum of $567.4 million) and Edison (up to $560.3 million)
Toms River businesses qualified for up to $150.2 million in PPP loans, according to the data,
Much of the PPP funding in Lakewood went toward schools and businesses catering to its booming Orthodox Jewish population.
Beth Medrash Govoha, qualified for $2 million to $5 million in PPP loans, while a separate BMG organization that donates to local nonprofits qualified for $350,000 to $1 million, the loan records show. Thirty-eight different Jewish private schools in Lakewood qualified for PPP loans totaling $14 million to $35.3 million, many within the $150,000 to $350,000 range. The Lakewood Cheder School and the School for Children with Hidden Intelligence each qualified for loans between $2 million and $5 million.
BMG President Rabbi Aaron Kotler said the school faced the possibility of layoffs due to the pandemic, but the PPP loans severely limited the impact to a “small number that didn't have functions and went on furlough."
Updated: List of Outdoor/Covid Minyanim For Yomim Noraim in The Lakewood Area
URGENTLY NEEDED: Sifrei Torah / Baalei Tekeah / Baalei Tefilah for Covid Minyans
Email CovidMinyans@JewishAmerica.com
List of Minyanim compiled by covidminyans@JewishAmerica.com
Monday, September 14, 2020
Selichos Times For This week/ Social Distancing Minyanim
-Lutzk 10:00 pm Maariv Selichos 10:15pm
-Chestnut shul 12:53am
-Khal Birchas Yaakov (R' Ingber's Shul), 422 Martin Luther King, Maariv 10:15, Selichos 10:30 pm
- Berditchev Kloiz 10:00 pm
-Stolin 9:45 Maariv 10:00 pm Slichos
-B"M Tehila Ledovid Pudheitz 65 Havens Ct Oak & Vine Maariv 9:45 pm Selichos 10:00 pm
-(B"M of South Albert minyan for slichos every night at 11:15)
- Minyan Shelanu 10:30 pm
-Alumnai B"M 12:55 am
-BMG ashkenaz/Sefard minyan 12:50 am
-Premishlan 1007 central avenue 12:50 am
Social distancing- covid minyanim for Selichos in Lakewood:
127 E 8th: 10 PM
Selichos outdoor every night at 10pm at the 1000 cul de sac at twin oaks drive in the villas
1426 Heathwood/Pinemere: 7:10 AM
Lakewood Zoning Board Meeting
-Watch Live stream HERE
-See Agenda HERE
During the meeting, you may submit written questions and/or comments via e mail
to the following e-mail address: zoningboardcomments@lakewoodnj.gov You must
Include your name and address in your submission.
Appeal # 4154 – 698 River Avenue, LLC, 698 River Ave, Block 423 Lot 8, HD-7 zone.
subdivision for 32 lots 14 duplexes, a single family, a tot lot, a proposed
multi family building, and a day care. Use variance.
Monday Sept 14 News Updates Lakewood
- Murphy: students and teachers who tested positive all got the coronavirus outside of school and no one they came into contact with in the classroom has contracted COVID-19, “I don’t believe we’re aware of any in-school transmission
- Red Cross bringing food and shelter to stranded Breslov Chasidim at Ukraine/Belarus border
-Minyan Shelanu Fundraiser Donate HERE
- A federal judge declared Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf’s shutdown, Stay at home orders and limitations on businesses as unconstitutional
-Khal Adas yereim Vien Rebbe shlita will be in Lakewood at 3 Renee Court From 7:00-9:30 pm
-Monday: Back to School Shoe Sale at the Esther Gerber Hall, Lakewood 1:00 -8:00 pm
- 12 New Covid19 cases in Lakewood totals 3089/196
-Chayeinu Elul Hisorerus from HaRav Simcha Bunim Cohen Shlita!
Live at 1:25 pm Call-in: 339-209-6616
-Tens of Breslover chasidim are stranded at the Belarus -Ukranian border with soldiers preventing
them from entering Ukraine.
-The Big Bar Mitzva for the boys who turned 13 during covid will take place wednesday September 30th 2 days after Yom Kippur at the Bell Works Center in Holmdel, NJ.
-Teachers Union:LEA on twitter " Lakewood public schools: Board attorney acting as "defacto" superintendent of district in violation of state law"
- Events at Blue Claws over Rosh Hashana A comedy show will take place Friday night the 18th at 8:00 pm and a Food Truck Festival Saturday, September 19th. from 11 am until 7 pm.
-Group calling lakewood rental homes to see if they rent only within the community
-Kosherfest 2020 Postponed Due to COVID: New Dates of Events to be Announced
-Sales of kosher foods for the holidays will rise by at least 15%, say kosher food sources. While they expect a significant increase in the sale of traditional holiday foods, they are particularly expecting robust sales in meat and poultry as well as fish, bakery, and prepared foods (Kosher Today)
Moetzes Kol Korei: Not to change Recitation of Traditional Piyutim or Shofar Blowing

Elul 5780
We find ourselves, both here and in Eretz Yisroel, apprehensive about our fulfillment of the Torah and service to Hashem, and alarmed about our health and financial stability, in the face of challenges not faced for many years. We are faced with the dangers of technology and popular culture’s dilution of our values on the one hand, and the ever-present fear of COVID-19 on the other. Our young children’s schools are closed to a greater or lesser extent, our older children’s schools are operating under significant constraints, and attendance in our shuls is down – of the ones that are still even open. The future is uncertain – may Hashem rescue us from calamitous decrees!
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Moetzes Gedolei Hatorah of Agudas Yisrael In America adds 6 new Members
The new chavrei Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah are: Rabbi Hillel David, Mara D’asra of Kehillas Yeshiva Shaarei Torah; Rabbi Aharon Dovid Goldberg, Rosh HaYeshiva of Telshe Yeshiva Cleveland; Rabbi Shlomo Eliyahu Miller, Rosh Kollel and Av Beis Din of Kollel Avreichim Toronto; Rabbi Yeruchim Olshin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Beis Medrash Govoha; Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin, Rosh HaYeshiva of Mesivta of Lakewood and Telshe; and Rabbi Shimon Yehuda Svei, Rosh HaYeshiva of Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia.
These distinguished gedolim joined the sitting members of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah: Rabbi Elya
JHS: 87th Yartzeit The Life of the Chofetz Chaim: Part IV Personalities & Publications
The Chafetz Chaim influenced the Jewish People in many ways, among them through his Yeshiva in Radin and through the many popular books which he authored. Through his Yeshiva he influenced generations of students, while hiring a staff of Roshei Yeshiva par excellence. Rav Moshe Londinski, Rav Naftali Trop, Rav Yerucham Levovitz, the Chafetz Chaim's own sons in law Rav Hirsh Levinson and Rav Mendel Zaks, to mention a few. Though the Yeshiva experience a bit of downturn with passing of the old generation, the name lived on in other Yeshivas founded to carry his memory.
Letter: Rabbonim, Talmidei Chachomim: Not to lower the Standards of Torah Learning
The primary in our city and the hishtadlus toward that goal is to expand and sustain our Torah life in the most effective way possible. To strengthen our living conditions, including the protection of our health, are all for the purpose of enabling the expansion of Torah, which is כי הם חיינו ואורך ימינו
It is inconceivable to lower the standard of Torah learning which will certainly detract from the goal, as a means of protecting and safeguarding from health related concerns, utilizing the goal as a vehicle to achieve the means. While there is no question that safeguarding ones health is an absolute obligation which may not be taken lightly, the responsibility of the hishtadlus is that the measures taken do not interfere or overstep the bounds of the Torah itself as defined by the earlier generations.
Sunday September 13 News Updates Lakewood
- Crown Heights: Over the past 24 hours there are multiple new cases of COVID both in residents and those from out of town. This represents for the first time since Purim a very worrisome surge in new cases. It is critical that those at risk for serious illness remain protected. It is time to restart outdoor and porch minyanim, to the extent feasible. Particularly for those above age 60 or with underlying health issues (including obesity) - CHinfo
-Oif Simchas:CHasuna:Horowitz - Fogel AteresChana hall 4:00p, - 9:00 pm
- BD"E: Petirah of Rebbitzen Rivka Kahaneman, a”h, the almanah of the Nasi of Ponevezh Yeshiva, Harav Avraham Kahaneman, zt”l. She was 99 years old. She is survived by her son, Harav Eliezer kahaneman, shlita, the present Nasi of Ponevezh, and her daughter Rebbitzen Tziporah Markovitz, wife of the Rosh Yeshiva Harav Shmuel Markovitz, shlita. The levayah is planned for Monday with kevurah in Ponevezh Bais Hachaim in Bnei Brak. (Hamodia)
- Hachnosas Sefer Torah 5 pm at B"M Ruzhin CountyLine rd
- Hachnosas Sefer Torah at Beis Medrash Ohel Shulamit on Spruce Street.
-Tottini kids grand opening at new shopping plaza Avenue of the states across the stadium.
- 7 new Covid cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 3077/195
-Israeli corona Cabinet announces a full countrywide lock-down starting Friday Erev Rosh Hashana 2 pm as virus cases surge It will last 3 weeks through the yomim tovim until erev Simchas Torah. The public will not be allowed to venture more than 500 meters from home and stores, restaurants and all places for recreation and leisure activities will be closed. Shuls will be allowed capacity based on size and entrances with the capsule system up to a maximum of 1000.
Housing Minister MK Yaakov Litzman resigned from the Govt stating that he was for a lock down but pushed for it to start a few weeks ago and the cabinet deliberately waited to do it during the yomim Noraim and Sukkos.
-Admor M' Chernobyl in Lakewood at 664 14th street Maariv 8:30 Kabolas Kahal 10:00 pm
- The ToldosTzvi Spinka Rebbe will also be in Lakewood today Kabolas Kahal 5Pm - 9pm 425 at the Bais Medrash Efraim Fishel 425 15th street
- Hachnosas Sefer Torah with the Spinka Rebbe shlita at Khal Chakal Yitzchok Spinka 615 E Bergen street Lakewood 3:00 pm
-Lakewood had 15 new covid cases Friday, deaths were revised down by 3 total 3070/195
-Last free Sunday to put up sukka next 2 Sundays is RH and erev YK, erev sukkos is Friday
-Moadim Lesimcha distribution at BLue Claws stadium parking lot. call ahead to find order pick up times 732 402 6956
- Learn the melacha of blowing shofar tonight 6 pm at Eizekovitch shul 7th street. Bring your own shofar
-Lunch distribution:
Meoros RL meals will continue starting today 9/13 for childrennot receiving meals elsewhere from school or daycare nust register by email to mrlmeals@gmail.com
-The Lakewood Board of Education will continue the food distribution program this coming week for
those children between the ages of 0 and 5, and are not receiving food from any Lakewood School District Program Distribution will take place every Thursday between 3:30 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. beginning. September 17, 2020. Gelbstein’s will distribute food at Clifton Avenue Grade School every Thursday. (You must write down your Name and Address on a piece of paper, as well as how many meals are needed. Picture ID is needed when picking up meals.)
Saturday, September 12, 2020
סליחות Selichos 5780 Motzei Shabbos, Sunday morning Lakewood, NJ
-Helfgot 10:00 pm watch live HERE
-Yehuda Green Carlebach shul purchase tickets HERE 12:15 am
- Eitan Katz Pre selichos inspiration with 10:00 am HERE
-Whte shul Pre selichos kumzitz with Eli Shweible 10:30 pm HERE divrei hisoirerus Rav Eitan Feiner
Chayeinu pre selichos shmuess 339-209-6616
10:00 pm Rav Chaim aMeir Roth
10:15 Mrs. Schechter for ladies
12:15 am Rav Don Segal shlita
במוצאי מנוחה קדמנוך תחילה

Selichos 1:00 am Yoshon b, Bais Aaron, Bais shmuel,forest
-Kleiman B"M 6:30 am
-Heichal Hachasidus hisvaddus 10:00 pm Slichos 1:00 am
-Bluzhev 43 Broadway 1:00 am
-Mordy's Shteible Kumzitz 11:00 pm with Eli Beer 12:15 Chizuk/selichos
Whispering pines: Selichos 12:50
-Stolin Motzei Shaboos 1:00 am weekdays 9:45 maariv 10:00 pm slichos
-Bais Shabsi 12:50 am
-Ohr Mattisyahu- Shmuz at 12:20. Selichos at 12:45
-Lutzk shiur 12:15 Rav Shmuel Zev Rotkin shlita Slichos 12:45 Sunday morning 8/9
-Hearthstone Selichos 12:50
- Kumzitz with Rav Goldwasser 12:15 at TBY Oak st
- Carlbach Selichos tonight 34 carrinetta starting with Kumzits at 12:00 am
- Toms River Zichron Yechezkel with R' Shulem Lemer 1871 Old Freehold rd 12:45 am
-Minyan Shelanu 12:55
-Bais Medrash Nefesh Chaya Shonny Drive Sichas Musaar 12:30 Slichos 12:55
-Cedarwood hills 12:50
-(The woods 10:30)
-Coventry- mussar 12:30 Selichos 12:50 Sunday m
Friday, September 11, 2020
Lakewood Zmanim עש''ק פרשת נצבים-וילך תש''פ שביעי דנחמתא
-Candle lighting: 6:53 pm
-Shkia/sunset: 7:11 pm
Weather shabbos day:
Sunshine and clouds mixed. High near 70F. Humidity 72%
Letter- Lakewood Roshei Yeshiva and Poskim support Igud Rabbonim on Corona Guidelines
Friday September 11 2020 News Updates Lakewood
-Candle lighting 6:53 pm Shkia/sunset: 7:11 pm
- 32 New covid cases in Lakewood yesterday totals 3055/198 (60 over last 2 days)
Live stream Selichos
-Helfgot 10:00 pm watch live HERE
-Yehuda Green Carlebach shul purchase tickets HERE 12:15 am
- Eitan Katz Pre selichos inspiration with 10:00 am HERE
-BDE: 35 Year old Avreich from Yerucham in E"Y was niftar erev shabbos הרב פנחס אליהו ולדשין ז"ל after catching the virus 6 weeks ago he was hospitalized since rosh chodesh Av leaves 7 yesomim R"L
- 9/11 anniversary Vice President Mike Pence, Joe Biden and NJ Governor Phil Murphy met at the 9/11 memorial in New York City.President Trump went to the site of flight 93 in PA. Yartzeit is on shabbos 23 Elul
-Funeral for LPD officer today at Blue Claws stadium he was killed off duty in a motorcycle accident.
-Lakewood school bus driver taken off the job after refusing to wear mask he questioned the science masking school district officials said here were 13 students on the bus, and none was believed to be in danger as a result of the driver’s failure to wear a mask. NJ.com
-Lakewood Education Association, teachers union "the district’s measures to minimize the spread of the coronavirus have been inadequate, ineffective or defective. “The buildings are not being cleaned between classes, after meals, or after school,”The high-touch areas are very dirty. Some of the plexiglass is sharp and not installed properly so it poses a danger. There are still crowded classrooms even though the district claims they are reducing class sizes.”
-Uman in America Rosh Hshana program at camping site
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Oif Simchas Lakewood כ''א אלול תש''פ
Samet - Zinger Lake Terrace
Deutsch - Zweiback Ateres Reva
Luftig - Gestetner KMY
Schwartz - Stein Ne'emas Hachaim
At The Sadigura Yerushalayim Bar Mitzvah
Thursday September 10 News Updates Lakewood
-A group of 15 lakewood doctors are calling for universal masking in every shul over the yomim noraim and everyone must wear a mask over the mouth and nose at all times while in the building including chazzonim with the exception if they had covid 19 or antibodies in the past. The baal Tokea should only be chosen if he had covid 19 or anti bodies.
The letter reads "covid-19 disease is spreading rapidly and extensively in Lakewood in the last 1-2 weeks. There are hundreds of cases now..
It does not help for only the high-risk individuals to mask, because we are all aware that the mask protects your neighbor far more than it protects you yourself We all need each other to mask so all are protected.
We urge especially all elderly high risk individuals who have not had clear covid-19 illness and/or antibodies to absolutely avoid any indoor minyan without universal masking and adequate social distancing. They should find an outdoor minyan or Daven at home.
The letter is signed by Dr. Shanik, Dr Cohen, Dr Ogun. Dr. Lempel Dr. Kaweblum Dr. Gittelman Dr. Indich Dr. Shoner Dr. Zamel Dr. Roth Dr. Greenberg and others
- The Israeli Coronavirus Cabinet decided to institute a full lockdown over the entire State beginning right before Rosh Hashannah to Erev Sukkos. The decision will be brought to the government for final approval on Sunday.
- 28 new covid cases in Lakewood totals 3023/198
- New Jersey has 507 new positive cases, 5 new confirmed COVID-19 deaths 4 occurred in September.
-Gov Murphy has ordered that all flags be flown at half-staff at all state buildings and facilities tomorrow, to remember the victims of September 11, 2020. The Yartzeit is this shabbos 23 Elul
-Selichos Keminhag Morocco this sunday Morning 7:00 am Esther Gerber hall
- Department Store Century 21 Files Bankruptcy, Will Shut Down all 13 stores in the East coast.
-Murphy told CNN that more lives could have been saved had New Jersey known that President Trump, as he admitted in a book by Bob Woodward, made the decision to play down the virus during the early stages of the outbreak.
-Manhattan rental market plunges, leaving 15,000 empty apartments in August.
-Letter by Harav Eliyohu Levin shlita and other Rabbonim and Talmidei Chachomim stress the importance and duty of care for health and safety and should not be underestimated, but that the effort must be to find precautions that will not interfere with the Torah. It is impossible to lower the level of Torah study which is a ikur A definite, Ki Heim Chayeinu over chashash.
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
Oif Simchas/Events Lakewood כ' אלול תש''פ
Singer - Kamin Bais Faiga
Werner - Shoshana Fountain Ballroom
Perlstein - Lock KMY/Cheder
Lunczer - Feinzeig Ne'emas Hachaim Hall
-Vort: Hachosson Yehuda Dov Kugielsky to Hakallah Tzivie Dowek bas R' Reuvain
Ohr Tuvia, 969 East End Ave 7:45 pm
Wednesday Sept 9 News Updates Lakewood
-Baltimore: Cases of COVID-19 in our community are still occurring at a higher rate than what was seen during June and July. Most were contracted through travel and contact with visitors. However, there still seems to be limited spread within the community, baruch Hashem.
Letter from Community Health Professionals: Preventing Widespread Infection Must Be A Priority Here
-BD"E: Petira of Rebbitzen Hana Kaminsky, a”h, wife of ybl”c Harav Hershel Kaminsky, shlita of Mirrer Yeshiva and daughter of Harav Shmuel Berenbaum, zt”l. Levaya took place earlier today in Boro Park Kevurah in Eretz Yisrael.
- 9 new covid cased in Lakewood totals 2995/198
-With nightly curfew in Eretz Yisrael frum communities, some shuls will be saying selichos Sunday morning instead of Motzei Shabbos
-Lakewood planning board approved a 138 room courtyard by Marriott hotel to be built by at the corner of Pine street and New Hampshire avenue. The fscility will have a pool and a large dining area. 193 parking spaces are provided and theere will be an additional right turning lane from New Hampshire to Pine street
-Breslover Chasidim launch a campaign pleading directly to president Trump with a message " President Trump you are going to love Rabbi Nachman" Give us hope and a supporting handto help with the opening of the locked gates of Uman:
- LIC- Lakewood Industrial Commission virtual Meeting this morning 11:30 am
Agenda Here Live stream HERE
-Observations sent in a Letter by a local practice
There is no clear evidence that this virus is weaker, only that the numbers of people who are infected are fewer and the high risk individuals are protecting themselves much better than in the Spring, thus leading to rare hospitalizations and no deaths as yet, B"H. This could all change very rapidly if the proper precautions are not taken. There are still huge numbers of deaths daily throughout the U.S.A. from COVID-19.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
NJ Earthquake Near Freehold felt in Lakewood
People report being woken out of bed. Some jolts were felt by residents in Lakewood for about 5 seconds. People in Manalapan, Marlboro and surrounding area said on Twitter they heard a rumble sound shaking the building or the house rattling for a few seconds, it was reportedly felt in NYC as well. Manalapan Police Dept "According to early reports an earthquake was felt in the area. We are aware of the incident and here to respond for our residents".
Oif Simchas Lakewood י''ט אלול תש''פ
Shnitzer - Haskell Ateres Reva
Avruch - Abaei Masoras Avos
Adler - Cohen Bais Faiga
Friedman - Katz Ne'emas Hachaim
Gelfand - Nebenzahl KMY/ Cheder
Yarmush - Bernfeld Fountain Ballroom
Engagements: courtesy of Vivaser
Lakewood Planning Board
The Lakewood Municipal Building Remains Closed to the Public
Until now The only way for the public to comment is via email. The planning board has now added the option to join via audio and video capabilities. (see directions HERE) also an option to join the live meetings using audio capabilities for verbal public comment, dial 1-408-418-9388. When asked for the meeting number, enter 798 023 744. a. PHONE ONLY once all chat requests are complete the
Tuesday September 8 News Updates Lakewood
-Hachnosas sefer Torah 5:00pm from 409 14th street to Toldos Mordechai Viznnitz B"M 1501 Clifton Avenue
- 6 new cases in Lakewood totals 2986/198
Jackson 1008/72 Toms River 1987/164
-NJ 284 new cases and 5 deaths from 2 months ago
-Murphy announces online voter registration website is live now here
-LDC public meeting 4:30 pm
Live stream Here
Agenda Here
-Wawa is offering all teachers, faculty members, and school administrators free coffee and fountain drinks of any size, to show appreciation for the teachers and faculty the offer runs until Sept 30
-The NJ rate of transmission increased to 1.09 on Monday Any number over 1 indicates that each new case is leading to at least one additional case and the outbreak is expanding.
-Selichos at the Carlebach shul with Yehuda Green will take place at Oheb Zedek at 12:15 am
Indoor tickets available space is limited Social distancing will be enforced. Masks required!
General admission: $100. This event will be livestreamed. For $18 viewing tickets Here
-Selichos at Park Est Synagogue this year is in person Members Only Abridged Selichos service with Chief Cantor Yitzchak Meir Helfgo,t the Park East Synagogue Choir will not be in attendance. Stream Here
-Missionary material mailed again to Lakewood residents
-Lakewood Middle School is Open starting today, including the 8 new modular classrooms.
BOE Special Meeting Public - Live Stream 8:00 pm
-Israel Breaks Daily Record Yet Again With 3,392 New Cases; Curfew to Begin Tuesday Night
- Free lunch program from Pizza on wheels for playgroups or schools must have minimum 75 children for order. You can join with other groups$10 delivery
-The Israeli Health Ministry on Tuesday morning said that a new record was set, with the number of new coronavirus cases confirmed on Monday at 3,392. While the number of new cases…